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Posts posted by marshall7788

  1. Hello, I am just wondering if zombies force despawn on server restart at all? I got into a bit of a sticky situation, i let the server owner know and he restarted the server hoping that the zombies will force despawn. What is the chance of that happening?


    EDIT: Just realized i posted in the wrong section, moderator or admin, feel free to delete, i'm sorry.

  2. Hello everyone, i upgraded my RAM a few months ago but recently i seem to be getting issues disconnecting. at first my friend was hosting the game but now i believe he is renting the server. now i seem to be getting the issue even when he's renting, the error i get is: netLiteLibDisconnectReason_NetworkUnreachable.

    I have verified my files, i have not tried it since but i will try tomorrow and post an update. 🙂

  3. Hello everyone, i upgraded my RAM a few months ago but recently i seem to be getting issues disconnecting. at first my friend was hosting the game but now i believe he is renting the server. now i seem to be getting the issue even when he's renting, the error i get is: netLiteLibDisconnectReason_NetworkUnreachable.

    I have verified my files, i have not tried it since but i will try tomorrow and post an update. 🙂

  4. I’ve got more RAM just need to put it in now when I get chance to.

    On 9/26/2023 at 7:54 PM, Riamus said:

    If the day changed in the game and you stopped getting that error, there is a good chance that there is a custom POI that is the same tier as you are on in quests that isn't set up correctly as a quest POI.

    I haven’t got the error since the last played it with my two friends which I’m grateful for.


    14 hours ago, Pichii said:

    Null Ref means one of 3 things.
    1. You need to validate your files.
    2. The server bugged on generation and there is not an instance set to a random object (This means no code is attatched to x object) and these can be ignored unless you "SEE" a bug caused from it.
    3. A bug from a mod.
    3. Reloading into the world can sometimes help too.

    I ignore these. They are super common. ( I play on 10k maps)

    Thank you got for the information, I’ll be sure to keep these in mind next time I get it when playing with them.

  5. Hello everyone,

    yesterday i was playing 7 days to die with two friends, everything was going fine until when i talked to the trader.

    I ended up getting the error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    hopefully someone will be able to help me.

    i'll post my log file.

    just to be clear as well though, the server is on my friends PC.

    7 days to die error log 2023

    Edit: the map is 6k

    Edit: if possible is it recommended for me to get more RAM?

    Last edit: joined my friends about an hour ago and i have not received the error again at all.

    anyone who is a moderator is more than welcome to close this thread. 😄 

  6. 16 hours ago, Beelzybub said:


    Each game has it's own folder in the \Saves directory.

    Each save has a "player" folder in the save.

    Players are identified by an EOS number.

    Each player has 3 files, a .ttp, .ttp.bak, and .map.




    12 hours ago, Star69 said:

    Oh and in the log file, it should identify your player name and its EOS number.

    Is that it there where it says playerID?


  7. 39 minutes ago, Star69 said:

    Your player profile looks corrupted. Bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab then go clean. Put a check in the box for Player Profile and press Clean. Now when you join your game, it should work but you will be at Level one. Use the giveselfxp command to get your levels back and use the creative menu to get your inventory back.

    I can't do that at all as it's not my world, it's my friends. i could ask him to do it for me but would it affect his character?

  8. Last weekend i managed to join my friends server and i had no issues at all. This weekend they played today and i tried joining, his other friend had no issue neither did the host himself, it was only this saturday i've started having issues. i've tried deleting the files ands verifying them and using the game launcher tool to clean all the files. I had a look on reddit today as i was trying to find a fix and someone said this: 



    here is the log as well:



    I also tried increasing my virtual memory but that hasn't worked, i'm not sure if the folder suggestion could be a fix for it or the .Net and .NetFramework could be a fix as well.

    I hope someone can help me fix this.

  9. I’ve tried all of everything above as well and I’m still getting the same error. I’m not sure if it’s unity's side or something else. I did look on Reddit and someone said it a generic problem of unity's.

    i hope someone has found a fix.

    the most weirdest part is, last weekend it was working fine and since I didn’t touch the game until today when I was trying to join my friends server. It’s a 6k world as well he’s using but as I said last week I managed to join him fine. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Based on your log file, the game is looking for assets and not finding them.  Does this problem occur both when trying to play the game through a server and also when you try to play it SP on your home computer?  Khaine has mentioned a few times about checking both situations to ensure everything is loading properly.

    I’m not familiar with mods at all especially stuff like this but I’d agree with @BFT2020.

    Me and @Beelzybubhave been speaking the last few days and he even said that 19.6 messed up DF and I guess some of our issues can be fixed but at the moment mine can’t. The people on here will do their best to help you and help you to try and solve it.

  11. 3 hours ago, marshall7788 said:

    Hi everyone,

    my friend is getting an error launching his server so me and his other friend can play with him.

    this is the error he's getting:

    "the error I'm getting is argumentexceptions
    ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary."


    i hope someone can help.


    thank you to anyone in advance.

    i dont know how to edit the first post but @KhaineGBhelped me solve the issue.

  12. Hi everyone,

    my friend is getting an error launching his server so me and his other friend can play with him.

    this is the error he's getting:

    "the error I'm getting is argumentexceptions
    ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary."


    i hope someone can help.


    thank you to anyone in advance.

  13. 7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Just pushed a fix for it. Something was broken in sphereii-core.

    Which is annoying because it worked FINE in b7.

    I wish TFP wouldn't just push a build without putting it in experimental first so I can catch and fix stuff like this.

    Do we need to reinstall DF or does it update itself?

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