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Posts posted by NotOnly25

  1. The Layer Cake Challenge for 7 Days To Die is pretty straightforward. Simply start a new Random Gen world with the Biome Layout being set to "Line" and each biome having 20% each. This will generate a map that has all of the biomes in a line from left to right, (which slightly resembles a slice of layer cake) starting with the Forest, to the Burnt Forest, to the Desert, To the Snow and finally the Wasteland.






    The premise is simple - You must spend a full 7 days in each biome in progression order. So days 1-7 you will be in the Forest Biome, you can quest and build all you like, but after you've taken on the day 7 horde, you must then move on to the Burnt Forest. You have a grace period until 17:00 the day after the horde to move from the old biome to the new one, allowing for a couple of trips if you need to do that.


    It's then essentially rinse and repeat until you take on the day 35 horde in the Wasteland - with each biome having escalating game and loot stages, it should see the challenge and journey to end game ramp up quickly. You'll need to plan your character build and manage building resources efficiently. But you can't be too frugal with the resources, as the further into the challenge you go, the harder these hordes are going to hit.


    Days 1-7: Forest Biome
    Days 8-14: Burnt Forest
    Days 14-21: Desert Biome
    Days 22-28: Snow Biome
    Days 29-35 Wasteland Biome


    Permadeath - if you die, the run is over and you'll need to start a new one
    Play on whatever settings you're comfortable with, the only real big one is the horde needs to be every 7 days.
    You can't go between biomes at all, if you get given a quest in a different biome - tough, you can't do it. The only time you can travel back and forth is until 17:00 on the day after the horde to move between bases.

    I thought it made an interesting challenge. If anyone gives this a go let me know how you get on :)

  2. 22 hours ago, OneManStanding said:

    I think, given the change to the water system, that the water purifier mod should maybe be removed. Me and a buddy just stood there and passed it between each other to drink from streams in the desert biome. I think glass jars in A19 and A20 made it redundant as water was so easy to get, but in A21 where water is supposed to be scarcer this completely removes any difficulty whatsoever as you can just scoop water by hand. Even if you want the space in your helmet for another mod, just keep the water purifier in your bike or backpack and swap it in when you need to. 100 points of over-hydration is absolutely no problem.



    Exactly this. I've was watching someones video the other day and they were very much mid game (past day 30), but they made a water source at their base with a bucket, throw that mod in their helmet and just over hydrate and save their water for crafting glue. 


    But definitely finding this early game feels like it breaks the balance of water being an issue, like you said even in MP you can just pass it between your group until you're all massively over hydrated. 


    I've said before, it's a non issue for me personally because I'll just use restraint and pretend it doesn't exist in my saves, but I'm just glad to see that someone else sees it as a bit broken, I was starting to think I was going crazy for having that opinion hahaha

  3. 4 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

    Personally, I think the mod should have a durability, say 100, so you get 100 free drinks before it becomes useless, and to be scrapped. So finding one early game will still be a huge boost but won't last forever.
    Or, add a water filter to the recipe. I personally think it's OP and completely removes the need for a dew collector. You can top up on overhydration at the start of a day, then drink coffee once the overhydration wears off.

    I'm loving the struggle for survival in regards to water.

    Here's to A22 nerfing food ❤️ 


    It could also just be locked behind a higher loot stage so you don't get in in the first week perhaps? It just kills that early game water battle if you get it in the first week I think.

  4. 22 minutes ago, madmole said:

    This. It's just not that great of a mod. Coffee esp blackstrap coffee is my go to drink, not only does it give me stamina I need to combat zombies, ride my bike for weeks at a time, it increases ore harvest so it's 10000x better than the water purifier mod IMO, but takes constant effort to keep a supply of it.


    Absolutely, after the first few days you'd probably never need to use it due to Dew Collectors, making coffee, red tea etc. I just meant if you are lucky enough to find it day one like I was it absolutely removes that early game struggle to fight against dehydration, I was all prepared for this brutal water struggle and I had the easiest time staying hydrated ever because of this mod. I realize a lot of playthroughs you'd never loot it early game, but I did and thought I'd see what the general consensus was about it. But now I've heard that it's an intentional design from Mr Mole himself, I'll accept it's here to stay and just avoid using it myself so I can feel that early game water struggle.


