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Posts posted by morggin

  1. Not to flex but, I just built a nice machine for my 50th birthday present to myself. (doing some game dev myself).  MSI B650 Tomahawk MOBO, AMD Ryzen 9 7900X, 128 GB of RAM (DDR5 2400mhz)  4TB SSD, 14TB Traditional HDD.  1000watt Gold standard power supply and an ass load of Noctua fans as well as a Noctua double fan CPU cooler.  But ultimately I'm still a cheap ass and went with the XFX AMD RX 6950 XT 16GB video card.  Still using a somewhat dated Samsung CRG9 49" widescreen (first generation).

  2. I would like to suggest adding an additional button function from the crouching position to go into a prone position from crouching.  From a prone position give us the option to crawl face up or face down.   This could also be used with a small bonus to sneak by slowly crawling around zombies to remain beneath there notice.  This would allow us to crawl through one-block holes.  Maybe with the new character models in Alpha 22?  This would also allow us to go prone on our beds to look like we are sleeping.

  3. @Alloc just out of curiosity, is there a fix planned for Allocs_WebAndMapRendering?  or is TFP_MapRendering the replacement for it?  Should I remove Allocs_WebAndMapRendering?  The Allocs map launches but it never gets updated and walking the map doesn't do anything.  I suspect it's because in the server config all the "ControlPanelEnabled" bits were replaced with "WebDashboardEnabled" bits.  


    Actually, now that I take a closer look at it, it appears all 3 of the Allocs_* now have a TFP_ equivalent.  I'm just going to assume this is the case and del the Allocs_* from Mods.  See how it turns out I guess.


  4. Honestly 16k maps are hard on any client machine ram usage also.  I have found (having run quite a few 16k maps in the past) that a lot of people simply don't have enough ram to run the larger maps.   Some folks simply give up while waiting for it to push down from the server (evident by so many abandoned accounts that never made in).  10k pregen is all I run now days but as soon as the Teragon becomes available I may use it to generate a 12K.  Much more than that and the longer term players in my community starts to have trouble with it.


    SIDE NOTE: I run them on a Linux server with 128 gigs of RAM.  I don't generate them on the linux server.  I generate on the windows client and then upload them to my linux server using WinSCP. 

  5. I think this is a known issue if you have a linux servers ... alternative is it generate the map using the client and scp / ftp (i use WinSCP) the folder it up to your linux server under "<home folder for seven days server username>/engine/Data/Worlds".  Then update your config.xml on your linux server with the map name on the property name="GameWorld" line. 


    <property name="GameWorld"                                              value="PREGEN10k"/>                     <!-- "RWG" (see WorldGenSeed and WorldGenSize options below) or any already existing world name in the Worlds>

  6. 20 hours ago, Sinalott said:

    REALLY! This new stupid update screwed my game erased it so no you cannot continue your old game which I was level 65 now have to start over sucks!

    not impressed with this new version 20 at all they did was add Lazy many double triple POI and large city POI with no loot lame loot and 35 same zombies

    in onw area I just now was getting decent loot BS! But now my game has been erased THANKS! boring was a good game the updates suck ass just got Lazy and added

    huge lame City POIs with more zombies male suck ass loot and game grind drags until well just yesterday I was finally managing getting some decent loot and game stage was 120 dont want to hear it!

    I think we found the salty sailor Sinalott.

  7. On 9/24/2021 at 12:04 PM, Nathrak said:

    I may have missed this somewhere somehow, but I am trying to have 2 instances running at the same time on my machine, one with 7 day bloodmoon and one with a daily bloodmoon. I can't seem to find where i can set the daily instance to 1day though. I know I can do this with a local game on my computer, but I was wanting to run both instances on my server that is using Alloc's linux installation scripts.

    You may already know this but I just wanted to throw out that you should separate the running ports a bit .. don't put them to close together in sequence.  As an example I like to put my servers at least 10 port numbers apart. 


    <property name="ServerPort" value="29243"/>

     on the second one do 

    <property name="ServerPort" value="29253"/>



  8. I'm not sure if these are errors but this is happening when trying to generate a new RWG on Linux 19.6 stable


    2021-08-04T19:05:03 168.985 INF Started thread RWG
    2021-08-04T19:05:03 168.988 INF WorldGenerator:Generating Kiwige Mountains
    2021-08-04T19:05:03 168.988 INF WorldGenerator:Generating Socket Data
    2021-08-04T19:10:04 470.012 INF [GSM] GameSparks Disconnected
    Obtained 15 stack frames.
    #0  0x007f4c7b432fb7 in (Unknown)
    #1  0x007f4c7b434921 in (Unknown)
    #2  0x007f4c78ba773e in (Unknown)
    #3  0x007f4c78ba77ab in (Unknown)
    #4  0x007f4c78baa6ab in (Unknown)
    #5  0x007f4c78baa914 in (Unknown)
    #6  0x007f4c78baad82 in (Unknown)
    #7  0x007f4c78babbb4 in (Unknown)
    #8  0x007f4c78baea2c in (Unknown)
    #9  0x007f4c78baec94 in (Unknown)
    #10 0x007f4c78b81cea in (Unknown)
    #11 0x007f4c78b37baa in (Unknown)
    #12 0x007f4c78b37d21 in (Unknown)
    #13 0x007f4c78b37d69 in (Unknown)
    #14 0x00000040001f37 in (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_object_new_specific (intptr)


  9. On 10/29/2020 at 2:50 PM, Mattjo6294 said:

    Hoping to see dual wielding in a future alpha, dual revolvers would look cool, also a few variations of revolvers too like a mosin nagant or something to that effect 

    mosin nagant is not a revolver it's a russian military rifle.

  10. 8 hours ago, TheOutsider_56 said:



    The map looks really nice. But how can i do this on my own server ( nitrado) ?  thx for helping 

    place it in Gameserver\Data\Worlds folder.  Then in your server.xml set the world like this 


    <!-- World -->
      <property name="GameWorld" value="AtrumIsland"/>

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