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About PapaNox

  • Birthday July 12

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Partnered Streamer/Content Creator at https://kick.com/PapaNox & https://twitch.tv/PapaNox
  • Location
    Indianapolis, IN
  • Interests
    Tech, Gaming, Streaming, Baseball

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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Hi Survivors! Anyone know if the setting for the Chunk Reset System coincides with the "MaxChunkAge" setting in the config file on the server? I do not see it as an actual setting in my dashboard on Nitrado so was trying to find out if this particular line in the config file is what we would need to change to enable this new feature. If indeed this is the setting, it's currently set to "-1" which I assume means disabled, would I just need to set it to "1" to enable it or to a specific number to specify how many days a chunk needs to be unvisited before it resets?
  2. Hello, We have been having some strange anomalies with our game/server. Nitrado has swapped to a new machine and the problem still persists. What is occurring is that POI's are showing up as something different (Example: Mo' Electronics Store building is in game, but POI says "Working Stiff Tools") also have seen others such as POI says it's a Church when indeed it's just a two story normal home POI. Also, we have all been experiencing this issue where when exploring, buildings that are not there show in the world at a distance (not far) but as you get closer they disappear and another building type is there "underneath" the "ghost" building that disappears, this doesn't occur with every building but enough to where it's noticeable. Was wondering if there is any fix, file or block refresh action, or admin command for this that doesn't involve completely resetting the game/server or ruining our current world?
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