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  1. Thanks for the replies, "Gamida" yes that is exactly what I am talking about! But I have been trying to find its name to see if there are any mods around as my server needs it, thanks again guys have a lovely weekend!.
  2. The idea behind the wall or whatever its called is to prevent players making huge holes around the world which I were told can cause lots of lag? thanks for the replies.
  3. Trying to find the name for the mod or how to create the wall like area that prevents some players from building massive holes in the world for resources? ive previously been on servers where there is a wall type thing and on it had rock, sand, iron etc but I cant remember its name if anyone can help please?
  4. Hello everyone, I have been on a server for a month or so which had the golden feathers on plus the ability to loot zeds which was fantastic, The server was wiped the other day as it got to day 660 and they havent added the same map on or mods, ive tried asking the admin but they dont want to know and wont talk about it? So I wondered if anyone know what mod/world/map these two are on please? the golden feather is what you collect and then get two options to craft creates one at 50 feathers I think and the other at 250 and inside them is great loot. Many thanks.
  5. Hello everyone, I am trying to find the mod/map which has the large chinatown and other great towns on but also has the Vulture Friend (You jump very high or long) mod please? I think it was/is called "Fright Night PvE" but that version was for A19 and I cant find it for the latest Version although I have been playing on a server recently with it but they wiped it after 600 days and went stock...thanks.
  6. Hello everyone, could I kindly ask how you upgrade this "Grass B Gone" cutter as I have seen level 5s before but never knew how to upgrade them? thanks.
  7. Hello everyone. I have a pay monthy server (60+ slots) and really wanted to find out how I can make reset zones so it prevents players from building in certain areas or allows them to build in other areas with green or red onscreen text saying simply "You have entered the Green zone, You can build here" etc. Is there a mod or something in the dev section? Many thanks.
  8. My apologies for taking so long to get back to you guys, I didnt get a notification that anyone had replied tbh? THANK YOU so much for all the input! I also agree fully with 'N3150' in that they shouldnt be charging people for upgrades? its like Sub letting a flat? I wonder if the FUN PIMPS know about it? I will look at the links you have kindly left for me, Thank you once again.
  9. Hello everyone, I am thinking of getting a dedicated server going again (Pay monthly) and dont want a stock map anymore and fancy something modded, I have for the past month played on the Chinese/Asian servers and they are incredibly modded compared to anything else, does anyone know where they get their mods from or how I can find them in English please for my server? Thanks.
  10. Sorry guys, I turned off the Occlusion as well and that did nothing, in the end I verified my files and that didn't work so we uninstalled-reinstalled and that worked but why?
  11. Hi guys I hope I am in the correct area? I am on 7d2d on my server (pay monthly) and I was making my base and sneezed, when I looked at the screen i'd pressed the right mouse button three times in doing so laid three indestructible blocks and its ruined my base? I heard you can go in the XML file to reduce the value of them to be able to destroy the wrong placed ones, can anyone kindly let me know where this XML file is please and what would the blocks be named under please? Many thanks.
  12. Hi thanks and apologies for the lack of info. We have War3UK mod running on 19.6 via a paid server. we have both verified our files and it still seems to be doing it? In fact I have just uninstalled-reinstalled the game and waiting for it to finish. Thanks again.
  13. Hi guys, I am renting a server and I am having the same issue, When I go towards "ANY" building they simply disappear and I have looked all over online and fudged my settings to low or med with Occlusions and anti aliasing off and still it keeps happening? Can anyone suggest anything please?
  14. Sorry for the delay guys and THANKYOU so much for the posts and info/help, I have figured it out and this might be very useful to some, I was going in the game via the Launcher and then pressing ESC and then ticking the boxes on the right which inc GOD MODE, Thats where my issues started as that GOD MODE seems to be differernt to the one if you press Q? As I started to read the posts above I read "RANGER & QAs" reply and I noticed that my character was crying out for food and I had a red food/hunger icon on the left of my screen, once I clicked on the Q the woman I was playing stopped groaning and the red hunger icon disappeared... So its basically use the god mode via the Q key on your KB rather than ticking the boxes on the right... A BIIIIIG thank you guys!!
  15. Hi, thanks for the relpy. I did forget to mention ive achieved level 300,read all the books and also got all the XP skills ticked but having to eat tons of Gumbo Stew which is hardly helping tbh? Many thanks for the suggestions.
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