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Posts posted by Katlima

  1. Thanks for the info Kat. You also need Gauges to make Consoles which are needed for the small generator, iirc. ( i did not have a smith or mechanic at the time). Pretty sure it was for the generator. I was making a tons of things at the time tho.


    Yes this is true. The quest I'm talking about is actually the one for the small generator. I know they hold more fuel than the generator banks (1500 instead of 1000) and can be relocated, but I usually just spam the generator banks that are way cheaper to produce if I don't have gauges and then try to push for solar + battery banks as soon as possible.



    I just trained my first pet, a dog, but at my home base it run immediately into the spikes and died. Is there any possibility to train pet's to not run into it? In this way pet's makes no sense. A Base without protection in Starvation is no way.



    totally missed your post earlier. You could build an underground tunnel connecting to your base far away from all spiked defenses.

  2. I am still experiencing automatic turnoff of insect/rodent lights if they are attached to solar and battery banks. They turn off at 6AM or whenever the night cycle ends and morning cycle begins in your world. You must be in the area to witness this.


    I have this too. The good news is, this only appears to be a visual glitch for me. The blue light emission stops, the rodent repeller's light turns red BUT they are actually still working. Switching them off and on in your game will fix it instantly, but if you just relog or leave the place to return later, you will find they actually continued working without intervention, it just didn't look like it.

  3. Adult Goats that your breed yourself, were giving Rotten meat, instead of raw meat.


    I totally got that wrong then, lol. Yeah, living goats not giving rotten meat makes sense.


    yay :D i'll take some of them gauges! lolol


    You actually don't really need a ton of them, one for the quest, three for the moonshine and you're done. But they are already not exactly a very common drop and it's totally fine if you desperately search for something and then, once you found it, you're good (see minibike book, garlic seed...). You sure know the locations to look for gauges? I don't want to fill this thread with spoilers but it would make me happy to be able to help, because you're such a kind and helpful person always paying attention to someone's question.

  4. If you or someone wants to test a fix for the crossbow, add this property line to Action0 of the smallcrossbow:


    <property name="Hitmask_override" value="Arrow" />


    Let me know if that solves your problem and I'll submit it to the next patch. I just don't have time to test this right now, so thanks in advance for your help.


    Hey, I'd try and test this in an instant, but what's keeping me is that I recently started over and haven't yet acquired an advanced crossbow for testing purposes. Also, I'm a noob at programming to the extent that I don't even know what file you mean. I hope someone else can do this.


    No one ever mentions Steel Bars. I made those special for Starvation, and unlike IronBars, they can be looted and repaired "through". This was done by placing the model collider only on the center section of the bars, so there is a gap on each end which doesn't have a collider that impedes looting and fixing blocks below. I use these as a floor on horde nights so i can repair the structural supports below and loot as time allows. They also hold up well to cop vomit, though wont protect you from it. Give them a try.


    What? They are great! They are elegant and go well as a hand railing and balconies for a mediterranean style white house with archway entries. They are special in the way they rotate too and make some designs possible, no other block type can do.


    I will NOT use them for my bloodmoon tower platform, however. I tried them out and the way all the fine bars' edges appear with their shadows when moving. It's busy. They can't be painted either, so they are very dark if you have no light, making it hard to see if they are still there. This is no problem though, I'm perfectly fine with the iron version. They are a lot cheaper and the additional hitpoints of the steel bars are just not necessary. Iron bars as a platform don't die because they are hit, they die because the supporting blocks get hit.


    Of course if you use them in a way to loot through them, in arm's reach of the zombies or maybe as a "wall", then all their benefits will make them the better choice. It's just that I personally don't build like that.


    Bug fixes submitted for next patch, hopefully drops next weekend:


    1. fix of IcyFarmerstorage, should last about 2 realtime hours before needing more ice (may replace this with another method later),

    2. balanced clay usage for smiths crafting of forged steel

    3. Rhinos will be tougher to kill

    4. Goats give correct meat on harvest

    5. Rubber needs less scrap rubber to craft, and XRad items need less rubber to craft

    6. Very slight reduction in gauge drops...

    7. Doubled change of glands dropping on boss destroy event


    There will probably be more fixes but I wanted to list the fixes that are commited for the next patch. We have major new gameplay features in testing as well, so it will be a very cool new release when it happens.


    Oh wow, thank you very much!

    1. Awesome! Thank you thank you thank you!

    2. :) Thanks for investing the time into this

    3. Oh... oh... time to stock up on splints!

    4. Wasn't meat always the same type no matter what animal you harvested? Is chevon the only special type of meat added and are there recipes for that?

    5. This is great news and a very welcome balancing change. Rubber has been difficult to get in quantities required for the x rad gear even before the addition of the beekeeper outfit. I can see people more likely to invest here

    6. Why, what was the issue? People spamming small generators or people getting enough for the moonshine too easily? Look, the generator quest is an obstacle in the quest chain that leads up to building a beacon and farmer npc. People not wanting to build those things more than once will wait till they got the quest for that, leading to less games where survivors are actively used. If the early moonshine was the issue, how about leaving gauge drops the same and just increase the gauges required for the moonshine to 4?

    7. So 2x0 is still 0 right? Hahaha, just kidding. The year is young, maybe someone will get a gland in 2018, we'll see. The hunt is on!

