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Posts posted by seagas

  1. Tier level differences, hunting rifle is 2 tiers below sniper rifle. It's same with most tools and weapons, as you go up in tier, the damage increases. So the Vulture is a higher tier than the revolver. This is a video game, not a real life simulation.  

  2. 18 minutes ago, Roland said:


    In addition, they just nerfed the book rewards by making them less frequently offered and fewer mags per bundle and that works against keeping crafting ahead as did their mailbox nerf. So there seems to be other things they are trying to balance besides just making it so people who want to craft everything are able to do so no matter how they choose to play. 

    I was wondering why they did that. I still think they need to add a bit of LBD, for example, every game hour you mine, should be worth X% of reading a magazine, so spending a night mining would add a mining tool magazine.


  3. I always have two separate bases, my main living/crafting base with a mini horde tower as part of it for wandering/screamer hordes. I build a seperate, sometime multiple horde bases, designed to to fight hordes exclusively. I usually build in a tougher biome with limited supplies, that way, worst case, I lose a base, not my supplies and crafting stations.


  4. Why does everyone want to make the base game tougher for everyone, nothing is stopping you from making it tougher for yourself! The trader rewards, IMO, have been toned down plenty from A20. Some people find the base game tough enough, I tweak the game game to be tougher on me, but that's my choice. At 69, my ability to play at the level of those youtubers or you super gamers do, my best gaming days are long past me. I love 7D2D and have been playing since A16 when I was turned on to it by a friend.

  5. On 7/3/2023 at 10:34 AM, Kyler133 said:

    I wonder if the real answer for a gold game is:  All of the above.  You put in all of these systems to one degree or another and allow the players to progress along the same skills via 3 different methods.  If they are doing the thing a lot, it is the same as if they are reading up on it or using their gained XP to boost it.  I think this would have to be carefully designed and balanced but it sounds really cool to me.  Leave the magazines pretty much exactly as they are but reduce their frequency in the world by a minor percentage.  Add progress meters under every magazine skill that build as you do the thing, when it fills up, it is the same as if you read a mag.  As you progress in that skill, the amount of "doing it" would have to increase to get to the next unlock as we don't want to be crafting low level items repeatedly to be advantageous, we want to incentivize practicing the highest level skill you have achieved to most quickly improve to the next unlock.  So how would XP fit into this?  Well, currently your choices in the perks influences your magazine loot so it could also influence how quickly you learn by doing in those same skill categories.  

    I hope this helps TFP to build on all of their ideas and utilize all of their work up to this point to create a progression system that is revolutionary and fits all sorts of different play styles (one of the huge selling points of this game).

    I like this idea, but let's simplify it a bit, keep the current system but add LBD by a point in reading to it. Making something, should just provide the XP, but using the item should add to the magazines you've read. For example mining with a pick should add to the percentage of reading a magazine, say 5% for each RT minute your using the tool. Or the amount of damage you do with a weapon would add a percentage of magazine reading, depending the weapon used. The more damage a weapon does per shot or melee attack reduces the percentage of reading. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Lasher said:


    Third option was really meant to represent the current system.

    I know we still have "Skills" as such that we put points into - but for me the way that works is even more bizzare - I put points into, for instance Sledgehammers, and that somehow makes me magically find more sledgehammer magazines? Why? It just seems a little nonsensicle.


    Surely a better way would be if when looting we found some sort of research papers that we could use to invest into ANY branch of crafting.

    That would also solve the co-op problem in that the research could be brought back to base and shared and skill investment would make no difference to it.

    How is that different from Alpha 20? The current system, keeps things random with the XP points helping you in the areas you want to lean towards. One of the many ways the keep the replayability high. I really liking this system, IMO Alpha 20 wsa too easy.

  7. 17 hours ago, JoeDaFrogman said:



    preparation is key.    Backup your game save after each session.    Learning a bit of windows powershell or command line scripting can easily solve this problem.   I have a friend who:

    1. clicks on a script that 
    2. starts the game
    3. after the game exists, it makes a copy of the current save and renames it with a date and time stamp.

    So instead of clicking the game in steam or in your start menu, you would click onto the script file.   



    I use Second Copy and backup my saves and maps to my Dropbox. This allows to recover in case of problems and to play the same save on other computers,

  8. 11 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I like Farm Bundle 03...it has super corn seeds.  Other than that..I think I got a beaker once.


    Honestly, the upgraded frame shapes are the worst to me...I hate building with blocks I can't pick up.

    I love those, the make great fuel for the forges, campfire and Chem Station. Makes for a lot fewer trees I have to cut down :)

  9. Current game, day 46, and still no crucible found of for sale fro any of the five traders I visit. So I at level 3 better barter, I put my .44 in my hand, ate a pumpkin cheese pie and threw 9000 dukes on the ground and and went Creative Mode and gave myself one. Day 49, guess what every trader has for sale. LOL


    Oh well, I had a forge chuck full of smelted iron, 1100 steel ingots worth waiting for the crucible, well at least I had my horde tower reinforced with steel at the critical areas, luckily no Demos had shown up.

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