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Posts posted by Mumpfy

  1. I made a revamp of the classic 7d background art in my own style. tried to keep some similarities to the original, as much as possible.

    Made on Blender and a bit of post process on PS.


    Big thanks to mplogue who actually made a shack similar to the one on the original art as a poi so i could use it on this.




    I always though of this one as black and white but here is also a color version of it.





  2. 9 hours ago, SuperThorf said:

    Ahahaha...true, he's a great villain. Thanks! I did mess around with the placement and angles a lot until it felt right.

    Here are my "if I took a second swing at it" notes:

    • Rekt needs a lot more light on him. The tractor tire has more of a spotlight than he does.
    • The floating waitress face is interesting, but an actual environment would be cooler (and less lazy).
    • The Rekt model as issues: big UV stretch on his crotch, and the joint bends looking kind of rubbery (knees and fingers), or twisted into a knot (arms).
    • The logo AI upscaling wasn't sufficient, it needs to be remade.
    • A few parts are looking a little low-poly (waitress hair, tractor headlight and exhaust)

    I do really like the lighting on the zombies. 

    yup i agree with most of those notes. re making the logo is good because will give you better usage chances, I remade one long ago, also allows me to use the seven alone or the text since now i have it separated.


    I belive.... maybe im wrong but I think this models are not all in the same render? either that or your shadows, ao in blender aint kicking great, the interaction shadows between the models and the tractor would help to unify it all.


    model stretching is a normal issue in some poses, sometimes some PS patching is the only way to fix it if you cant tweak the pose yeah.


    I would definetly remove the party girl if you take a second shot at it. looks good and its a really detailed render but yeah.... composition wise its kind of off

  3. On 11/17/2023 at 10:46 PM, zztong said:

    If I recall correctly, TFP outsources the creation of some of the new game objects. I was wondering if perhaps fans of the game might suggest an idea for a new block and, if TFP approved of the block, the fan might pay for its creation and then TFP might include it in the game?


    For instance, I might request a broken arcade cabinet or something like a broken pinball machine. If TFP approved it, and the price were agreeable, then I could cut a check to TFP and they could either make it themselves or have the external source make it to TFP's specs. Then TFP would include the object in the base game.


    I'm just thinking static objects and not things that have animations or moving parts.

    this sounds like modding with extra steps.


    i get it, some people dosnt mod.

    but still you could use that check to get someone to mod it for you. and not talking about paying to use mods and such, different scenario here imo.


    also because if the pimps have lets say 1 millon player base, and half of those want something custom in the base game things would get out of control really fast.

    thats where mods make sense,

  4. The wasteland king used to be one of the duke's lieutenants, know for his sadistic methods and violent nature he gained a small following among the dukes crew and later challenged his authority to end up scaping with a small group of people to settle his own base and take over part of the territory making life miserable for survivors and traders and constantly fighting the duke for power.

    ( at least in my head that is the background story of the image ) lol





    And if well this aint really a full display of how it went, here are some screenshots i took along the way as it developed.





  5. well you should most likely check out XYTH's tutorials, he has some base unity project file for people with most needed things to get started. maybe join GUPPY's modding discord where people share info about modding. that should get you started.

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