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  1. I really like the sounds, all the guns sound super meaty and satisfying! Will there be muffled versions for the silencer as well?
  2. Please, don't even go there. I don't know how far back you read, but Subquake is doing everthing in his power to bring Undead Legacy to the masses. This mod is (or rather used to be) a passion project, not a full time job. Development takes time, it's not just hacking in a bit of code, it's finding out what changes you want in the first place, see if they're feasible, then coding, then testing, then balancing, then some more bug fixing usually. And not just for one feature, but for loads of them. Then you need sounds, icons, maybe even custom animations and whatnot. As a modder for other games, I can tell you that is nice to see people eargerly waiting for your mod to release, but I wholeheartedly agree with Sirillion on this one: It will come when it's ready. If you want to speed things up, ask how you can help (if Subquake needs/wants any help) instead. But please don't be that person who nags all the time, that is not helpful, sorry. And I don't mean to point a finger at you personally, it would be nice if the whole thread could refrain from "Sooo, undead legacy in 2045, anyone????" posts.
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