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Doomofman last won the day on May 5

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Zombie Hunter

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  1. One thing I noticed during the stream is that some zombies feel like their running at half frame rate (if that even makes sense?) like they're animations are stuttering even if the game isn't. Is that some sort of optimization thing that's just getting triggered at the wrong distance or something? Edit: Also either Rick or Joels armor set has a floating piece a couple of blocks behind them though I'd imagine the pimps are already aware
  2. Do we know if the first challenge still unlocks those starting skill points?
  3. You know I can't unsee that thing about towns/cities having no elevation changes now. Not a hill to be seen in a 7 Days town or city
  4. Is that the tall blue boxes at the POI entries in the editor? That's the first thing that popped into my head as seeming odd (though I don't use the POI editor so maybe it's a normal thing)
  5. My only disappointment was that it seems not all the new animal models will be in for the 21st. But better they come in a patch than the release takes longer I'm really looking forward to seeing the dire wolf and zombie bear in action
  6. Yeah as others have said, Dev Stream 2 was much better. Looking forward to trying out those new POIs
  7. TFP shoot for dates but they're using the 7 Days Iron sights so usually miss 😎
  8. Can't argue with that. I suppose neither perspective is likely what matters to TFP anyway. It's probably whatever makes sense from a business perspective
  9. That's fair enough. I think the recent dev stream has reignited discussion about missed target dates, I was in the camp of "They keep mentioning that June window with every social post so surely they'll hit it this time around" until I saw the dev stream and now I don't think it'll be ready unless they drop it on that Twitchcon Europe weekend which would really suck
  10. Are they not taking Twitchcon Europe into account? Would be a slap in the face to European streamers if it happened that weekend
  11. Think I agree with the general sentiment. Stream was interesting even if there wasn't a tonne of 'new' info for those of us who have been following along closely. From a technical standpoint it was a bit of a disaster really. I guess when you only have them once a year, the feeling is it's not worth investing in it but from the outside looking in it kinda comes across a little amateur Hopefully the Thursday one (if it happens) runs a little smoother
  12. Yup, no more clothes. But they did talk about something for the Q4 update they call 'wardrobe' but sounds like it'll be a transmog function of some sort which hopefully will let you look like you're wearing one set of armor but keeping the perks of the set you're actually wearing. At least that's how I understood it
  13. Still no sign of the VOD for us Europeans who didn't fancy staying up all night
  14. Time zones are wild haha. I believe it's 11pm for you
  15. Cool I was right. Not that I'm staying up for it, 3am is an ungodly hour but still wanna make sure people aren't confused by the time
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