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Everything posted by M4nt4_Undead

  1. Class: Scientist Skill: Yeah Science! 5 Takes a while
  2. Try the chests called "lockable xxx", mining chests, ammo chests etc, they hold 120 items and can be remote crafting enabled.
  3. I still have problems with CraftFromContainers. There is no CraftFromContainers folder in any of my B25, B26 and B27 archives. After I copied my CraftFromContainers from my B24 installation I can craft from containers, but I don't use up any of my recources.
  4. Was CraftFromContainers removed from Darkness Falls? I have a B24 installation with working CraftFromContainers, but the mod + function is missing in B25 and B26. Is it save to just copy it to my B26 game, or is something broken with it?
  5. Then I don't understand why we need these plots at all and why the farmer class quests pushes us towords farm plots without telling us we need water. I can just put topsoil on my roof and use a hoe, can't I?
  6. A21.1 B26 Quick question, do I need water for farm plots? This changed so much I can't find a current answer. And if I do, what is the use of farmplots?
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