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  1. Khaine, I have a problem: I have a little scrap of plastic. It needs a lot to craft laser and coil ammo. I always buy from all traders(Caitlin is the best), and I don’t get much from disassembly. Can you add this recipe or a similar recipe? :-) <recipe name="scrapPlastics" count="1" craft_area="chemistryStation"> <ingredient name="oilShale" count="1"/> <ingredient name="glue" count="1"/> </recipe>
  2. Khaine, I used the car in 1.8.4, but it was bad compared to the roadhog. The appearance and sound of the roadhog motor is the best :-) The car increased the skill of axes and destroyed objects, which I did not like. In the late stage of the game, I see no reason to use it and the big slots are not a big advantage of speed. Can you offer car advantages over roadhog? ;-)
  3. Khaine, I think lags due to a lot of zombies. As soon as I killed everyone there, the lags stopped.
  4. I found this big bunker in the wasteland !!! The future has come ;-) It was wonderful. How many times have I driven around them. Facepalm. If you do not know where he is, then it is very difficult to find him.
  5. Khaine, a little bit of my thinking. 1. Coil turret does not require the skill of turrets to create. 2. I just can not understand the creation of a laser workbench. It is created in the laser workbench itself. And how to loot it or is it installed somewhere? Can you create it in lathe? ;-) 3. I tried to understand the gamestages.xml file, but my brain exploded. My vision is this: with 112 nights, dangerous zombies from BaseBreakersNoBears disappeared. If I understand correctly, these are the ones that have smoke like an airdrop. Radioactive, fiery zombies are weak and not dangerous, they have no long-range attack and do not explode. But succubus, demons, Behemoth are present. Can you add this spawn BaseBreakers to every next horde? 4. What do bunkers look like that open red and blue cards(or what prefab for them?)? The same water wells as the green cards? And there is no spawn zombies in them, but it would be good. And the first door after the descent is open. I think it's wrong.
  6. I do not understand what is happening with your game client. As I have: if you plant seeds without water on the ground treated with a hoe, then the neighboring ones disappear. But you can plant diagonally in a checkerboard pattern. If there is water at a distance of 2 blocks (3 are already breaking), then everything is fine. As an example
  7. The problem with the laser multitool bug appears when it is partially broken. I solved it like this: <item id="2993" name="energyCell"> <property name="CustomIcon" value="oilpump" /> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="A83418"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="energyCellDesc"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Bows/WoodenBow/Arrow"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#FutureTech?EnergyCell"/> <property name="HandMeshfile" value="#FutureTech?EnergyCell"/> <property name="Material" value="metal"/> <property name="HoldType" value="21"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="500"/> <property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="craftFutureTech"/> <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false" /> <property name="EconomicValue" value="450"/> <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/> <property name="RepairTime" value="2"/> <property name="RepairAmount" value="2500"/> </item> Once it is tied with energyCell for repair. I added 2 last lines(items.xml), but the values for the cost of repair and time can be edited.
  8. Yes, 6 point is my mistake and I can not read the description of the scrap hoe I need this scientist(from loot.xml): <!-- Scientist zombie loot--> <lootcontainer id="121" count="1,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="false" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate"> <item group="clothes" prob="1.9"/> <item name="scifiAIOT" count="1" prob="0.1"/> <item name="KeycardGreen" count="1" prob="0.5"/> <item name="KeycardBlue" count="1" prob="0.3"/> <item name="researchNotes" count="1" prob="0.3"/> <item name="gunLaserPistol" count="1" prob="0.1"/> </lootcontainer> If this is what you are talking about, then I killed them enough and the loot was just clothes. I used to think it was another scientist. But if this is the one, then for all the time I have not received reseachnotes from him-forever bad luck.
  9. This is the best mod I've played(>2000 hours, started alpha 11). Few problems: 1. Where is spawn Scientist zombie, Scifi Locker? I need researchNotes for craft futureTechBook. Maybe you should add scrap MasteryBook to get a researchNotes? I found only 2 bunkers(7 researchNotes) in the burnt biome although I have level 206 and 113 days. 2. How can i get a Roadhog bag? Disassembling any cars does not give it and did not find it in the loot file. 3. M4A1 and AR15 is very OP damage with 9mm ammo and scope on it has a greater range. For this damage they should use 7.62 ammo. 4. The cost of crafting energyCell is large(10 electronicParts and 1 enriched uranium for 1 shot???). Tested with the admin panel-I can not craft a laser workbench. 5. Maybe you should change the noise level of all laser weapons (from 50 meters to 7)? 6. hoeScrap does not fertilize the ground. With an hoeIron everything is fine. Or is it like a laser multitool and a titanium block? 7. Laser multitool has an error: when I click on it with the left mouse button in my backpack, the image of the backpack disappears. 8. The bullet from P225 flies above the aiming point by the right mouse button. Sorry for my English-it's google translator :-)
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