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Posts posted by NotOnly25

  1. Welcome to my series for 7 Days To Die Alpha 20 - Perception Is Everything. In this series we are doing a Perception build and we are not allowed to use the Traders at all. In this episode it's time for the day 14 horde, we need to add some dart traps to our horde base and do some general base building, with a little bit of time for a quick wasteland loot run. How will we fare with our new base upgrades?



  2. Welcome to my series for 7 Days To Die Alpha 20 - Ruthless District , it's horde every night, feral sense always on and Zombies always run. In this episode we return to the Wasteland to do some more questing and try out our maxed Daring Adventurer perk, in doing so we clear a POI we haven't done yet this alpha. Then it's time for the 41st horde of the series with more of those pesky Demolisher Zombies!



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