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Everything posted by Spidey2832

  1. Anything but learn by reading/looting. We already did it once years ago and it SUUUUUCKED and now for some inconceivable reason it was brought back (improved a bit admittedly) and now it just sucks. I said it in the development thread like a year ago when I heard the news. Massive step backwards. I think learn by looting can be a part (small) of progression. But being the primary means is the absolute worst option. Id rather go back to spam crafting stone axes. I understand this was also an attempt to get people to move about the map and explore which is fine I guess but theres like a bunch of other features that have been asked for or promised long long long ago (cough cough raiders cough cough) that continually get de-prioritized for art and redoing systems that maybe weren't perfect but were fine. Things like NPC communities, raider, quests that are more than just go 500m away and fight some zombies over and over. Make the long distance trader quests more appealing to take on. There's a multitude of ways instead of repeating a mistake from the past and also simultaneously ruining progression for folks in a group who are the "home body". Hoping Darkness Falls and other mods can once again fix the mess.
  2. I'll still check it out as I have every alpha hit or miss since 7 or so and I don't expect folks to agree here with me, but massive miss on this alpha. MASSIVE. Returning water flowing and increased car damage were the only positives I got out of it. Baffling, terrible choices. Not only are we not advancing in most areas we are going backwards to less diverse systems, limiting user choices, and causing additional grind. Also here for the annual bandit rug pull!
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