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Everything posted by drgnkght

  1. There is a different block for the writable storage now. Have to decide which you want when you craft it.
  2. Huh, that's good to know. I can stop repairing my vehicles so often. Speaking of vulture behaviors, is it normal for vultures to continue attacking vehicles after you disembark? Had one the other day that seemed to have a serious grudge against my motorcycle. Never seen that before.
  3. If you're on/in a vehicle, I think they attack based on the vehicle's health, not yours.
  4. The garage over the bunker is also my personal favorite POI to convert to a base. Don't even need to clear the POI first. Nothing spawns in the garage itself. The base of garage is cement, so earlier game is pretty safe. Just cut the bridge and stairs and you're basically set.
  5. If you create a mod with the following biomes.xml file in the Config folder, it will "fix" the sky in the wasteland. (Basically, it swaps out the wasteland sky for the pine forest sky. But be aware it does this regardless of if you are flying... and it doesn't really feel right.) <config> <setattribute xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/spectrum" name="name">pine_forest</setattribute> </config>
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