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  1. I hope this day see's you well and in fine form, apologies for such a delayed response on this! Where to begin, hmm. = P Your ears may be have been burning over the weekend, as at this end of the internet you were mentioned so many many times. (Embarrassingly so when family members who don't even play this were dragged to the pc with a 'what even?' look on their faces, lol!) I see that invisible fishing block can be damaged/removed quite easily. = ) As I worked away today I was picturing varietys already of a waterfront home. On the flip side.. Thank you for being such a cool mod author, for taking suggestions and making it happen. For not taking my feedback scathingly. For me the immersion now is 100%, I will stop wondering why the zombies who eat flesh somehow scared away all the fish, and shall enjoy the chance of getting a bite to finally reel in a fish if I'm quick enough. Should you ever take donations, send me a message so I can please. Many big hugs, Cinna
  2. Yes!!! That works great! Love it. = ) Could we possibly for the creative menu have a copy of 'fishable water ready' block, without the fish school/buff icon. Basically an invisible block with the water properties buff on it, to put on fishing piers too. (Which would be removeable by removing the block below and letting it fall and break like any block in the air), so we could fish from piers as well. Yes, I did place directly a few of those without the helper to see, among..other tests. = P
  3. I used a paid dedicated host. I do see what you mean by being the non-host in this situation as I just uploaded all the mods to the dedicated again (I've been really playing it in sp for weeks now) Even with low latency as the dedicated server is located in my country, the fishing was really out of synch. I tend to binge play this game, and as the dedicated server strangely errors/will not read one of the asset bundles from a mod I added (yet it works fine non dedicated/sp) I think I will be going back to being the host. = P As I'm the fisher, whatever you come up with won't affect me, I do sincerely hope for block removal/arcade feel removal, just the ability to fish. Though I wouldn't gimp myself fishing in terrain on a rainy day. Building a fishing shack, having a place to go to/relax and still have it be worthwhile by fishing/making food (And especially the additional recipes). adds in another layer of awesome to the game. = )
  4. Firstly, Thank you for the detailed response. The 'fishing location' can be tossed out anywhere as well though. For example in the picture below, fishing from a picnic table and a fish caught. I fully agree on that, personally that and lack of fishing rod in hand was the greatest immersion breaking factor of it. If I understand correct, without a water check being possible now, just wetness, people will always be able to gimp this, that's on them if they want to cheat their game I guess. With that in mind if you're going to reapply the textures in various colours on the rod so it's distinguishable, a placeable fishing rack block displaying different coloured fishing poles would be great as a storage container specifically for the extra rods. I think I see how to change it to be useable anywhere without the block/buff.
  5. This deserves more feedback, I've been meaning to get around to responding. 😃 Not a lover of the 'arcade style' floating fishing rod icon 'stand here' thing, or the popups/text. What would be nice... =P 1.The standard fishing pole, fishable in any water without the need for placing a 'fishing location block'/standing in one spot. (Like MeanCloud has the fishing rod in his) - This would catch the generic fish 2. Low onscreen prompts 'You have a bite!' (Not the F to reel/thing at end of fishing rod) and the 'Caught!' low onscreen as well. (Like where the 'You cannot use this at this time' sits. -Into the bounds of 'maybe not possible now- 3. Instead of the white 'Fishing' placeholder block that vanishes, a bag of craftable berley as its model which of course would dissapear when the fish then appear 😃 I'm not sure if item mods can give a buff, but if so, having a single mod slot in the fishing rod, to put 'lures' into, the lure buff matched with the buff of the berley type we crafted (if it's possible to change the 'fishable water' buff thing to be fishable only by having the mod lure buff). Multiple fishing location blocks disguised as berley bags, that we craft when wanting certain types of fish schools, matching our lure to it. This is by no means meant to be a scathing reply, the fishing rod itself fits great. I just enjoy immersion and things matching the style of the game. =P Kind regards and many hugs just for being able to wield and visually see a fishing rod infront of my character, Cinna
  6. The fireworks with the sound also playing are amazing.
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