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Posts posted by Yakov

  1. On 5/15/2024 at 12:50 AM, Jost Amman said:

    that won't work in 7D2D. You forget this is a fully voxel and destructible world.

    You can't calculate the path a "group" will follow because 1 entity will occupy 1 block (+1 vertically). Unless you want them all to move in a silly single line.

    they could certainly use Unity's new ECS system though. but the zombies are far from the only performance issues with this game.

  2. Has anyone found connecting to servers does not work on any port other than the default 26900? After setting a different port in the serverconfig.xml, clients dont see the server at all, sitting on 'connecting'.

    as soon as i swap it back to 26900, they connect.

    i ensured ports were all forwarded as they are with 26900.


    From Jugginator:

    @Yakov, General Support is a place for this if you need further help, but you need to forward the port +2; for example: 27015 TCP, 27015 - 27017 UDP

  3. On 4/19/2022 at 8:49 AM, Tocolosco said:

    I'm stuck on the mod, version 19.6b8-, and I'm not quite sure how to continue.
    I have finished the quest branch of the archer class, as well as the quests and I see that it asks me, to perform "Completed Journal" one thing that I do not have: "Completed Melee Training"
    Does anyone know what he means by creating "Completed Melee Training"?
    Do you mean I have to choose the "Blunt" class? or is it another class?
    Do I have to pick a new class and do the whole quest branch with the corresponding weapons?
    I see that in order to create the ingredients of the "Class Selection" and to be able to choose a new class, I need 150 "Knowledge Points", which is a lot for how little this item appears in the game.

    Thats correct, if you chose a ranged class from the start, you have to find a research desk to create the melee quests to get the melee chapter.

  4. Awesome thanks for taking the time to help. Just one more question, is there a way to switch off certain components of the mod? For example if i want to use my own wandering horde code since its custom, would i just need to comment out that part of it from the horde.xml?

  5. Hey,

    Is there a way to configure this to spawn a custom scout, and custom group, as well as keeping the original scouts and groups?

    I basically want there to be a chance to spawn these custom scouts.

    Might be too specific a request 😛 

  6. 41 minutes ago, Michael evans said:

    Hello all  first time posting so I hope this spot is ok for this error I had. I was on day 72 no deaths almost 5200 kills I was moving into the desert using my 4x4 I ended up having a full game crash driving though the desert. when i restarted my 4x4 was gone and it was loaded to much to just cm it back in. I also had a null error near a rad lv5 poi also in the desert. I thought I would share this if I posted in the wrong area please let me know thank you for the mod I am enjoying it.

    Sorry that happened.

    Can you post up your player.log file? It'll give more information on the cause

  7. Yeah there's no unsafe code as someone was concerned about, the concern should be where this code came from. Releasing source code for a major overhaul mod, without request nor credits given (until edited) is rather unethical. There was indeed an agreement with Jax. Development of code is not a one man job, it belongs to the team that brought up the ideas and extensive testing that brought it to fruition. 

  8. Quote

    I don't know if this is the just me but when I eat or drink anything that changes my wellness for some reason my max health drops by half and then goes back up. But then I have to heal because my normal health doesn't go up as well. This just started happening not sure what's causing it.

    Going to be looking into this, might be a limitation of using cvars for wellness. Ideally i'd like to convert it to c# which should solve the problem.

  9. The map editor is looking real cool.

    Will there be an option to randomly add or reassign prefabs on a pregenerated map so the person creating the map can also enjoy the exploration of it without knowing what prefabs are in?

    Hows it coming along?

  10. You see these complaints in every game. If a developer is working on art or content, it means they arent working on optimizations or fixes. Big derp. Multiple things can be done at once, ya know with a development team.


    Its true the game has been in development for a long time. but look how far its come since 2013, its almost unrecognizable. So theres been alot of work done in those years and it runs better than it ever has.

  11. Been playing this abit, its a blast. Great mod.

    Few issues ive encountered:


    Clicking Robotic AP Ammo when its locked in the workbench caused an object ref error

    Airdrops dont seem to work, i hear the plane for a second then nothing

    Using certain recipes found such as the Chemistry station didn't seem to unlock it.


    Other than that, it runs well considering the amount of content added.

  12. 2 hours ago, bida2 said:

    @JaxTeller718 Hey, first time player, installed the mod through the mod launcher on a new copy of the game, and when I create a new world, the game just gets stuck on Building environment... - Any way to fix this?


    P.S Tried another type of world gen and it loaded but i'm falling through the map?!?!?

    Try using Nitrogen map generator with the Ravenhearst prefabs. Works great.


  13. These mods are great but they need more work on death penalties. Increased difficulty isn't as exhilarating if dying doesnt mean much. I'd love the option for a eventual perma death if a player is careless, with being able to prevent it happening with proper self care, be it, crafting a difficult, a resource expensive item or a rare drop in the world.

    It could be that death gives you the infection, but its very slow to increase, and goes up by a certain percentage point after another death, until eventually hitting 100% and perma death.

    Just an idea.

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