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Posts posted by Katlima

  1. Not intended? You have no idea what you're talking about. First of all, zombies corpses are meant to be harvested for their flesh, bones and fat. Did you forget that those items are used in vanilla recipes? Secondly, the vanilla game developers (the Fun Pimps) added these skills so that we can choose what we want. For example, blunt skills is one type, blade skills is another. They want us to level these skills. The higher the levels the more proficient we become and the more bonuses/return we get. The blade skill is the one that gives you more return on harvesting. Thirdly, the shiv exists to harvest better than the beginner's tool like the stoneaxe. That is until you have the knife or the machete. The Fun Pimps gave us the tools for harvesting so they want us to actually use these tools on things that are harvestable eg. zombie corpses and dead animals.


    I don't know how many people have 100 in the blade skill but I certainly have it. I was just passing long information what the returns were for starvation animals at the max blade level.


    Please learn more about the vanilla game and its mechanics before accusing others of cheesing the game.


    Oh, no! You totally got wrong what I meant! What I was talking about is the result of making the blocks, all of them, not only dead bodies, drop resources with partial harvesting. That you can harvest MORE from a rare resource block by using WORSE tools, less skill. Example: you find Uranium Ore underground and instead of using your best pickaxe, instead you use a shovel first and switch to your pickaxe for your last hit, to almost double the outcome. So to get the absolutley most out of one dead body, you'd have to use this mechanic, and that's what I was call cheesing, nothing else.


    Finally, npc workstations have no inventory for obvious reasons and you can check their status simply by focusing them with a block repair tool.


    I knew I was missing something here, thank you for the reply. Also thanks for adding the E-lookup to the farm animals, I find it much easier to find their hitbox now as well.

  2. Also note that the higher your blade skill the more return you get. I have max blade skill and some animals return 10 meat for me. Pigs return around 5. Bears return 15. Improve blade skill by 'harvesting' more corpses. If you don't have a knife use a shiv instead of a fireaxe to increase skills faster. There's also a perk called 'Knife Guy' which can increase returns. I didn't put points in that perk so I don't know how much more you get.


    If you really want to cheese the 7dtd harvesting mechanic, you could go and whittle down the corpse with the worst quality knife you can find except for the last hit, which you do with a 600. But meat isn't the issue and I usually try and stay away from methods like that, because it's not intended and no fun neither for the developers nor for you. Actually, I boxed all my animals because of last patch, except for chickens, because I don't want to accidentally get them hurt. I rarely slaughtered them anyway, only in case of one of these butcher quests or weapon quests. I used them mainly as decoration and something living nearby. I stopped taking out chickens out of my coops as well. I just feel to bad killing them, if I can have as tasty snow abominations and hyenas, lol.


    Now, what I actually came here for: how do I access the inventory of my survivors that already work at a station and how do I figure out, if they are well or not?

  3. I don't like the idea of increasing wait times between survivors. They need to be consistent for sanity and debugging purposes.


    Oh but isn't starvation meant to be challenging and not make things easy? :fat:


    Haha, no seriously, I get your point and that's something to balance it out for. Impactful yet not annoyingly so should be possible. What I'm seeing here is wasted potential on the beacons and unemployed survivors and the screamers... the point is not to make it easier but less predictable, surprising, not an ongoing stream of screamers that will lemming into your palisades, so you occasionally need to loot and repair, which is making it rather dull.

  4. 2. I still haven't found strawberries at all. Do they grow in the forests? Or where can I find them?


    I never found wild grown strawberries and I suspect they are loot-the-seed exclusive. I definitely got some seeds from kitchen cabinets.


    7. Possible issue with spawning screamers (witches) after these weather changes. Whenever the forge and big forge is running, I'd have visits from screamers. I have not seen any screamers after this update even when they're running.


    I notice an overall increase of screamer appearing as well. Partly due to the weather, partly to the changes in heat produced from lighting. The issue I'm having with this is, that it becomes less of a rare event but something you get so used to, that you set up a permanent solution and not really interact with anymore. I suggest two tweaks:


    1. Less impactful and more for logic consistency: screamers are attracted by the flickering warm light coming from fire, not from cold electrical light, because half of the abandoned buildings are lit electrically. So, adding candles to heat map: yes, insect lights: no.


    2. We could give players a way to counteract heat generation at a cost that would also put some more use to the survivors beacon and survivors in general in exchange for spending fuel and food in a two-step change. First step would be to make the player have the beacon run more often and for longer times, thus spending more fuel. This would be achieved by adding a delay to the next survivor appearing, depending on how many of them have already been called from this location (this would be logic too, first the ones living close by appear quickly and later it takes longer and longer for people living further away to discover the signal and travel to you). Combined with a motivation to house more survivors than the ones you want to occupy the stations: unemployed survivors and children survivors could be a way to decrease heat of the location. So they don't just do nothing at all, but for that to work they will need to eat. They just eat from their inventory only, so the player has a better control over it. What you guys think about the idea?

