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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Henk

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    In my case the problem is in the smallest prefab. My (much) larger prefabs are ok. Edit: it also depends on what you mean by 'small' off course. My smallest prefab is larger than the smallest vanilla prefabs.
  2. Henk

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Here's the prefab with the problems: https://www.dropbox.com/s/it99djusvj13lkf/Crane.zip?dl=0 The two surrounding prefabs, with no problems (including my still a little too much 'Minecrafty' SpaceShuttle version 0.1 which you might like to see): https://www.dropbox.com/s/3idggd47zty85eh/Base%20and%20Shuttle.zip?dl=0 (I hope this works, I'm new to Dropbox ) Edit: almost forgot this: Map: Navezgane and in 'prefabs' the following lines: <decoration type="model" name="CraneA16_2Q" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" /> <decoration type="model" name="BaseA16_2Q" position="611, 0, 1214" rotation="0" /> <decoration type="model" name="SpaceshuttleA16_2_DEF" position="450, 76, 1435" rotation="0" />
  3. Henk

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Set 'Meta' to 14. Then the doors will be locked.
  4. Henk

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Painting system not stable? + One block impossible to place First: thank you Pille for the awesome prefab editor! Maybe you or someone else can help me with the next two problems: 1. In one of my prefabs the painting system seems not stable: In the next screenshot ALL the six blocks on the surface are placed as a normal unpainted 'Wood block", but some of them are 'automatically' painted like the underlying ones: The problem seems to be in the prefab and not the game itself: the next screenshot displays the border between 2 prefabs: Left 3 blocks: the prefab with the problem / right 3 blocks: prefab with no problem 2. In the same buggy prefab: the block behind the ladder is not placable in-game. I can place it in the editor, but then it doesn't show up in the game: If needed, I can post the prefab files.
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