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Everything posted by FoulFox

  1. I mean no offense, but there is a reason I gave up on 7 Days. I don't think I can point out any other game that has been in development for nearly 10 years so that the developers can get away with changing everything we know about the game, damn near every single update. Not all of us enjoy or appreciate the RPG elements added. Not all of us want skills rearrange and changed every 5 updates. I absolutely love this game and have gifted it to nearly 40 people, but I just will not keep relearning @%$#. And I am not talking about new things. I am not talking about new POIs. I am not talking about new AI mechanics... THOSE ARE AMAZING IMPROVEMENTS! But as an Artist myself I will give you the single advice that made me confident in my work: At some point while painting for perfection you begin @%$#ing up your own work. Please stop @%$#ing up your own work? Every update that changes skills, UI, adds RPG bull@%$#... I invest less and less time playing the game before I get bored and go play a triple A title. I use to be able to play for days on end... But you continue to jack with player agency instead of working on the things you promised us. And who the @%$# am I right? What does my unpopular opinion matter? At the end of the day I will go unheard and a game I loved will turn into absolute dog @%$# for me and I will never have the same experience again. I will never say that I wish I could refund the game.... But if I could rethink gifting it 40 times I damn sure would have a few pizzas that would at least be less cheesy.
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