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Record Comments posted by SylenThunder

  1. 44 minutes ago, JonSpider said:

    I got my PC about 6 months ago, so I have to imagine that that was the right amount of time for my Processor to pretty much burn itself out from having no limit to its wattage/power. The BIOS I have also disables undervoltage/underclocking, so it's always gonna be this needlessly intense.




    At this point it's possible that even if Intel does come out with a fix, my computer processor is already broken. I didn't mention it,

    Those temps would seem alarming in traditional computing, but that is pretty standard fare for Intel's latest flagship. I have a system with a 12th-gen and it goes to 95C when idling.  Intel has decided to design chips to function completely backwards from known safe standards, and the introduction of the E-Cores with no real governing architecture in place for when they get used makes things even worse. 


    Basically, your CPU is designed to ramp the performance up to hit the temperature target Intel sets, (which for yours is around 97-100C), then it limits the clock rate to adjust for the band. I've tried compensating with custom clock scenarios that are triggered based on what programs are running, upgrading from an Evo 212 to a full 360 water cooler. None of it matters. And damn if every third time I open a large excel spreadsheet, it would get stuck on an E-Core and run like @%$#.  Ended up disabling the E-Cores, but then you still end up needing the performance, but the system is now underclocking it automatically to manage the temperature target.  I just stuck that system on light-load running small game servers, and just ordered the AMD equipment to replace it. Start the build tomorrow.


    And then to add insult to injury, there is an issue with the latest top-end chipsets from Intel that Jugg gave you a link to. 


    I've been pretty deep in hardware for a few decades. When the 10th-gen chips dropped Intel started showing their colors. Much like Nvidia did when they dropped the 30-series. As a result, my rigs are now all AMD. My main gaming setup is a 3900X with a 6800XT. I'm replacing that 12th-gen Intel brick with a 5600X because it was a good deal and well suited for running a few test servers on. My next rig will either be a 7800X or maybe the 8000-series equivalent depending on what my financial situation is at the time, and what kinds of deals I can come up with. Not that anything is really wrong with the 3900X, but I do some pretty heavy computing, and it is starting to show its age.


    Now that was a lot of talking, and sorry if I dragged off a bit. One thing I did not see in your troubleshooting steps was full exclusion of the client and save folders from security software.  I cover this in the Support FAQ thread, and maybe it won't fix the issue. But then again, maybe the crashes are a result of some access the client needs being blocked inappropriately.

    By your log these are the folders you need to add to the exclusion lists.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die

  2. Summary: Trader not protected if client data is removed.

    Game Version: 21.2 (b4)

    OS/Version: Windows 11

    CPU Model: Ryzen 9 3900X

    System Memory: 32 GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: AMD RX 6800 XT 16GB

    Screen Resolution: 2560 x 1440, 144hz

    Video Settings: High/Custom. Not really relevant though.

    Game mode: Client on Dedi, not certain on map, but likely one of the pregens.


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes


    Did you start a new game? Yes


    Did you validate your files? Yes, but then I nuked the trader POI files intentionally.


    Are you using any mods? No


    EAC on or off? On


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description: If you delete the local prefab files for traders, you are free to build and destroy on them for the most part. The protected area that the traders exist in seems to still be invulnerable though. 


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Delete trader prefab files from local client.

    2) Join dedi or other mp client.

    3) @%$# around in trader.


    Actual result: You are able to build and destroy inside the trader area. I was even able to plop my LCB down in the area. 


    Expected result: For the trader to be protected.

    Link to Pastebin Output Log: 
    Mono path[0] = 'D:/Games/SteamGames/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Da - Pastebin.com


    You can see in this image where I have destroyed the deco items and replaced them with my bedroll. I have also knocked out the door on the right side of the room, and placed my LCB.


    Oh, do also note that I was expelled from the trader when it closed. However, I was able to break down part of one of the doors and walk back in for a minute before it kicked me out again.

  3. 1 hour ago, Babbs said:

    @sylenThunder I am not able to fit my full server log in paste bin it only allows 512 kilobytes per Paste.
    I have over 36k lines in this log. Is there another option?


    justpaste.it is good. It would be useful if you create the issue, and then shut it down asap so the log isn't so bloated.

    Failing that, I usually put them on OneDrive and share from there.

  4. Just now, Daemon213123123 said:

    Is there any ideas as to when this bug could be removed? encountered a similar issue on a server we bought


    Not anytime soon with such a lack of information and no logs.


    Please help by doing the needful.

  5. When it happened to me, I was building a base in the area. During the base building, something occurred in the area that basically made my client crash. (I think I spoke with you about this elsewhere Jugg.) So in fixing the issue, I had restored the region file for that area from a backup that was taken like 15 minutes prior. After doing some building and playing for a few hours, I decided to cut down the trees around the base. That's when I noticed the duplication. It was occurring in every tree around the base. I didn't go further out in the region to test it though.

  6. 52 minutes ago, tnk said:

    I had the same problem with α20, but the problem was solved by adjusting to linux.

    1.Check kernel parameter
    cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count
    I think the standard value for Ubuntu20 and 22 is about 65530, but I think that 7dtd reaches the limit around 8-10GB of memory usage and the s
    erver crashes.

    2.set new parameter
    Add the following lines to the end of /etc/sysctl.conf.

    If you have more than 32GB of memory, the following settings may be good to deal with abnormal memory consumption of α21.

    3.Apply setting
    with root privileges
    sysctl -p
    machine reboot

    I don't know how 7dtd uses memory, so the parameter values are my rule of thumb.
    If you find better tuning, please share.

    I wouldn't be keen to do that since if 7 Days does need to use enough memory to make this change effective, making this change will reduce the performance of the server when it is expanding the RAM to that extent. 


    Curiously, this hasn't happened much at all in the past couple of weeks. We have not made any changes in our setup though.

  7. This is not a bug. This is a computer issue when data is being written to disk and you kill the power. Your save is missing because the files were corrupted.


    You will want to make sure you validate your Windows OS files, as they can become corrupted in this fashion as well.

  8. Application ran out of memory. It was also extremely slow and the response to Steam network failing because of it. The latter is likely due to it being an archaic laptop CPU.


    If you have set a custom pagefile, don't do that, as it will cause this issue.


    Otherwise, I would consider that this PC is objectively too old, and that TFP needs to update the minimum specs to be much less vague than they are now.

  9. I was able to replicate this. Additionally, it occurred when restoring a region file from a previous backup.


    You can see some of the trees clearly as a tree inside a tree before you cut them down. In about 80% of the second felled trees, they were at 0hp. Some would knock now in one hit, others were basically invincible.

  10. I also seem to recall Nvidia drivers sometimes having an issue with selecting the wrong color maps and it would like list blacks as 16 instead of 0, which would cause a similar issue. Usually when that happens you get the opposite though, fine in windowed mode, and washed out in fullscreen. Was more common on older HDMI ports with some displays. Had to go into the GPU options and set the dynamic range to "full". 

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