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Posts posted by khzmusik

  1. On 5/29/2023 at 9:38 AM, ProlificPoultry said:

    I know that it removed the original zombie spawns from the entitygroups.xml, however it's just not spawning any more zombies on horde nights.


    What you posted looks reasonable. You didn't say if there are any errors or warnings, so I can't tell for certain what is going on.


    But, one thing I would double-check is that all of your entity groups match up with the entity groups listed in gamestages.xml. The blood moon zombies are taken from the "BloodMoonHorde" spawner in that file. If there is any mismatch, then I'm guessing that entire spawner won't be read properly.


    That's about all I can think of.

  2. 1 hour ago, stedman420 said:

    Ah I figured the answer would be no, I just wasn't sure how much had changed since I've been messin with stuff last. I should have just asked in the discord when chattin about SimpleUI Lol

    To be more clear on the second one though, I was meaning the health of the item I guess would be the way to say it. I wanted items that didn't need repaired without having to stick them in a bundle but the bundle thing works for now.

    And on the third thing I was wanting x,y,z for custom maps and not always necessarily a poi location. The idea would be more to have a list of xyz cords that I could then have one set as a cvar to then use as the goto location. But this was just hopeful. I can spawn an entity through a combo of buffs and gameevents and then have a buff to let the players know the location.


    It's for a pvp mod side project for a content creator friend of mine that I work on from time to time. But it had been a long time since I tinkered with 7 days so just wanted to check. I think this and Nexusmods is the last places I still even use this old username Lol


    If you're curious, an item's "degradation" is represented in the C# code as ItemValue.UseTimes (meaning "the number of times it is used"). When spawning, it is set to a random number between 20% and 80% of the maximum. That is done in LootContainer.SpawnItem. Just in case you want to do it through Harmony patches.


    Regarding the (x,y,z) coordinates, maybe rethink how the quest works. If you want to have the players go to a location in order to fight an entity (like a "boss" or whatever), then you can do that pretty easily - if you're OK with a random location.


    The key is to choose the random location first, then have the players travel to it, and when they activate the quest marker, spawn in the entity (or entities). You can look at any of the "buried treasure" quests for examples - just don't include any of the treasure-related objectives. No buffs or game events necessary.


    EDIT: If that is what you want to do, you can spawn entities from a specific entity group, so you would probably want to create a new entity group that only spawns in the boss. (If the boss has minions, you could spawn them using a different entity group, possibly during different stages of the quest if that's what you want.)


    It may not be ideal but it works close enough. You could experiment with it to see if you can get it working how you want. Like, maybe you don't actually need the "RallyPoint" objective if nobody needs to stay within the area. (It probably wouldn't work, but I haven't tested it, and it never hurts to try.) 

  3. Sorry you didn't get a reply earlier, I'll try my best to answer.


    On 5/28/2023 at 4:19 PM, stedman420 said:

    It's been quite awhile since I last poked around in the xmls for this game and was wondering if anyone knew the following.


    1.) Can you set a specific item to not drop on death no matter what server settings are using xml only edits?


    2.) Can you set how full durability is on weapons and armor in the loot xml file using xml only edits?


    3.) Is it possible to have GoTo in the quest xml point to a specific x,y,z location using xml only edits?


    1.) No, you would have to use C#/Harmony. The item would need some kind of bespoke property tag that tells it to override the "drop on death" setting, and then create Harmony patches on whichever methods drop item stacks on death.


    2.) I'm not sure I understand this question. It is possible to set the "durability" of items using XML (they are the "DegradationMax" and "DegradationPerUse" passive effects on the items).


    But your question mentions the loot.xml file, which seems to suggest that you're asking whether you can set the actual degradation value on items that are spawned into loot. The answer to that is no. But, you can set the weapon tier of items in loot. For tiered items (like weapons, armor, or tools), the loot quality determines the tier. See the loot quality templates under the "A20_Loot_Quality_Distribution" comment ("QLTemplateT0 .. 3") in loot.xml.


    3.) No, and though you could make a custom class in C# - the question is why?


    The quests are the same regardless of the size of the map, so there's no way to guarantee that a specific (x,z) location actually exists in this world. If it does, there's no way to know whether the "y" position is above ground or not. Or, to know if you're teleporting the player to the middle of a solid block, or into the loot room of a Tier 5 POI, or whatever.