    20 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    How much are you actually drinking? 2-3 per day probably unless you are really doing a lot of stuff like running long distances or driving a lot (varies by day length). Sure, it'll save you a little but not that much.  You'll also be drinking other things, right?  I wasn't meaning it has no value.  Just that all things considered, the value is limited and I think it is fine as it is.  I have one and haven't bothered using it because there just isn't any reason to.  I am fine for drinking water and even cooking water is fine.  I don't make glue and never have so not sure I'll ever have a need for that mod.


    Yeah, as I said to madmole there, I think I was just prepared for a new, brutal early game water struggle, I looted that mod in the first POI I quested and I had free drinking water at my disposal. I don't think you'd ever need to use it after unlocking red tea/coffee and geting a few Dew Collectors up. I was just surprised that due to finding that mod I was able to get unlimited drinking water for the first few in game days. I can see I'm in the minority with it though, which I'm happy to accept. I'll just pretend it doesn't exist for my games 🤣

  5. 1 minute ago, Riamus said:

    Considering drinking water isn't really that big of an issue, I think it is fine.  The mood doesn't help with cooking water or with glue water so it is really only of limited use.


    It does help with saving all your bottled water for crafting glue if you just drink out of lakes and culvert ditches though surely? You can hoard a lot of your water, use that for glue and just pop down to the local pond to drink 100 worth of hydration once or twice a day. Having access to unlimited drinking water in any capacity just seems very odd to me with the focus being on making it harder to obtain water. 

  6. 1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

    It's always worked on the other water sources previously. 


    To be honest I didn't know we could still drink out of open water sources in recent alphas. I remember being able to back in A15 sort of time, but I suppose I've never had a need or reason to try until now.


    I guess to that I would say - We had glass jars in abundance too previously, but that was removed because they didn't want us to have easy access to water early game, whereas now if you loot or buy this purifier mod you can have totally unlimited drinking water.


    So out of interest/curiosity, do you think it should change to not working on open water sources or do you like it how it is? I feel like I'm in a minority with my thoughts on this, almost like I'm seeing it as this huge exploit whereas the majority of people seem to think its fine 🤣 

  7. I was lucky enough to loot a Water Purifier Mod on day one from a tier one quest loot container, I put it in a padded hood and thought how lucky I was that I can now drink murky water if needed, especially as I hadn't looted a cooking pot or made a Dew Collector yet.


    What I didn't realize was that it also works on the lakes and culvert ditches found all over the in game world. I have a culvert ditch a 10 second walk from my crafting base. I can make sure I have nothing equipped in my hand and press E repeatedly to drink directly from this ditch with absolutely no negative side effects. No HP loss, no chance of sickness, just absolute unlimited drinking water on day one. I just kept pressing E until I hit 200 hydration and then decided this has to be an oversight that will be patched out so I will refrain from doing it again.


    However, I have people telling me that it is absolutely intended this way, it just makes the purifier mod useful and it was just very lucky to find this item on day one. 


    I would argue that at no point (especially on day one) should I be able to press E at a pond repeatedly and get 200 hydration in a matter of seconds. It's an unlimited water exploit in my eyes that was surely not intentional? I feel like the ditch and pond water should always reduce HP and give a chance for sickness regardless of whether we have the purifier mod, otherwise that's just insanely OP. 


    I saw Mad Mole say somewhere that they removed glass jars because it should not be an all you can drink buffet and water should be an issue, but if you luck into this mod then it becomes more of an all you can drink buffet than ever. It doesn't even have the limitation of glass jars being required, you just loot or buy this mod and you never have to worry about water again. 


    If it is intentional, then I'll just exercise restraint and actively choose to never use it as it feels cheesy to me, but I just wondered what others thought about this! 

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