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Posts posted by IrishManJMo

  1. On 7/5/2023 at 4:52 AM, OgreSlayeR said:

    I agree they are OP and need a big nerf. I don't think traders should offer weapons or tools as a reward at all, maybe just parts. You should mainly be crafting and looting stuff and should only be able to buy weapons and tools slightly better than what you would craft and they could be fairly expensive. Otherwise, I think you should use the traders a lot for resources and stuff like duct tape.



    I was going to suggest this exact same thing especially since in this alpha resources are much more scarce than before or slower to start obtaining if not specced into something in particular i.e. forged steel in t2 rewards are nice imo.

  2. 21 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Slow down questing, slow down resource gathering, ignore traders. Basically the feed back from people is ignore game content, stop playing like a normal player would. What normal player doesn't do more than 1 quest per day until they reach tier 4 or 5s which can easily take 30+ minutes to do and by that time the rewards outpace anything you can craft not to mention the loot you can find. 


    So far each alpha has put more emphasis into the traders and their quests. While the whole nerf to secret stash helped out some it seems that instead it was moved into quests and negates the entire progression system of the magazines. 

    I have 4200 hours in this game and have never seen tier 5 of trader quests personally. I've never enjoyed the quest grinding system of this game personally. The changes this alpha have made the rewards way too OP imo. I think I would be happier if the only reward from quests were dukes and then the traders themselves just had better inventory.

  3. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @Roland That´s their idea of replayability? Having to slow down your progression yourself instead of having a good slow natural progression no matter how you play? Wow. That´s a new low.


    Also doesn´t really work, at least for higher difficulties. You have to keep up with your gamestage. Basically impossible in MP Coop to choose slow progression as you get rads on day 8 (Default settings besides difficulty). Or are you now telling me that we need to die more often to keep progression slow?


    This is just another gross exaggeration and simply not true. As I mentioned I play on Insane Difficulty and was in no way forced one way or the other on my progression. I chose to look for a city early to be in a better spot for trader quest variety and this caused me to progress much quicker both in my skills but also gamestage and I can assure you even with that boosted gamestage there was certainly not radiated zombies on day 8 let alone only a couple of ferals.


    Reading through this thread let me know that a lot of people are bad at the game, bad at reading or both. As a few scholars pointed out the game does in fact let you know what perks increase the chances for Forge Ahead magazines. Could this have been easier to find in the text? Sure, but it does exist. I'm also not here to flat out defend the new magazine progression system. It is a massive step in the right direction and could be improved with some balancing but overall it functions correctly. With that being said I can't think of a single reason why LBD isn't a better way of doing the exact same thing especially since this form does exactly what people were worried about which is it completely screws over the players who just wanna sit around mining and building. Also Roland's response was *chef's kiss*


    My personal experience with this system so far was taking a slower approach to the progression admittedly because I didn't bother reading the perks/magazine pages prior to just jumping into the skills I felt like playing due to being on Insane difficulty. To me my combat and survival perks felt more necessary than workstations and vehicles. With that being sad I still managed to get them relatively quick once I decided I needed them without putting points into Advanced Engineering or Lockpicking. I did enough trader quests to get a bicycle and rode around town to town looting every mailbox, newspaper stand and broken workstation I could find. I never felt gatekept on getting what I wanted throughout my playthrough as you can repeat tier 1 quests for book bundles also or tier 2 quests for more than enough forged steel to get through the early game. 

  4. @Robeloto I got your quest music mod and was wanting to add music of my own but it appears you had to do some custom scripting in Unity to add brand new sound triggers to the game. Is that the case or is there a way that we can change the sound clips to sounds that we have bundled?


  5. 18 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    You need to add remove_on_death="false" for each opening of each debuff.
    For example: <buff name="buffInjuryAbrasion" name_key="buffInjuryAbrasionName" description_key="buffInjuryAbrasionDesc" tooltip_key="buffInjuryAbrasionTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_abrasion" remove_on_death="false" icon_color="255,128,0">

    For the final stage of infection, the one that causes instant death, you'll need to add all of the previous stages to avoid the infinite death loop.


      Hide contents

        <buff name="buffInfection04" tooltip_key="buffInfection04Tooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_infection" icon_color="255,0,0">
            <damage_type value="Infection"/>
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <duration value=".1"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection01Untreated"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection01GetBetter"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection02Untreated"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection02GetBetter"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection03Untreated"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection04"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfectionMain"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="subtract" value="99999999"/>


    Use the buffs xml in this overhaul download as a guide.


    Thanks a lot for saving me the trouble of doing a side by side comparison of the overhaul and vanilla trying to find all of the changes

  6. 37 minutes ago, Dre said:

    Oakraven said to try  changing:

     <property class="Action1"> of the club too 

     <property class="Action1"> of the medicalFirstAidKit item


    If you can get it working can share here. 

    I did try that and what it would do when I would use Action1 is it would do the correct sound effect and would then bring up the little up arrow you see when repairing items with a nailgun and it would just stay on the screen until swapping weapons. I'm working on other weapons atm but when I make more attempts at that one later tonight I will be sure to snag some screenshots and code to upload for reference.

  7. 15 minutes ago, PeNa1979 said:

    Like : 

    you hit 3 times zombie LMB and the 1 time RMB to heal it again ? :D:D:D well, that could be good for gaining XP :D

    Haha in my version I removed the exp gain from healing for that very reason. I want this to only be used to heal allies not to be abused for exp lol.

  8. I have been messing around making my own legendary weapons as well through inspiration of your mod and one that I just haven't been able to figure out how to do is how to code a club to be normal melee in its normal attack but act as a first aid with the power attack. Is this possible?

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