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Robbing Zombie

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Posts posted by Robbing Zombie

  1. On 2/25/2024 at 8:45 PM, Adam the Waster said:

    Maybe a cave or a cougars bar.  Ether one would be neet

    All right, cougars, cougars, cougars! Come on in cougar lovers! Here at the Kitty Twister we're slashing survivors in half!


    Also, any news on water improvement? 

    Annnd does the window thing also prevent lag, when approaching Dishong or other major infested areas, when zombies spawn? 

  2. I love the new challenges! Doing them prisons solo, is a no effing way, but on our server we have plenty of fun trying as a group to figure out how to play the most difficult ones. 


    First time we went to the corrections facility, we had a screamer spawn outside and we couldn't get to her, so she screamed more screamies and they screamed more etc. and then they finally got in while we were a bit occupied in the yard and inside, since our group of five didn't stay together. Bullets were a bit dry after that one :D

  3. I travel somewhat for work, and I'm trying to figure out what gaming laptop to get to be entertained during boring hotel visits. Naming a budget (1500€'ish) is a wee tricky, since prices here in Finland are probably way different than elsewhere, but I've been looking at HP, Lenovo, Asus laptops with a 3070 GPU. 


    So, all the laptop people, what do you guys play this game with and how does your machinery perform during hordes or a Higashi clensing?

  4. 5 hours ago, Grolbu said:


    No. If it did that you could stand next to a dew collector when it rained and collect more or less infinite water.  What they could do though, which would be a nod to collecting rain without being massively OP, is leave the dew collectors ticking along at their usual pace while it's raining then set them to full when it stops raining.

    I think it would still be in the middle of now and A20, if they would work as rain collectors too. But like madmole said, if it's too much for the game itself to compute, I understand the reason. Since there's plenty of stuff that makes things lag and we certainly don't need more of that.


    In general, we're probably gonna use a faucet mod again, once one comes available for A21. Basebuilding and crafting is our main thing in this game and not the tougher survival this seems to be slowly leaning towards, atleast in the very start. Our group welcomes new interesting challenges every time, like the magazines now in A21, but some things we find to be a bit annoying and for those things we all have our fantastic beloved modders to the rescue and ramping things up ❤️ 


    In the end I don't judge how other people want to play this fun game. Each to their own playstyle.



  5. Probably been said, but I'll say it anyway. The dew collector could speed thing up a bit, or several, when it rains, no?


    Also, a superchaged reward from the trader (and a new steam  achievement) when you do a night time generator mission during horde night, would be fun.

  6. 6 hours ago, faatal said:

    I mostly worked on bugs and tweaks this week. Not the type of stuff that makes for interesting pictures.



    Important work done in the shed then! Keep it up good Sir :)




    e. And since I'm not sure if you're faatal familiar with the legendary Fast Show, Imma put this explanatory video here, before you rip my user profile to pieces 😅


  7. I made our LAN-party house as a prefab, but it's extremely laggy. It's a three-story house and the area in total is about 70x70 wide. Outside it works normally, but when you enter the house it's all slow and stuff. Naturally in the editor there was zero problems. So far we've used it only in Navezgane just north of Bobs boars. Is it Navezgane that's not so fond of prefabs, or have I goofed up something somewhere?


  8. As a base builder, I'd like to have more different paints, drapes and high end Fürni. Gotta to make that base look pretty and representative, you know. High end storage crates with more paint options. Aaaalso a metal sign would be nice, since the wooden one don't fit in an otherwise stylish environment. Vanity, I know, but hey, need to have a sweet base!

  9. Okei then. Got the installation sorted out. Put the house in place in the world editor and then copied the location coordinates. Then went back to the server and put them in and viola! We have a neue building in the game. Bit of a hassle, but got it done. Plus one tree didn't vanish after the server was rebooted, but was in the middle of the building and it went through a couple floors and the roof. Annoying, but I can live with that minor thing on this server. Thanks for the helps gyus!

  10. 24 minutes ago, Telric said:

    I made this quick vid to show a simple way to smooth terrain out. It may help in your case, and may not.


    Terrain smoothing made simple



    Nice! Thanks!

    51 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    You can use the world editor to manually place the prefab.  If you have admin and able to upload and dl from the server. Dl the world and add via world editor then re upload.

    Is it the Navezgane -> My Game folder? I got that one and started the world editor, but all the original buildings are in place (we took down one and made a base) and none of our stuff is visible. 

  11. 9 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    The gap between block and terrain is easily fixed in pilles editor.


    Happy to help you there. 


    With the slope you can highlight (press z one one block and then hold shift g and increase the blue box to highlight the 3 terrain blocks) a row at a time and then use the up down left right arrows to mesh better a slope.  

    YES! Now I got it. Thanks a million! 🙂

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