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Everything posted by x1990905

  1. oh i fix it , but it didn't work 2021-06-07T22:23:06 277.638 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: JoinMultiplayer, position: -716, 95, -3531): EntityID=1768, PlayerID='76561198103412276', OwnerID='76561198103412276', PlayerName='YeeLin' 2021-06-07T22:23:06 277.687 INF Party of 1, game stage 247, enemy max 900, bonus every 1000 2021-06-07T22:23:06 277.687 INF Party members: 2021-06-07T22:23:06 277.687 INF Player id 1768, gameStage 247 2021-06-07T22:23:10 282.355 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 1, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 1, legendaryZombieUtilityWorkerBM, loot 0.3, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:27 2021-06-07T22:23:12 284.451 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 2, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 2, zombieSoldierRadiatedBM, loot 0.3, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:28 2021-06-07T22:23:13 285.409 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 3, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 3, zombieMaleHazmatRadiatedBM, loot 0.3, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:28 2021-06-07T22:23:14 286.509 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 4, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 4, zombieArleneRadiatedBM, loot 0.3, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:28 2021-06-07T22:23:16 287.703 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 5, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 5, zombieYoFeralBM, loot 0.25, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:28 2021-06-07T22:23:16 288.423 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 6, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 6, legendaryZombieUtilityWorkerBM, loot 0.3, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:29 2021-06-07T22:23:18 289.888 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 7, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 7, zombieStripperFeralBM, loot 0.25, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:29 2021-06-07T22:23:19 290.747 INF BloodMoonParty: SpawnZombie grp 0 BMHordeGS240 (count 8, numToSpawn 125, maxAlive 60), cnt 8, zombieSnowFeralBM, loot 0.25, at player 1768, day/time 43 23:29 server windows show last command and it LAG. it's to much zombie?
  2. server config was correct setting for the bloodmoon <!-- Difficulty --> <property name="GameDifficulty" value="2"/> <!-- 0 - 5, 0=easiest, 5=hardest --> <property name="BlockDamagePlayer" value="100" /> <!-- How much damage do players to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) --> <property name="BlockDamageAI" value="100" /> <!-- How much damage do AIs to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) --> <property name="BlockDamageAIBM" value="100" /> <!-- How much damage do AIs during blood moons to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) --> <property name="XPMultiplier" value="300" /> <!-- XP gain multiplier (percentage in whole numbers) --> <property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel" value="5" /> <!-- If a player is less or equal this level he will create a safe zone (no enemies) when spawned --> <property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours" value="5" /> <!-- Hours in world time this safe zone exists --> <!-- --> <property name="BuildCreate" value="false" /> <!-- cheat mode on/off --> <property name="DayNightLength" value="90" /> <!-- real time minutes per in game day: 60 minutes --> <property name="DayLightLength" value="18" /> <!-- in game hours the sun shines per day: 18 hours day light per in game day --> <property name="DropOnDeath" value="1" /> <!-- 0 = nothing, 1 = everything, 2 = toolbelt only, 3 = backpack only, 4 = delete all --> <property name="DropOnQuit" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = nothing, 1 = everything, 2 = toolbelt only, 3 = backpack only --> <property name="BedrollDeadZoneSize" value="15" /> <!-- Size (box "radius", so a box with 2 times the given value for each side's length) of bedroll deadzone, no zombies will spawn inside this area, and any cleared sleeper volumes that touch a bedroll deadzone will not spawn after they've been cleared. --> <property name="BedrollExpiryTime" value="45" /> <!-- Number of days a bedroll stays active after owner was last online --> <!-- Performance related --> <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies" value="64" /> <!-- This setting covers the entire map. There can only be this many zombies on the entire map at one time. Changing this setting has a huge impact on performance. --> <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals" value="50" /> <!