    So, it's probably better to ask yourself why you want the player to go there. For example, if you want the player to go to a specific kind of POI... well that's still impossible without C#, but there are existing C# mods that add the code to do that. (I wrote the code for one.)

  4. 2 hours ago, Weazelsun said:

    How would I go about making an NPC hirable? I'm trying to figure out how to add that to the Vault Dwellerz pack. 


    Each of the VaultDwellerzPack characters come in two varieties:

    1. the "basic" ones, which can't be hired, and whose names start with "survivor"

    2. the "advanced" ones, which can be hired, and whose names start with "npc"


    Both versions of all characters spawn into biome spawn entity groups. The "npc" (hireable) versions are only spawned into NPC POIs. Or at least that's how it's set up in the pack - if you're using the Wasteland mod, then it might put them in different entity groups.


    So the solution is to not spawn in the "survivor" ones, and instead spawn in the "npc" ones. That would be done by modifying the entitygroups.xml file (either by hand or with XPath if you write your own modlet).


    As an aside, his SoldierPack is set up the same way, so you can use the same solution if you want to only see hireable soldiers.


    But if that weren't true, here's how you would do it.


    I think the only thing you have to do, is to make the entity classes extend the equivalent "Advanced" NPC Core template classes. For example, instead of extending "npcAK47Template", it should extend "npcAdvancedAK47Template". (This is in entityclasses.xml.)


    They also need the "HireCurrency" and "HireCost" properties, but I think those are already in the non-advanced templates, so you probably don't have to add them. I have not checked all the "non-advanced" templates though, so maybe one or two fell through the cracks.

  5. On 5/25/2023 at 7:06 AM, potatoman78 said:

    I hope that a competent person can tell me how to modify a file to be able to kill npc because there are some who spawn in the water and remain frozen in swimming mode in the water without dying


    In my "reputation and quests" modlet, I have it so players can damage any NPC, including neutral NPCs. (I always thought it was a mistake to make neutral NPCs immune from damage but the other team members didn't agree.)


    The code to do it is here, and there are lengthy comments that explain how it works.


  6. 13 hours ago, benlefou said:


    From that log file, it looks like your modlet versions are up-to-date, but your friend's server modlet versions are not.


    As Arramus said, the "onSelfRangedBurstShot" event was removed from the vanilla game. This happened in the Alpha 20.6 version, which was released as a stable version in August of 2022.


    If your friend's server is still running a version of the game that uses "onSelfRangedBurstShot", then you will have to downgrade your version of 7D2D and all modlets in order to join that server. (You can use SphereII's Mod Launcher to install a separate version of the game, if you want.)


    If that's a new server, then I would instead tell your friend to update their game and all their modlets.

  7. 6 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    However, you have some syntax errors in your append statement:


    <append xpath='//lootgroup[@name="groupBuriedWeaponChest"]'>


    should be


    <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupBuriedWeaponChest']">


    In theory, both should be valid XML, though the double quotes are far more common.


    I suspect that the real issue is that the probabilities are too low for the added loot group. A loot probability of "high" is 0.75, which makes it equally as common as the "schematicsModsAndGeneralCommon" loot group. And how often do you get schematics in your buried supplies quests?


    My advice is to make a new container block, that is basically the same as "cntBuriedWeaponChest" but uses a new lootcontainer. The new lootcontainer would reference the "InfinityItems" lootgroup.


    EDIT: Also, this forum is only for mod authors to announce and support their own mods. This should be in the "Discussions and Request" forum. Read the big red "Posting in the Mod Forum" link, in the banner at the top of this page.

  8. 8 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    You realize that the engine is updated with every major release ? A21 is based on Unity 2021 LTS as far as I know. And A22 will probably then be based on Unity 2022 LTS.


    The engine is updated, but they don't (and can't) update to the newest features of the game engine. For instance, 7D2D will almost certainly never update its Unity render pipeline, because it would mean a huge chunk of the code would have to be rewritten.


    So even if the engine itself isn't a "dinosaur," the game could be limited to only "dinosaur" features. Changing this would mean adding months - maybe years - to the development time, so it's not a bad notion that TFP try to finish the game before that "dinosaur" implementation becomes outdated.


    Of course, I think TFP is aware of this and that's why they're trying to push for gold soon.

  9. 1 hour ago, seven said:

    You can change the names that display in their health bar by editing Localization.txt.


