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About MarelisCz

  • Birthday 12/12/1973

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  • Location
    Czech Reppublic

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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Hi, KingGen is great, but it's a shame it doesn't support the War3zuk mod. Could you create support for this mod ? https://7daystodiemods.com/war3zuk-aio-overhaul/ It would be amazing to combine such exceptional tools into one ! Thanks, ML
  2. Hi,

    KingGen is great, but it's a shame it doesn't support the War3zuk mod.

    Could you create support for this mod ?


    It would be amazing to combine such exceptional tools into one !



  3. Hi, thank you for the help, all the vehicles hid in the storage and after deleting the vehicles.dat, with the server turned off, the duplicated vehicles outside disappeared. Great 🙂 The server runs on an SSD disk under OS linux xubuntu 20.04, so without antivirus. Two of the friends who play on that server have problems with their internet connection, it may be related to that ... Next time I'll use pastebin for a log. Thank you and have a nice day
  4. Hi, I have a small Linux server at home, running a dedicated server for several friends. Recently, vehicles have been relocated during the game and after the server has been restarted. There are some warnings in the log. Can you advise me what to do with it? Thanks. ---8<---
  5. Hi, I had the same problem on a server under Linux, this command in the console helped: sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
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