-- If your server has a large number of players you can increase this limit to add more wildlife. Animals don't consume as much CPU as zombies. NOTE: That this doesn't cause more animals to spawn arbitrarily: The biome spawning system only spawns a certain number of animals in a given area, but if you have lots of players that are all spread out then you may be hitting the limit and can increase it. --> <property name="ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance" value="12" /> <!-- Max viewdistance a client may request (6 - 12). High impact on memory usage and performance. --> <!-- Zombie settings --> <property name="EnemySpawnMode" value="true" /> <!-- Enable/Disable enemy spawning --> <property name="EnemyDifficulty" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = Normal, 1 = Feral --> <property name="ZombieMove" value="0" /> <!-- 0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) --> <property name="ZombieMoveNight" value="2" /> <!-- 0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) --> <property name="ZombieFeralMove" value="3" /> <!-- 0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) --> <property name="ZombieBMMove" value="3" /> <!-- 0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) --> <property name="BloodMoonFrequency" value="7" /> <!-- What frequency (in days) should a blood moon take place. Set to "0" for no blood moons --> <property name="BloodMoonRange" value="0" /> <!-- How many days can the actual blood moon day randomly deviate from the above setting. Setting this to 0 makes blood moons happen exactly each Nth day as specified in BloodMoonFrequency --> <property name="BloodMoonWarning" value="" /> <!-- The Hour number that the red day number begins on a blood moon day. Setting this to -1 makes the red never show. --> <property name="BloodMoonEnemyCount" value="3" /> <!-- This is the number of zombies that can be alive (spawned at the same time) at any time PER PLAYER during a blood moon horde, however, MaxSpawnedZombies overrides this number in multiplayer games. Also note that your game stage sets the max number of zombies PER PARTY. Low game stage values can result in lower number of zombies than the BloodMoonEnemyCount setting. Changing this setting has a huge impact on performance. --> <!-- Loot --> <property name="LootAbundance" value="100" /> <!-- percentage in whole numbers --> <property name="LootRespawnDays" value="30" /> <!-- days in whole numbers --> <property name="AirDropFrequency" value="72"/> <!-- How often airdrop occur in game-hours, 0 == never --> <property name="AirDropMarker" value="true"/> <!-- Sets if a marker is added to map/compass for air drops. --> <!-- Multiplayer --> <property name="PartySharedKillRange" value="1000"/> <!-- The distance you must be within to receive party shared kill xp and quest party kill objective credit. --> <property name="PlayerKillingMode" value="2" /> <!-- Player Killing Settings (0 = No Killing, 1 = Kill Allies Only, 2 = Kill Strangers Only, 3 = Kill Everyone) --> <!-- Land claim options --> <property name="LandClaimCount" value="1"/> <!-- Maximum allowed land claims per player. --> <property name="LandClaimSize" value="41"/> <!-- Size in blocks that is protected by a keystone --> <property name="LandClaimDeadZone" value="30"/> <!-- Keystones must be this many blocks apart (unless you are friends with the other player) --> <property name="LandClaimExpiryTime" value="7"/> <!-- The number of days a player can be offline before their claims expire and are no longer protected --> <property name="LandClaimDecayMode" value="0"/> <!-- Controls how offline players land claims decay. 0=Slow (Linear) , 1=Fast (Exponential), 2=None (Full protection until claim is expired). --> <property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier" value="4"/> <!-- How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is online. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 4x --> <property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier" value="4"/> <!-- How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is offline. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 4x --> <property name="LandClaimOfflineDelay" value="0"/> <!-- The number of minutes after a player logs out that the land claim area hardness transitions from online to offline. Default is 0 --> it doesn't work...
  3. Hello , I playing DF for A19.4 version , and i play with my friend use dedicated server , but when blood moon coming , server was very LAG ,zombies doesn't move and server can't shutdown , maybe timeout . can i get some help plz? ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 1300 My computer is equipped with : AMD R5-3600 RAM 32G GPU RTX2070 SUPER server install in SSD PS:my English not very well , sorry for the grammar problem
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