    That will work for zombies. NPC Core characters are different.


    NPC Core characters have a list of names that are chosen randomly when the character is created. Those names are defined in the entity class XML for the character itself, in the character's "Names" property.


    For example, here is the list of names for the NPC Core nurse character:

    <property name="Names" value="Nancy,Nan,Nanny,Nanna,Ratchet,Nightingale" />	


    Those names are defined on each entity class, not on a "base" character template, so they would have to be changed on each. (For example, the nurse with an M60 and the nurse with a knife are two different entity classes.)


    These are the entries that GNS changed to those of his supporters.


    These names show up in the dialog boxes when talking to the characters. They do not show up in the health bars above each entity (assuming that is enabled). Those, like the zombies, are defined in Localization.txt.

  10. You can't create your own actions without writing C# code.


    However, there is already an action called "AnimatorFireTrigger". The "property" attribute should be the name of the trigger to fire.


    Its purpose is to call the Unity Animator.SetTrigger method:



    That sounds like what you want.


    EDIT: I'm assuming that's what you meant by "creating your own triggers?" It's a bit confusing because a "trigger" could also mean something like "a key press" and not "a trigger on the entity's animator."


    If you want a new kind of key event (like, open your own window by pressing the "k" key or something), then that also requires C# code. I don't know how to do it specifically, but if you join Guppy's Discord, there are other 7D2D code gurus who probably know.

  11. Just want to say, the "min/max" feature per POI is a major benefit to all modders.


    For example, the random world generation for Darkness Falls worlds was imperfect (at best) because there are certain POIs that are required for the DF storyline, but could not be guaranteed to be generated in RWG.


    It sounds like A21 will be able to solve that, and that's a major benefit (or requirement) with mods.

  12. 14 hours ago, Krauser said:

    So if I am reading this correctly, if you are running A20.7, and the update comes out, we can have the option to go back to the 20.7 save?  STEAM doesn't allow you to block/stop updates.   I honestly don't see a couple of my friends going back to the game if we can't continue our current game.


    When you say, go back to A20, are you talking about A20 as a version, seperate from A20.7?  Or does "A20" encompass ALL A20.X versions?


    I've been playing since A16 and I have yet to see a minor update break saves. So an A20.1 game should be compatible with A20.7.


    This is definitely not true of major updates, like A20.x to A21.x. Those games will break. (And vice versa, an A21.x game won't be backwards compatible with A20.x.)

  13. 4 hours ago, faatal said:

    No, the AI is far from being done. There are no new bandits animations yet. They are using a combination of player and zombie anims, but player anims don't have root motion, so movement was hacked together and not great which leaves plenty of anim work to do.


    Is there any preliminary AI work done to find cover?


    Also - any chance you guys could use interfaces instead of concrete classes, at least for AI targeting and/or spawning? (For example, the wandering hordes could spawn IEntityEnemy instances, and modders could create types that implement IEntityEnemy but descend from a concrete class that isn't EntityEnemy itself.)


    Asking for NPC modders who may or may not be me.

  14. 13 hours ago, Roland said:


    I thought you did...repeatedly and even after my mea culpa. Just let me know how many times you're going to bring it up in the future so I can prepare myself now... ;)


    I do want to make something clear. What I was trying to criticize was your arguments. I was not trying to criticize you, personally. I do not think you're intentionally defending sexism.


    Also - I was mainly replying because, for most of my time on these forums, you have functioned as the public face of TFP. If you are dismissive of valid criticism, it seems like it is TFP themselves who are being dismissive.


    But if you are now just some dude, who neither represents TFP nor holds any sway with them, then arguing with you in public is not productive. (It probably wasn't productive anyway, but this puts the nail in the coffin).

  15. 4 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Not anymore. You might have missed that Crator Creator now has that job and is the super moderator




    I absolutely did miss that. I knew Crator Creator was a mod but thought Roland was still the lead moderator on these forums.


    Obviously I should have directed my criticisms to Roland and not TFP.

  16. 9 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Now this is another point where you now might be shooting for the wrong target. Who from TFP did deny any controversy? Or commented at all (yet)?


    Right here:


    On 4/22/2023 at 7:33 PM, Roland said:

    Like I said, Laura Croft has been in public view for about 20 years now. Both male and female gamers are familiar with her and nobody I've heard of is creeped out by her or feels she's a shot across the bow of female identity and self-worth. We would any discussion leading to the dev stream end in them thinking this model which is completely on par with Laura Croft would alienate anyone? I really don't think it does other than a very few that in my opinion could not be planned for.


