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Everything posted by Imazhero

  1. Just a quick question if anyone knows, I have been playing this mod with a buddy, we love it so far but on the 1st horde night (7th day) it was absolutely unmanageable. There is no possible way we could deal with that amount. At one point there were like 30-40 glowing dogs, like 5 bears as soon as horde night started, 4-6 demons, and the normal continuous zombies. Blood moon count was set to 16, theres no way that was the count. Is there something we're missing?
  2. That did it! Thanks so much for the help!
  3. So I did that and the guards are now properly spawning, but for some reason the trader and the guard captain does not spawn still, I made sure that the trader and guard captain spawn blocks for the trader and the captain were both inside the trader area in the prefab test but they are not there on the server, but are present on single player prefab test.
  4. So sent prefab folder over from the server into single player and there are no spawn blocks for the guards on the cat walk (battery banks), but there is a spawn block for where the trader normally is in vanilla, but on the server there is also no npc in that location. the trader prefab is completely empty. Could I just take the backed up prefab folder from the single player client side and throw it into the server data folder?
  5. Any chance you could point me in the right direction for the trader prefab?
  6. Is there an xml file that can change that? Or how would I find out why there are no traders?
  7. Loving the mod so far, just wondering though if Im missing something. I installed the mod onto a server and playing with a friend (payed for server, not my own personal one). We are playing and for some reason the trader that we were told to go to for the quest was completely empty, i thought it was just an abandoned one or something so went to another one and its also empty. no guards, no trader, no zombies, completely empty. Any ideas?
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