  5. Both are a 2 edged sword... We want weather in starvation, so it feels like default should be on, but hey whatever, I might just do that just to avoid all the stress of dealing with complains... I knew we would get complains, just like we did with Sanity, and crop plagues, and rats, and I could go on and on, and I'm sure people with settle in and either love it or hate it ;)


    The seasons no doubt are a product of a lot of thought, work and love, so what about making the system 3-tier like off, casual and hardcore, hardcore being the one in the current version, casual preventing temperature drops above or below certain limits, to make cattle and trees stop producing but not die, to make people being able to counter the effects without minmaxing temp gear. Casual could be the version on by default then and people could be able to adjust to either turn it off or go hardcore.


    As for the farmer, it may make it useless (it was never a popular feature), but it couldn't stay as it was... Free food spoilage free container for life is a no go (there's enough exploits for that already). We'll probably have to add Fridge to the usable storages for the farmer though...


    Adding the fridge sounds like an excellent idea. Something else that comes to mind would be the farmer being able to work with the un-upgraded farm storage, the food just spoils inside. This would feel intuitive and would solve the free food storage issue as well. I totally agree on that issue and it should be solved! Having to babysit the farmer in return isn't a good tradeoff though.

  6. The change to the farmer storage makes the farmgirl useless. It will melt any time you don't babysit it and she will stop working instantly. It's a lot easier and more predictable to just headshot her and start doing the planting and harvesting on your own.


    Being able to edit season effects might sound good, but most players have no idea or the tools to do that and on servers you can't anyway, so it would be better if this was turned off by default and could be activated from an option or maybe editing.

  7. Oh, just wait till the new patch drops later today...you will see the value of can food in a new way.

    You're really fast and dilligent with putting out new patches, this is awesome. I'm alreads seeing a value in canned food as I usually bring a small stack to extended mining trips.


    Personally not a fan of central back either... Would much rather have something like Halicopper or, even better, have donkey be able to have some "automation" to carry stuff back and forth.

    Looking at the chunk loading even with just the high speed minibikes, a helicopter is going to be a UI dialogue only, not a real vehicle, right? For the donkey, I think an approach like the game torchlight has it would be a possible way to go about: in that game the pet usually accompanies you and has some interactions in fighting and looting and its own inventory. If you decide to send it to town with items, it will become non-interactive for a while, a counter appears on their portrait, the ingame model fades out and when it returns, it gives you money like 80% of the vendor price or something. Time depends on distance, usually around 2 minutes. In 7dtd this could be represented as a buff icon with a counter and limiting the item transport to exchanging for casino tokens only would have the benefit of preventing the player from easily vacuuming whole settlements for resources, which would cause even more player strength boost to the very late part of the game.


    As for food, Pam has an extensive tweak in her mind, but she has been a bit busy lately... If i understood well, the idea is making food a lot more important, through manipulation of different player stats that will impact general player efficiency, thus making having a diverse diet all-in-all more useful and attractive.


    I hope this will be adjusted heavily for player level or game score this time. I already feel much too much difficulty heaped up on players starting compared to what it is for a player that already established a base with the most important resources and infrastructures. Honey is a good example here, which used to be an early game solution to infection, which it just isn't anymore. With experience, of course, you know when you start out a new game, that even in case you get infected the minute you spawn naked with your torch and land claim block, you will very likely either rip one way or the other or be able to find a solution, even if it means collecting the materials needed and building a glassandceramics, before the infection does you in. This isn't so for players that start out with this mod. They rely on scavenging tree trunks or finding a chemistry station at a trader's. Granted, early tree trunk scavenging without painkillers in stock will solve the infection problem, even if it's in a different way than expected, but players might become put off playing through this mod, if they encounter much too many much too high obstacles to overcome this early, especially as there are other mods out there to switch to. So what I'm thinking about would be something like long time problems due to vitamin deficiency, that only appear after months. I also would like to see fish have a better effect in preventing flu, because as it is right now, there seems to be not even enough effect to think of it as a placebo.


    edit: the beaker recipe definitely needs to mention that you need a mold crafted in the forge, because there is no indication ingame what's missing and you won't be able to produce a beaker, even if you have a glassandceramicsstation unless you have this piece of information. Crafting a mold is a trivial thing at this point in game, maybe might as well discard it altogether or just make it a baseline ingredient for crafting the station instead of a tool attached to it.





    Btw another suggestion: Growth Light. A power intense light that will act as sun light for your crops. (Could combine that if crops are inside an enclosed room, it is not affected by the winter season too)


    Yes, please! We already have cannabis seed, make the weed cellar reality!