    Just because I think your expectations are off and your sense that a large portion of females have been creeped out by Laura Croft all these years is wrong doesn't mean I don't think you shouldn't post your opinions. I admit that there is a huge sex-factor discrepancy between the male desert costume and the female desert costume and that a woman would be a fool to wear something like that costume in the desert among virus-spreading zombies. Laura Crofts outfit is equally ridiculous for what she does. But I don't think that it alienates most women and girls.


    Do you think Roland is not a representative of TFP on these forums?


    And those statements absolutely are denying that there was any significant controversy around the character, especially among women or girls. All it takes is a passing familiarity with Lara Croft to know that he's wrong, and that's what I wanted to point out.


    But I won't say any more about this. I'm not a woman or girl, I'm not a feminist, and I don't really care about whether they have a character in the game that is obviously designed to be ogled by men like me.


    I am upset mainly because it's a legitimate criticism, and if TFP respond to it by burying their heads in the sand, or gaslighting people into believing it isn't legitimate, then it's going to eventually become a game that I can't recommend to anyone I know. It's my favorite game - and since I'm also a modder, it's also a huge part of my creative outlet - and I don't want that to happen.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I'm not sure this is accurate, though I admit that's based on only what I've seen and not on any actual data.  But to me, this seems backwards.  It seems to me that the change was more women playing video games and so video game development changed because their audience was changing.  Not that video games changed and because of that, their audience changed.  There really isn't a reason to change the video games if your audience is the same.  It happens the other way around, where if your audience changes, developers need to consider changing their games to bring in the money from the new audience.


    From my experience, I think women really started to get into gaming around late 90s/early 2000s.  Some of course were into it long before that, but that point seemed to be where things started changing.  Now, when WoW was released in 2004, you had a lot of women gamers playing it.  I doubt that game along had an impact in women gamers but I do think it played a part.  I honestly doubt Tomb Raider had any real part in it.  You also started to see a lot more "casual" games starting to come out at this time and at least to begin with, these were often the introduction to gaming that many women chose.  To be clear, I'm not suggesting women are more casual gamers than men and I enjoy various casual games myself.  It is just that women tended to get into gaming through those more than FPS or RPG games.


    Keeping in mind that RPG back in the 80s/90s and even 2000s, but mostly 80s/90s, was considered very much a "geek" thing.  You had a bunch of "geek" guys who liked it but women were very much not interested in it.  This translated from tabletop to the video games and I think that is where WoW really played a role in getting more interest, in everyone and not just women, in playing RPGs.  And every female character was big up top in that game, so that clearly wasn't the concern at the time.


    That change to how video games and RPGs were viewed by people, including women, was a big part in how women got more interested in gaming.  Add in the increase in casual games and you saw an increase in women playing video games.  It changed from a geeky thing to do into something everyone does.  That perception change was really the main catalyst, imo.


    As far as the newer Lara Croft games, I never even noticed that the character was changed to look any specific way.  She was different, yes.  But I didn't really think of her as being made differently due to some image they are trying to portray.  This discussion mentioning the change to her was really the first I've noticed that there is an actual change in that direction.  I wonder how many others really didn't pay the change any mind.


    It's probably a chicken-and-egg situation. Some women got into video games for whatever reasons. Game companies changed their games in order to make sure they didn't alienate those women. As a result more women got into video games. And so on.


    Similar things happened with tabletop RPGs like D&D. When I played it, in the 80's, not a single girl was interested in it. Now it's something like 40% female players. Along with that came a discussion about chainmail bikinis and the like.

  18. 20 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    My only issue with that is for blood moon.  Although some people go out and fight on the street and so could use melee to kill the zombies like this, most people are going to be using guns from a base during blood moon and so these would become too much of a pain to kill.  If they were similar to the screacher zombie and did not come out during blood moon, then I'd be fine with it.


    Well, as a counterpoint to that argument, it would mean you could no longer have a "one size fits all" base for blood moon. You would have to figure out a base design that didn't rely solely on ranged weaponry, and still allows zombies to get into melee range, even at higher gamestages.


    It would make blood moons dangerous again instead of just "free XP" nights. I think many people would like that.


