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  1. naw its fine id never have noticed if it wernt for incompatibilites between that and another mod of mine initial thought was that that was causeing the problem it as i said was not less confuseing if there gone to future others though
  2. yeah i gues there are duplicate files however that wasnt the issue loot ids overlaping with antoher mod was the probelm
  3. so i downloaded the starter class system upon getting an error of duplicate loot entry id 407 i took a peek in the files seems theres duplicates of almost every file example items and items 1.xml apparntly the game still tries to load those from waht i can tell the bigger file has the same amount ill go through and delete the smaller one and see if it works
  4. no i like that idea i do like both systems when i first downloaded the other one though this was the one i thought i was getting was a little disapointed at first then realized how usefull the other one could be, to give a little more information on how the loot used to work zombies droped the notes yes, however there was a very small chance of getting a collection of notes like a pinyata and i mean small didnt happen too much at all edit im attaching valmars origonal loot.xml where the file came from doing the conversion from this is way beyond me this should give you some idea it will have way more then the survivalnotes but you should just be able to search for them to find the drop rates i apoligize if this is unnessasary loot.xml
  5. yes it is working now quests.xml was accidently misnamed cant beleive i missed that 2 issues remain that i wouldnt be good with but thats up to you i would love for you to offically re release this as it is one of valmars mods all credit goes to him i just copied and pasted the code, then beat my head aginst the wall for why it wasnt working..... the loot tables and the description on the items themselfs are the issue they may drop more or less then valmar intended to begin with i am not sure heres the working file if you want to add it to the list after balenceing entirely up to you if you want to do so vamars_survivor_notes.rar
  6. hey i think i know whats wrong now im a moron i nthe config folder of the mod quests.xml was labeled quest.xml..... looking at every thing else but the file name. it works now cept the admin skill one gives an error but still works should be able to fix that one easily enough just have to compare to ther others but they work fine
  7. still not working two problems with it one is the description isnt showing, but i havent tried to make that work yet so may be easy. Main problem is the errors which its come down to one file the quest.xml file. If i take those lines of code and add them directly into the main quest.xml in the data/config folder it all works cept the description. Im not entirely sure what im doing with xpath to see the problem though got to be a syntax error i would say like mabey spaces not wehre they should be is what im thinking but im not sure
  8. heres the output.log however i dont know where the player.log is i couldnt find it youll have to tell me where it stores that one output_log__2020-09-08__17-07-59.txt
  9. sure sorry for the late reply, just woke back up. Most of it seems to work problem is the quest.xml. also it needs balenceing you origonally found them off zombie loot, was a slim chance prob 0.12 in the origonal files up to .15 for harder stuff. I had to peice it together from his overhaul expansion, It works if i add the quest.xml directly into the main file other wise i get object referance not set. Also cant quite get the description to show up in game, even once i get it working. It does however when i do that give you the skill points its supposed to. vamars_survivor_notes.rar
  10. in valmars overhaul expansion that he used to release you got a chance to get a survival note from a zombie it wasnt the notes that you have on here it allowed you to read them and get a perk point thats what im trying to get back got it working except had to modify quest.xml directly in the main configs wont work as modlet, hope that makes more sence this time
  11. valmars survival notes not the ones that give you recipies but the ones that give you perks ive gotten them to work by injecting them into the xmls but not by making them into a modlet get object refernce not set to an instance of object i missed the perk point drops from alpha 16 valmar over haul expansion if you could add that or guide me into fixing it wasnt in modlet form from the overhaul expansion im trying to make it that way thanks if your willing to do so i can upload to you what i have and im sure you can fix it quick but i alas only have a vauge idea of what im doing lots of cutting and pasteing
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