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  1. So can you not go out during night time now? I was watching Guns,Nerds and Steel play the mod and he had those demons that are kinda translucent during his horde nights but never seen them otherwise. I have them on day 1 and 2 at night all around my base. They are pretty much unkillable. Is this how it's supposed to be?
  2. Having some strange troubles. Ok so last week i reinstalled 7 days to die and tried out the latest Ravenhearst and it worked fine by getting the required version and everything worked great. Now when trying to play again it says cannot intialize steam even tho it is running in the background. I also tried another Mod called Undead Legacy and this one does the same thing. I will also mention even just copying over the 7 days to die folder out of it's steam folder and making an exact copy I get the same exact steam error...but if click the play button in steam then everything works just ifne. If i right click on 7 days to die inside of steam and go to where the game is installed I ran both the EAC version and Non EAC version and they both give the same stupid steam error. This makes no sense what so ever when this all just worked not even a week ago and now you can't run the game unless it's with the stupid play button inside of steam. This make it impossible to run overhauled mods where you should install them to their own folders. i have the latest updated steam and I also opted myself into the latest beta version of steam thinking this was some bug in the live version and it still didn't help.
  3. Looks like it downloads just fine this morning so never mind.
  4. Can someone clarify what the Disabled temperatures files do? I know it says Disabled temp but then in the readme it says disabled weather. These are 2 very different things. I really like the weather with the winds and the storms and stuff but would love to get rid of having to swap puffer coat and stuff constantly. Thanks.
  5. Was just like the other guys screenshot with 1 red error and couldn't close it. He updated the game manually and all was well for 2 hours after that so we will see I guess.
  6. Any updates on this? Having 1 person on our server with this same problem and he is using the mod launcher to update the game.
  7. Hmm well on day 5 or so with no crash on single player. Played on server with 3 friends using a server from gameservers.com and the server crashed in the first 15 mins. Anyone else getting crashes? Just got another crash couple hours later. Takes like 15 mins for the server to load also
  8. Well I think i have done about all the preparing I can do to hit the wipe button on the server lol. Can we please play the updated game now lol.
  9. Hmm I was not aware of the dupe bug before this. Of all the countless hours in Vanilla and all the mods I have played this is the first I have ever encountered it. Maybe cause the bodies switch so quickly to decomposed model (which I freaking love btw) that it happens so often? I love this game and I love this mod. Like the other guy said we wouldn't be here "bitching" i guess you can call it that if you want but I just want to see this game and mod be the best that they can because I enjoy it ALOT. I also think the stone pickaxe needs a slight boost but not enough to where you don't want to find a better one from looting or too good to not care about unlocking iron tools. ( I guess that's why it's hard to balance)
  10. Any plans for the loot dupe bug? I try not to let it happen in my playings but it even happens quite often by accident when not trying. It's funny the first time you get 6 supply flares from a body or 2 snipers rifles but you quickly see that it's game breaking to the point of no fun. Also could we get a fix on the giant blow torch the advanced cooking station must have to catch me on fire almost everytime I walk by it lol? I really enjoy the early game and like how hard it is but it does get easier around high teens and early 20's. I will agree tho the cows and pigs could use some tweaking as it's just annoying really.
  11. Some of these game servers (gameservers.com) for one does not allow some of the .dll files from mods like Assembly-CSharp.dll. I found this out when i wanted to test Undead Legacy on their servers while i waited for Ravenhearst to update and you gotta put in a stupid support ticket and they have to install the mod lmao. I'm not sure if this is normal or not but I will be finding a new game hosting site if it is not normal as that just seems a little stupid seeing as it took 2 days to get it done. This may or may not be your problem but it's a place to start I guess. if you used a FTP program to send the files over to the server it will give a error message saying something about don't have admin rights or some crap if so when it get's to the dll files. Good luck and hope this points you in the right direction. Could anyone else with rented game servers also post on here what you use and if you have this problem with needing the company to install your 7 days to die mods.
  12. I agree here. The installs are only between 3-6gigs or so depending on the mod you are using. I have Valmod,Ravenhearst,Starvation,vanilla,Undead Legacy and War of the Walkers myself and love playing them all. When the size get's to be like some of the big AAA titles then it will start to suck haha. Hell ARK: Survival Evolved is like 120gigs installed with the DLC and crap and this game is way way better. I should be good for another 50 installs of 7DTD since I uninstalled ARK Start with fresh base game install of 7DTD. Make a copy of it and call it Ravenhearst whatever mod your gonna use and make a new shortcut for it on your desktop using the 7DaysToDie_EAC.exe or the 7DaysToDie.exe version depending on what the mod calls for and always leave the vanilla folder alone as your base install for new mods. To me this is easier then having to deal with the mod launcher and worrying about any kind of errors with overwriting mods.
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