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Posts posted by jorbascrumps

  1. 3 minutes ago, Matt115 said:



    Please stop this crusade. People can agree with your opinion but that does not make it fact. The facts are that TFP is developing this game and they have decided on the art direction for it. You're allowed to voice your opinion that you dislike it but stop claiming it is an objective fact.


    Also for the love of God please stop comparing 7 Days to COD.

  2. 2 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    There was no reason to add it in the first place though, that's my point.


    The point is you didn't realize it was a thing until recently so obviously it had little impact on your gameplay, just as whatever you're upset about now likely won't be noticed by most players - or you if you hadn't read the patch notes. The game has to have some mechanics running in the background to propel gameplay forward, all of which will feel artificial if you look under the hood.


    I really feel like you'd enjoy the game more if you stopped analyzing every change or waited for the game to be finished. You're always on here complaining about something or other.

  3. 1 hour ago, fragtzack said:

    IMHO, the mod slots should be independent of the quality #. 


    All stone tier = 1 mod slot.

    All Iron tier    = 2 mod slot.

    All steel tier  = 3 mod slot

    Getting a 4th mod slot (currently quality 6), requires survivor to purchase that enhancement from  a trader. An enhancement only available after completing tier 4 quest line.

    This 4th mod slot could also be used on the lower tiers, thus possible for a stone tier to have 2 slots.


    The game progression is definitely out of whack right now when it comes to how stone weapons with mods can be better than iron tier.  


    Mod slots are basically equivalent to item affixes in other games where higher rarities have increasing numbers of affixes possible. For example, in a game like Diablo legendaries are considered amongst the best gear because they have high stats and number of affixes. In 7 Days the concept is a little murky because we have "legendaries" in each tech tier which results in the current predicament. It's quite strange.


    I'm not sure if TFP could/ will balance it so that a steel axe is definitively better than a stone axe 100% of the time because they like us to have interesting choices to make even if they may not make logical sense all of the time.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Archer said:

    There's literally dozens of servers that have more than 20 people online at any given time, and have been for years and years, dude. The built in server player cap is 32. So I'll say the game *was* balanced for that number of players before A21, and it worked fine. None of us had issues or complaints. 


    There's a difference between the developers allowing you to do something vs them designing for it. That the developers allow you to play with so many people is a blessing and you should be appreciative. But officially, TFP only designs and balances their game around a small number of players. You are playing outside of their design parameters and are surprised it's not working out well for you. Just because you were able to play with that volume of players and it "worked fine" does not mean that it was in fact fine when compared with the intended design of the game.


    As a solo/ small group co-op player, I hope they do not balance the game around your expectations as it would ruin the game for me.

  5. 1 hour ago, madmole said:

    Didn't think we needed to? Every game with a shrinking crosshair over the years does it this way, I thought it was common shooter knowledge.  Did you never notice the crosshair shrink as you aimed? You didn't think anything of it? You can aim at a wall and see impacts and tell the rays do not hit dead center but somewhere inside the crosshair.


    No, I don't make a habit of shooting at walls 😆 I'm aware of the shrinking crosshair but the explanation provided made it sound like even if the projectile visually hits a target there is still a skill check as to whether it actually hits and does damage. Perhaps I misunderstood.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    Was watching a streamer and the way they handled shared trader quests was whoever shared the quest was the one who got to open the main stash of loot. It seemed to work for them.


    This works for my group as well to keep eager beavers from sniping all the loot.


    19 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    You really have to point your arrow or gun at an enemy or you won't have any luck at all. But then the game randomly determines where in a circle around the location you are pointing to the arrow really hits.


    I've been playing this game for years and did not know this. I don't think the game communicates this mechanic well (if at all).

  7. 45 minutes ago, zztong said:

    The other thought I had... where filters wore out, potentially also makes for an effort to keep all the filters going.


    This is interesting. Right now dew collectors are fairly passive and don't really offer any interaction other than checking if any water is available. What if filters acted like fuel/ batteries instead of being part of the recipe?

  8. 9 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Anyone who plays games should expect that there is an official forum for the games they play.


    I just wanted to correct this line of thinking. The vast majority of players do not visit or even know that games have forums, and I'd even go a step further and say that it is mostly enthusiasts who participate in forums. Mostly people rely on social media to follow news in aggregate for the games they play. Hell, I consider myself amongst the enthusiast crowd and I have been surprised to find out a game I've played for years has a whole underground community in their forums.