    If this is controversial, then maybe a setting for them would be needed. Even if not, there is always the option to remove them from the blood moon hordes via XPath.

  19. 40 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I’ll defer to your research then. I’m speaking from my own perception of the last 20 years and my own play through a of the Tomb Raider games. You most likely have stronger handle on the actual facts while I’m just giving opinion so I’m certainly open to the chance that I’m wrong. 


    I would say "fair enough"... but seriously, you were completely unaware that gamers and the gaming industry have been arguing about how she's a sexist character since the time she was introduced? I find that hard to believe.


    I'm not a huge Tomb Raider fan (I have one of the 90's games on CD ROM somewhere, and I own and finished the 2013 game, but that's about it). And even I knew that she is the first character that people bring up when talking about sexism in video games.


    And if The Fun Pimps didn't know about all the controversy, then they don't know enough to put an homage to her in the game. Especially not an homage to the 90's version of the character, which was almost universally considered sexist, and not the modern/reboot version.


    If they want to own the controversy, then that's fine. They could say that they don't care about sexism (which is probably true, most people don't). They could say that the Lara Croft character is still empowering to women, despite (or even because of) the fact that her body was designed to be sexy to men. They could say that they know she's a sexist character, but they have nostalgia for that character so decided to include her in the game anyway. All of these are fine with me.


    What they can't do is deny that it's controversial at all, which is what you were doing..


    (EDIT: I also have a lot of unpleasant memories about how self-described "gamers" complained about the 2013 version. "OMG the PC police got rid of the 80085!" It was the most annoying outpouring of entitled crybabies that I'd seen at the time. I do not want TFP to be attracting those sorts of idiots.)

  20. 1 hour ago, Moldy Bread said:

    I imagine this has been asked to death, but I have not been here in a long time. Any idea when this thing will drop? It's been a very very long time. It's fine if there ios no answer, just curious.


    On the topic of more zombies, I still wouldn't mind seeing more unique/boss/miniboss zombies. A few ideas and their inspirations.


    1. Riot Zombie/ Armed Military zombies. (can't remember if it was Dead Rising that had something like this). Zombies with guns, though their rotted brains only have a loose idea of what they are for. They would be rare. They walk around, their gun hanging, upon spotting a survivor the sort of fire their gun by aiming with one hand and then firing, though the recoil send the gun and zombie spinning thus they are very inaccurate.


    2. Fireman Zombies. Larger and tougher, wielding sledgehammers and fireaxes, when close they swing their axes down (strong attack) or in an arc. Both knock the player back) I imagine they would be slower than other zombies but immune to fire damage and resistant to explosives.


    3. Drowned Zombie. (Inspired by the Walking Dead). Bloated with horrific rubbery skin, these zombies explode when killed, though not as violently as cop zombies but more instant.


    4. Rotted/Wretched Zombies. Heavily decaying zombies that have flies visually bussing around them and a horrid stinky aura. Can't run due to decay but almost guarantee infection upon a hit. Disgusting poison aura causes slight damage to the player that get next to them or at lease blurs vision. Upon death, lets out a foul decay cloud that lingers before dissipating, causes damage or blurred vision.


    5. Zombie Wolves (inspired by the Colmillos from Resident Evil 4) Heavily mutated, basically a stronger version of the zombie dog that would appear at higher game stages.


    6. Necrotic Zombie. Same as a regular zombie in strength but very tough bullet sponge due to necrosis, maybe weak to some forms of attack than others.


    7. Infected Survivors. (Inspired by virals from Dying Light ) Recently fallen to infection. Fast, savage and often wielding a melee weapon, though not as resilient as a feral.


    8. Zombies with weapons. The rare zombie that can still remember how to hold a weapon, usually pipes, wrenches, hammers and knives. Other than that, no different from regular zombies.


    9. Mutated Fireman Zombie. Mutated to be a disgusting, hulking mass of flesh and muscle and bone, basically the tank of the game. (Inspired by Demolisher in Dying Light)


    I vote against having zombies wield any kind of weapon. There will eventually be human NPCs, they can do that.


    I do like the idea of zombies that are more immune to one kind of damage than another. The "rotted" zombies could be largely immune to projectiles (which go right through them) but take more damage from "smashing" weapons like clubs or sledgehammers.


    Zombies that explode when killed would also be cool, and probably not horribly difficult to implement.

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