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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Amazing! I did just miss this! It runs so much better now! Thank you so much! Loving your mod!
  2. Awesome, thanks for the heads up. I'm running DF-V5-DEV-B25 - is there something newer already? (I have likely missed a newer version post somewhere) or you are just saying I have to wait to update the mod?
  3. Any details on what is causing this? I'd like to remove it from my base if it is at all possible.
  4. Do dyes serve any purpose anymore?? So used to saving them up, but looks like those days are over?
  5. Is this fence post change intended? I was noticing even though my wire does run above ground, zombies run right over it - if they fall, they do get shocked. It appears that their feet are not valid targets (which seems like a bug).
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