  8. Avocado and Dates seem to be a kind of low-tier fruit in this game. They are not rare and not only have no recipes, they give less wellness or no hydration in case of date. While I agree with the concept of not having all fruits of the same usefulness and rarity, especially in a game like this which isn't farmville, it's a zombie shooter after all, I'm a bit confused about the choice to make avocado of all things eaten only raw and unprepared.


    Centralized Bank: it's called shopping basket on your minibike. As much as I can see the usefulness of a wow-type bank like you describe or maybe an ender chest, it might be just too convenient and counter too many challenges in the game so it hurts more, than it helps. Me personally would find it breaks the realism a bit too much too, even though I accept a lot of other realism breaking as a welcome genuine game element.

  9. ... and NPCs look for food either inside their own inventory or in a 16 block radius...


    Their own Inventory! This is the first time I hear about it and it opens a lot of new options here for placing. Is it spoilage-safe?


    @carpediembr: do you spend some time close to the activated beacon? I noticed the crafting of the mechanic and smith will pause while the area isn't loaded. So maybe if you minibike in and out quickly, it doesn't have enough time to produce survivors.

  10. Where is best place to find copper?


    Forest Biome.


    Guys, I've come here because the null ref hit me too now. It's not in the high tier weapon quests but in the weapon quests chain too. Started new save because of bees. Slowly starting out on weapons, got to pistol 3/5. Now when I open my quest overview and just click on the pistol entry, console goes up with a wall of red lines. Might it have something to do with the Pacco quest chain? This appeared after I accepted the game room quest and the pistol quest is right below it in the quest overview. Don't have any problems with other weapons yet, but I only started on Handguns and will move to shotguns when I reach 4/5.


    My large stock doesn't breed either, which I'm not too worried about as the chickens are my backbone and reliable.

  11. "severe snake bite" buff don't have cooldown? will affect forever until we got an antivenom or die ?


    Yeah and it ticks down wellness too, although the description doesn't say so. With the stamina being unable to properly play and the difficulty to come by a cure, I usually fix this by wallowing in cacti.

  12. :upset: NEED SUPPORT :upset:


    When loading Starvation, game is stuck on "Loading Game Data" but when i play Vanilla, everything works just fine and i can play.


    Hey there, when I was starting out, I was having some trouble, so that it actually loaded the game but in vanilla state. I finally found out that for me only one of the launchers worked. When you go here https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die&p=481970&viewfull=1#post481970 there are three launchers. If I chose the first one, I have an additional pop-up box with three buttons "go to" "play"... and if I click on "play" there it works.


    First run it will download and install the mod (around 900 Mb-ish) did it do that at all for you? I'm asking because pressing other buttons play or using other launchers never did that for me.


    What makes me think this could be a related issue? When I was using the one-click thing first (hey one click sounds exactly like my level of expertise program, but alas, the 7dtd was actually more one-clicky) and chose the settings I thought were right, launching the game made me stuck on loading game data for ages (talking like 20+ Minutes) still to no avail.

  13. Your experiencing random luck...I never get many wrenches to start. I will check the loot tables though. The loot tables are due for a revision, they are mostly vanilla with some added starvation specific items added.


    Fair enough, I'm fine with eating that while I see how it unfolds in the next couple of days/weeks. What about the hotkey highlight though?

  14. Hi there (new account), I wish you all a good and successful new year.


    First of all thanks for the great mod, it's tons of fun and it really shows that you put so much work into this. The new HUD - oh my, so pretty and sleek and the eastereggs *chuckles*. So overall I'm positively overwhelmed, so please take the following feedback not as being nitpicky but as me genuinely trying to give my personal opinion how things could be improved.


    1. The visibility of the highlighted hotkey in the tool bar is low. With the original HUD it's enough to check it with your peripheral vision, which is actually what you want, since it's a good idea to focus on the main portion of the screen.


    2. Looting and spawning of certain key items appear to have changed in frequency (of course, mind that due to me being human and not playing 24/7 my sample size is not very high at this point in time).

    • Anything removing infection, even tree stumps have become very rare. So rare it's become a good idea to NOT heal until the end of stage 1 because being infected is the best protection against infection atm.
    • Wild neutral animals (I.e. the notorious female pig) have become very scarce. I've dumped points into husbandry now to make sure that I will at least not whack the next one to death.
    • All container and corpse loot appears to be less random. There seems to be much more predictability which containers drop which items.
    • It's wrench-mas. I hate to be the spoilsport breaking this to you, but sitting at 13 free wrenches from sinks at level 30-ish appears excessive. If only pots would spawn as much! They are a key item gating drinking, which is very basic. Man heh.

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