    I think TFP knows this as well and that is why they only seem to post things like art updates on social media and not here on the forums; they know the enthusiast crowd here will find that information for themselves.

  9. 6 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Where did I ever say that I would want to prohibit players from using POIs as bases?


    I only said that building has become meaningless in the game because a lot of the existing POIs are more than sufficient both as a base and can be easily secured by removing a few blocks. If someone builds bases scratch then he does it because he likes to do it but there is no incentive in the game to do so.



    I never said you were suggesting such a thing.


    I don't get why you care how others play. This is supposed to be a sandbox so why do players need incentives to do anything other than to have fun? Building has become meaningless to you but not for everyone else who still enjoys it.

  10. 2 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    It depends on how extensive these modifications are. Knocking down a few blocks and maybe adding a roof against vultures doesn't really count as building for me. But this is what I see a lot of times.


    Take a look at the videos from Guns Nerds and Steel or WaywarEko. What these players are doing is building.


    If you place a block you are by definition building, regardless of where it is in an existing structure or not. If people enjoy setting up a base in an existing building, let them. If you enjoy building from scratch, go ahead.

  11. 1 minute ago, BFT2020 said:

    Was this a change in one of the 20.x patches?  Because in my A20 test runs, I had to manually remove some of the extra spawn points if I wanted to spawn in the same location every time.


    I thought it was back in an earlier update (maybe 17?). It's entirely possible I'm misremembering as I haven't played much recently.

  12. 10 minutes ago, wwiiogre said:

    This might be a silly question, but it keeps coming up in the RNG worlds I generate. When will we be able to select spawn points. In the last 10k rng I generated, no matter what name I used to start a game I always started in the exact same spot. That is a waste for a 10k map. Every generated map should come with around 5 starting points at a minimum for safe areas and at least an option to start in Desert or Snow or even wasteland as a toggle. Yet, I find myself always starting in noob areas and even with creative name changes it is very hard to change the only starting location. 


    Is this a thing or am I the only one wanting to have a choice when we start, either by map location or biome or skull rating? 


    Probably way to late for this to make it in alpha 21 but just wondering why this isn't a thing for RNG?


    I have just short of 5000 hours playing this game and starting new and different games on the same map is a thing for me. Only being able to start in the same spot is just wrong and broken.




    Multiple spawns use to be provided, iirc. This was reduced to 1 to accommodate group play because most of the first day was spent trying to meet up. The spawn point is also limited to the forest biome as it is the easiest and plays into the intended progression for the player by working up to harder biomes.


    It would be nice to have an advanced option to customize the spawn point but for now you could edit it yourself in the XML.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I think he's talking about Tracer Rounds, maybe? :confused2:


    Fairly certain their asking for bullet trails. Helpful to see where you're being shot at from.


    As per @mstdv inc's comments, I doubt they will reimplement shooting mechanics when bandits are introduced. A possible solution could be directional hit effects around the screen to show you where enemies are.

  14. 2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Talking about Rick... he mentioned something about Character Skins and selling skin DLCs in the future?

    Did I get it right?


    I assume if this were to happen it would be like what they did with the Walking Dead character skin? I would prefer additional content come in the form of gameplay expansions but so long as the base character creator and visual progression is robust enough I'd be ok with it.

  15. 4 hours ago, Gronal said:

    What I'm very curious about is... and this would require a fairly fundamental change so my guess to my own question is no - the crucible, bellows and anvil... will they be dynamic? It will be somewhat torturous if you have bad rng looking for a crucible, for example, and visually there's one just sitting there on your forge.
    My guess is that yes, the block will still be just static and the appearance will not be tied to the tool slots. But how cool would it be if I'm wrong.

    23 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    Would it really be that big of a change, though? We already have weapon models that are dynamic based on what mods you have installed. This is exactly the same principle. I would be extremely surprised (and disappointed) if the model wasn't dynamic. Sure would be a waste of the new design.


    None of the other workstations are dynamic so I wouldn't expect the forge to be. Presumably they would want to show off that tech if it were in place - look at how they showcased weapon mods, for example: they posted images showing how each looked.

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