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Posts posted by seagas

  1. I build my main base raised up, with a mini horde tower entrance attached, for wondering/screamer hordes. Entrance is guarded by concrete poles, electric fence and sledge turret with flaming mod. Zed walks up stairs/ladder, walks across beam, if the sledge misses, the electric fence stuns them, sledge smacks them down, sometimes lighting them on fire, they trundle back up, only to repeat the process. If let alone, they kill everything eventually, including bears. If I'm not busy, I come into the tower area to help  kill them and to show myself to the screamer so she can call in a horde. The electric fence alone will kill a screamer if I'm not in the immediate area.

  2. So I just finished my small castle base with arrow slit moat around it and

    b6 drops. 

    • Arrow slit AI exploit ("Zombie Forcefield". Other shapes/rotations can/will allow setups like this, but they are not nearly as convenient) 

    Does anyone know which shapes/rotations TFP are talking about? 

    I don't have the crucible yet, so I haven't made the powered overhead garage doors yet. I can change the design and put in drawbridges instead if the new shapes are not drivable over.

  3. 2 hours ago, Orclover said:

    Play the game long enough and you WILL eat glass by accident.  I have done it twice.  Once from being tired and hitting A instead of D and another time with a crappy mouse that double clicked constantly instead of single clicking.


    Maybe don't play with dead is dead unless you can handle the "stupid deaths",  nobody will  look down on you for playing "normal".

    I remap the drop key to ' the G key is too close to the the F & H, and I can't tell you how times I dropped something as I was scrambling about. My 67 year old reflexes are not what they use to be 😂


  4. 16 hours ago, Sal said:

    I always find them pretty easily and I don't necessarily don't go looking for them either.


    One, I always get a tier 1 job that takes you to a honey farm(?) with about 6 tree stumps located on the property. Two, when I'm traveling I stop at almost every stump I come across (it only takes a few hits, even from a low level axe) and it's well worth the 30-45 seconds--even less with a wood splitter mod which are everywhere.



    Just like birds nests, early game, good source of feathers for arrows and eggs. Late game, I'm still checking them for eggs.


  5. D


    on't like using Molotovs with traps, as you say, you may lose out of XP. I prefer just using electrical trip wires to stun them and head shots for the kill. 



    I don't like using Molotovs with traps, as you say, you may lose out of XP. I prefer just using electrical trip wires to stun them and head shots for the kill. 

  6. I generally make a POI with a second floor, near a trader, for my initial  base. My current play through, day 7, I'm using a barn. About week four or five, I start building a base from scratch, with mini horde/screamer defense, again near a trader. My first horde night I'm using a POI, but by the second week, I have the beginnings of one of my horde tower designs. With A20's loot system, I'm build the tower in a higher biome for the better loot. 

  7. M14 and M16/M4 both can go full automatic as well as semi-auto and both of which are generally not available outside the military. In the USA, the AR-15s are the norm as they are semi-auto only. M1 Garands and M1 Carbine are both semi-auto only but are more like collectibles and would be more rare than lever action rifles. Lever action rifles stopped being used by the military, not because it was more complicated, the lever action isn't strong enough to handle the new high power smokeless powder munitions coming into use. That is why I'm disappointed that the lever action in the game is not .44 magnum (realistic) verses the 7.62 NATO round they use now. Which by the way, also isn't accurate for the AK and Assault rifle ingame, the AK uses a smaller less powerful 7.62 or 5.45 and the M16/M4 using 5.56. As an aside, in a real apocalypse, I would be quite happy using a lever action over bolt a bolt action rifle(faster and lower recoil) or even older semi-autos (more reliable and easier to clean). 

  8. On 1/6/2022 at 3:13 PM, Urban Blackbear said:


    I'm 43. My first gaming experience was an Atari 2600 and my first console that I owned was an NES that I mowed lawns all summer for because we were poor and that was the only way I was ever seeing one. They were the same price as consoles are today. In 1987.

    Pffft, kids, 67 year old gamer here, hell Pong was high tech when I was a twenty something.

  9. For weapons, Melee(club), (cross)bow, shotgun(.44 magnum), and auto rifle of some sort for "Oh @%$#e" moments and later on Junk turret. Once I get the Battle axe, I'll usually drop the melee weapon and the axe will do double duty. I'll also replace the bow with a suppressed sniper rifle, which will reduce the need to carry arrows/bolts.

  10. 16 hours ago, Ripflex said:

    Both sides of this conversation have valid points; some the Zombie AI pathing was flawed and exploited and some of the blocks also confused zombie AI and was exploiyed.  But also smart strategic base and trap building were also negatively affected.  If you had a few blades where zed can avoid they just did, metal spike here and not there, they ignored it, demolishers plow through most mid game traps as if they were not there, electrical fences are very effective unless a zed sneezed on it and is goes down.




    The secret to effective use of electric traps is keep the most important ones close to where you defend from and place the end of the line where you can easily repair them throughout the night. Generally, only the last one gets damaged from use, like building material, keep some electrical parts on you for quick repair. 

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