Hi Arramus,
Thank you for your help. So my understanding is that:
A) I will start off by using 'entitygroups_only_horde_night_version (rename to entitygroups and place on Config)
B) I will then change every-line to <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='feralHordeStageGSXXX']"><entity name="zombieCowhead" prob="0.1"/><entity name="ZombieBomber" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieScarecrow" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieMotorhead" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieScorcher" prob="0.15"/></append>
C) Where XXX will be the increasing game stages
Is that correct?
And if so, I have a general question, the game stages seem to be increasing at odd amounts... is that fine that it's not a line entry every single GS value? (e.g. 100,101,102,103, etc)... what happens when the game stage falls between any two of specifically identified ones in the entity groups file?