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Posts posted by Kazgrel

  1. I'd rather have the contents of an whole alpha/patch/xpac/whatever be considered a banger rather than having 1-2 features or whatever that tower over everything else.


    Sure, there are features of A21 I may look forward to more than others (spear and perk reworks) and some I'm a bit skittish on (drinking water changes), but I'll give it a good ol' college try and go from there.  Others may look forward to or dread other parts of the patch more, and that's ok.

  2. On 5/25/2022 at 1:30 PM, Guppycur said:

    So as you know, Valheim is a fantastic game, and has many many features I'd love to see in 7days.  I've been slowly modding features in, but I was wondering about fast travel/portals?


    Have y'all considered introducing them?


    On one hand, it doesn't really fit thematically with the current stage of the game, but on the other, if earned or as a quest reward or as a jump start to a quest itself, it could be an amazing add.


    Something I hope you guys consider.




    Another thing I'm wholly interested in is upgrading workbenches by placing bench addon's nearby; I know we used to be able to upgrade workbenches by adding things like a crucible and whatnot, have y'all put any consideration into workbench upgrades by proximity?


    I doubt they'd go for that, even if tech-wise it could be made to "make sense", but regarding Valheim, one thing that game has that I would LOVE to have in 7D2D would be the cartographer table, where you can share what parts of the map you've uncovered and update your own map to see what others have uncovered.  Useless for single player, but that hasn't stopped things before (iirc Charismatic Nature only applies to other people).

    Of course I won't be holding my breath on that cartographer table idea making it's way here, but hey, I'm all for being surprised in that regard.

  3. Funny seeing this thread here almost a year after my last post...


    Demos are fine.  Annoying due to the threat they pose, yes.  But we've adapted our tactics and base building to accommodate their eventual arrival.


    We basically fight fire with fire: Blow then up before they can blow you up (and/or your base).  They make the Perception tree one of the best late game perk trees thanks to Demo Expert.  Pop some Atom Junkies and a well placed rocket or couple grenades will do them in.  Our base is set up with a "sniping perch" but it's more of a "demo guy perch" since whoever is up there prioritizes blowing up any of the big threats before they can get too close.


    Friends and I play on Insane w/ nightmare speed on blood moon, so if this works there, it can work anywhere.


    I do kinda hate how demos essentially limit the potential of something like a melee base since a poorly aimed swing could set off the big kaboom but that could be something my crew looks into at some point (to try and solve). But TBH blowing up zeds by the dozens with grenades and rockets never gets old.

  4. Already looking forward to A20 even with just the bit of info provided from that first stream.  🙂

    Wee bit sad the junk drone won't be in a 19.3 or such; was pretty much the last thing my friends and I were wanting to try out in A19, but it is what it is and it's still going to happen rather than be abandoned.

  5. Can't say I'm a huge fan of removing T2 weapons from perks with b163.  I would've rather seen them moved to rank 5/5 of their respective weapon perks to give additional value for going all the way to master a particular weapon (and as a wee bit of RNG protection).


    In my current playthrough I ended up essentially skipping pump shotgun since I had the schematic for the auto shotgun.


    It's no game breaking change by any stretch and I'll adapt to it, though.

  6. Like:


    - Visual updates:  Lighting, new zed models (minus how they sometimes appear to be wrapped in saran wrap...going for fresh blood/gore maybe?)  Minus that quibble, the visual upgrades to the game have been absolutely fantastic and I hope to see this trend continue up to gold

    - Ragdoll physics, from the way the zeds hit the ground to how they do cartwheels when hit with a club/sledge power attack

    - Dynamic music (for the most part)

    - Melee is a bit more fluid than in A18 (and being I primarily play Strength builds, I put in plenty of melee on every alpha for the purpose of saving ammo)

    - Auto Shotgun is an absolute monster; I place it in a pantheon with the Halo 1 shotgun and the auto shotgun from the original Turok N64 game (which, while firing faster, didn't shred through 3-4 targets at a time)  Yet to run into demolishers yet, though, and I have yet to get the SM book for crafting slugs, so maybe things get dicey later...

    - Trader to trader quests are a nice QoL change

    - HUD indicators also a nice QoL (wouldn't be upset if option to disable them is present but I plan to leave them as-is)

    - Dig site indicator for buried treasure quests/maps is a nice change (provided the treasure isn't buried smack under a road)

    - Loot progression:  Going from primitive stuff (which isn't total utter garbage anymore) to basic weapons then the wild stuff feels really good.  Pretty sure I fired a blunderbuss more in my first in-game day in A19 then all of my time in A17 and A18 put together

    - Sneak damage changes:  Much needed to make stealth-based builds worth doing




    - RWG didn't want to play nice for me; generated 2 8k maps, both of which essentially had the same biome layout, with one of them literally having nothing in the wasteland biome; this irked my group since we wanted to do a playthrough being based in that biome, but being several km away from literally anything was simply obnoxious.  We opted to go with an all-wasteland map thanks to Nitrogen.  I'd recommend picking Damocles' brain for help on that, because that tool is a godsend.

