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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Quick question: Are there any stackable permanent attribute upgrades? Even if it is just late end game or Tier 5+ POIs... or are we limited to only +1 permanent increase per attribute through the minifigures?
  2. Curious - when generating a map, do I have to add the prefab folder contents (from your mod and the Score mods) and place them in the default prefabs folder? Or will the mapgen search all mods/prefabs and use your prefab from the mods path?
  3. Ok thanks! Because I'm going to begin physically itching soon until I get it lol
  4. You rock. I have played almost every major overhaul Mod, and yours by far is the best for me and my crew (6 of us total). We keep going back to it.
  5. Hi - I assume that Alpha 21 Wasteland mod is still undergoing update and such and that we'll hear about it here? Thanks
  6. Yup - it was increasing the spawns in the gamestages file. The PoIs dont like the increased raider/mutant spawns and therefore spawn none. Thanks all
  7. Very cool and thank you. I wonder if it has something to do with a simple edit to the gamestages files: I edited the gamestages files with a minimal change (and only realised this recently, sorry). I doubled the values of the sleeper spawns (num="1" and maxalive="1" were changed to 2). I dont know enough about the base game, but is it possible there is a conflict to the game trying to spawn "too many" mobs/mutants in this case? It isn't 100% reproducible so I'll keep trying to narrow down the scenario.
  8. Quick and perhaps noobish question: I've been testing out A20 wasteland locally - getting a lot of issues with those null reference exception errors when I check out the specific Wasteland Mod POIs. It seems to be issues with spawning the wasteland NPCs.... Is this a mod thing or a general game thing? For example, I'll go the Remenant_wasteland poi, the consol will come up and scroll 7-15 errors instead of spawning actually super mutants. However, I'll notice that the animals were spawned fine (snakes, wolves, vultures, etc). Is this an issue with Wasteland? Is it an issue with me zooming around in god mode? thanks
  9. I dont mind it being an overhaul assuming there are some pre-attached config options. Perhaps one that makes body shots count for less, but headshots stronger. Perhaps one to give you 3 different kinds of spawn variety (More raiders? more zombies? more both?) etc
  10. Hey folks... Im trying to increase the raider group size spawn for this mod. What would be the easiest way to do so? Thanks
  11. Bdub, have you tried doing a bloodmoon horde with just your bandits? I’m curious to try it..
  12. Or, how about: <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'feralHordeStageGS')]/entity[@name='zombieMoeRadiated']"> <entity name="zombieCowhead" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="ZombieBomber" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="zombieScarecrow" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="zombieMotorhead" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="zombieScorcher" prob="0.03"/> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'feralHordeStageGS')]/entity[@name='zombieBoeRadiated']"> <entity name="zombieCowhead" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="ZombieBomber" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="zombieScarecrow" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="zombieMotorhead" prob="0.03"/> <entity name="zombieScorcher" prob="0.03"/> </insertAfter> Would that not apply the additional zombies spawning to all bloodmoon hordes Gamestages with a ZombieMoe(or Boe)Radiated? Thanks again for the help
  13. Hi Arramus, Thank you for your help. So my understanding is that: A) I will start off by using 'entitygroups_only_horde_night_version (rename to entitygroups and place on Config) B) I will then change every-line to <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='feralHordeStageGSXXX']"><entity name="zombieCowhead" prob="0.1"/><entity name="ZombieBomber" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieScarecrow" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieMotorhead" prob="0.1"/><entity name="zombieScorcher" prob="0.15"/></append> C) Where XXX will be the increasing game stages Is that correct? And if so, I have a general question, the game stages seem to be increasing at odd amounts... is that fine that it's not a line entry every single GS value? (e.g. 100,101,102,103, etc)... what happens when the game stage falls between any two of specifically identified ones in the entity groups file?
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