    - Dynamic music:  The combat theme basically serves as a warning that you have 3+ zeds inbound.  That's my biggest gripe with it (instead of the "omg it plays all the time" complaint).  Gives the player a second to analyze the situation that (if the music didn't kick in) might end with surprise zombies up the player's butt

    - Stamina:  At first I thought this was simply due to being in heavy armor with minimal perk investment, but even with no armor on at all, stam usage is unreal this go around.  Mining is even worse now, although once an auger comes into play, that point becomes moot.  Sex Rex is pretty much a requirement for anyone in heavy armor (which makes the fact it got moved to strength such a relief).  Combat is becoming more bearable in my most progressed playthrough since I have 4/4 heavy armor + 4/4 sex rex + 3-4 customized fittings installed + ergo grip.  Blackstrap Coffee is pretty much every miner's best friend now, far moreso than it was in A18

    - Junk...erm Robotic Sledge:  Best use my crew has found of that thing is that it has a chance of launching a friendly player through the air when smacked with it (we have pvp disabled, tho).  Buddy of mine managed to launch me over a car lot building doing this...rather hilarious although I suspect it's a bug (think Skyrim giant clubbing you, only not quite as wild)

    - TAR and Sniper Rifle:  Sucks that they aren't working properly with scopes and other mods, but seeing that it was in the preview streams, it's a known thing and (I'm pretty certain) will be addressed

    - Traders:  With the ideas being tossed around about how working quests for traders will eventually get the attention of Noah/Duke, it seems players will be strong armed into doing quests for them.  Not necessarily an A19 specific complaint, though.  However, finding a Desert Vulture on sale at the first trader I got to on day 1 was a bit wild, to say the least.  Couldn't afford it (almost 6k), but still; hope to see trader loot progression tied to/akin to that which players get via looting


    Jury still out:


    - Perk rebalance:  Overall, it seems good.  Heavy Armor being moved to Strength makes sense and actually opens up some hybrid build possibilities, although one could argue it basically has strength replacing Fort as the top dog perk tree.  Were it not for being my group's farmer/gardener, I probably wouldn't have any points in Fort now aside from the single point in Healing Factor (which is literally first thing I put a point in every playthrough).  Living off the Land rank 3 only granting 3 crops per gather is weak; should have Super Corn recipe also, IMO (I'm sustaining a group of 4-5 players just with rank 2).  Giving the 30 stam per kill on rank 3 of Flurry (combined with heavy armor moved to Strength) makes a light armor fist build a possibility (and a nice variety of weapon choices with Fort + Agi).  Bicycle parts requiring workbench, which requires int of 4, which also makes minibike possible to build...bit janky there.  Bulk gas/gun powder crafting being moved further into trees hurts (Grease Monkey 4 for gas, Demo Expert 3 or 4 for gunpowder), but honestly seems more reasonable

  7. 7 hours ago, Noctoras said:

    The point made ist that it's easy enough to shoot yourself through horde night without any base. Actually ground level shooting in the street might be easier than in a standard base, as your standard base will be breached and due to structural issues, surviving horde night then ois easier with no base than with a regular base (not counting cheese or specific demolisher bases here).


    For me, something is wrong, if survival in a base is more complicated than survival in an open field. 


    So no, demo's don't scare any sh*t out of me. Actually when the horde follows me and I set of the demo, it's just gonna take a big part of the horde with it. I just do it somewhere in the street where I don't mind swiss cheese. No base required. 

    That is the point. The demo doesn not add to the game, it reduces viable game content by a large margin. 

    Therein lies one pet peeve of mine with demolishers; you're almost better off either using a POI as a horde base or simply using an open field to run around and shoot everything.

  8. Were it not for the demo boys, A18 would be an absolute snooze fest seeing that they're pretty much the only zombie that threatens any sort of purpose built horde base.  Course I have yet to convince my friends to let me set zombie movement speed to nightmare at all times... 😛


    That said, I do find the challenge they provide a bit of a massive jump.  A17 the biggest threat to a base was irradiated cops exploding, which would barely dent reinforced concrete, let alone steel.  It also sucked to have some of our fav non-cheese strats taken away; shotgun turrets having such a high chance of setting them off pretty much caused our first A18 horde that featured demos to pretty much bring half our base down as a result.


    Pretty sure the devs want there to be something that scares the @%$*#! out of bunkered down players; while the demos do kinda come across as a cheesy way of accomplishing this, they at least make higher gamestage hordes something that's a bit of a challenge, even if many find it a cheesy way of doing so.  It's not like we players haven't had all sort of cheesy things we've been able to do in A18.

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