  5. Hello dear developers and players! I have a question for you. I have survived with my brother for 100 days. Approximately after 80-88 days, at last monsters and other pleasant creatures began to come to us. BUT IN NUMBER, NOT MORE ONE OR TWO! is there any file where we can edit the appearance of new mutants? We want a serious survival, where the slightest error is punishable by death. I really hope for your help. Thank you!


    I would also like to know where you can edit the appearance of the bases of bandits and walking bandits. until about the middle of the day there were a huge number of them, both on the bases themselves, and roaming the world. But now there are none at all! help me please!


    Congratz to playing good coop and turtling in so successfully. You likely have much experience with fps/survival games. Sadly, I have zero knowledge about xml editing and I'm sure you already researched these keywords in google. I do have a suggestion though: what ever changes you're going to do, it's likely that you will outsmart them again and again with time or that you crank up the levers so much that it becomes just plain unfair. Outsmarting real intelligence is much harder, so you could try and find a server with emphasis on pvp.


    We got a big problem with our animals. They always bug through the walls.... it is impossible to have them inside because when we are gone for 10-15 minutes they are everywhere (or completely gone) again


    No, it's not impossible. Mortelentus already gave some hints about how pen design should be made in the last update note posting: few obstacles, enough space, plain walls and floor. A rather safe design would be a 5x5 two deep "swimming pool" with double walls of full cube blocks, the trough placed dead center. Like water, animals will not bug into double walls of full blocks. This does not mean your animals are completely safe from suddenly disappearing entirely, though. That's something that sadly just happens now and then, but rarely enough to not stop you from leaving your base for 10 minutes or have you stop using animals altogether. Always make sure you have a Noah's Ark type of storage box as a backup. Oh, and of course have this indoors or build a good roof, because of the season changes.


    My suggested fix is what works in vanilla. If that doesn't work for custom weapons I will need to look at the C# code to see what it's doing. Lots of Starvation custom code dates back to A14 and doesn't get updated unless issues are found in new game versions. How collision is handled is a combination of the models collider and what base code is hijacked to enable the new projectile. Enabling new features outside of simple xml edits is complex and full of potential for odd incompatibility. Also, as we do this for fun, and bug fixing is not fun, so non critical bugs don't get priority attention, nor does support for non windows platforms. We hope you understand.


    Yeah, I totally agree with giving high priority to major bugs, especially if there are simple workarounds in game without editing anything (different weapon, different blocks). I'd also say the steel production I mentioned earlier is nothing of great importance. I guess what's important is also a matter of personal opinion, a little bit. The most important fix for me right now would be the farmer npc.

  6. Vanilla game you can shoot through those blocks. Advanced Crossbow is not in the vanilla game. I'd assume its similar to why the new guns have trouble hitting vanilla animals.


    Tho I could have sworn we've shot through frames and trussing on the mod... try Iron Bars if you need something solid to shoot through? It's been out go to. :)



    Yeah, you can shoot through trussings with a lot of my preferred weapons, luckily. Iron Bars! They are fantastic, I love them and use them a lot. Sometimes you specifically go for something block-shaped or ramp-shaped though. The trussings are a good option, because they take a lot more hits than scrap frames. They are also very good early on, because you can forge several trussing blocks for the price and time of a single piece of iron bars.

  7. First of all, thanks for taking a look at the steel crafting.


    Check the collision property in the xml for those blocks. Missle is arrows and bolts. If you want them not to collide on those blocks, remove missle from the collision list.


    I'm a total noob at programming, but there's something about the logic that escapes me: if the collision is decided by the missile that's fired at the block and nothing else, how is it possible a standard crossbow can shoot through trussings and the advanced crossbow can't while using the same type of ammo?

  8. Comparing forged steel production


    Hey there!


    Mortelentus, I just read your post. Busy weeks? I know wishing someone less busy weeks can backfire, so instead I'm wishing you fun at your work, lots of motivation and the feeling it's rewarding.


    The reason I came here today is to talk about steel production. I've not been using my smith for some time and while browsing the recipes, I noticed he can craft forged steel. I gave him some resources to try it out and soon noticed two things I didn't expect:


    First thing, he takes ages to process the raw materials. I wonder what kind of forge he's using there, because it takes literally days to complete a single stack of forged steel. At least it's cheaper, right? Well, yes and no! 1 forged steel made in the big forge costs 10 steel, 5 clay and 1 coal, the smith NPC needs 5 lumps of clay and 10 scrapsteel. So I'm saving a piece of coal with every ingot? Not quite. There's a difference between the coal in the inventory and the coal in the forge, it takes one piece of coal for 5 coal in the forge, so you're saving 1/5 coal, which is a slight discount, considering you already need 10/5 or 2 pieces of coal for the scrapsteel, if you're making it from ores. On the other hand, the same is true for clay and instead of 5/5 clay, one piece of clay, you need 5 pieces. That's five times the cost in clay. Might this be an oversight? I'd like to see a recipe saving a bit more material, since upkeep and production of the smith station is already a lot more expensive. What about 100 scrapsteel and 5 clay make 10 ingots of forged steel in the same time that is needed for one right now?

  9. I had an entire family of pigs disappear. They were eating and reproducing well for months, and suddenly I come home and the pen is empty. Singleplayer, underground, locked pen. No idea what got them. Hereditary disease amplified by incest maybe.

  10. I'm fairly sure i've collected animals and had them go into my hotbar as it was the only empty slot.


    I just tried it out again, thinking something might have changed in the meantime. Filled my inventory, had 3 free toolbar slots, tamed animal, +1 icon shows up in the bottom right corner, animal lost.


    I found the Laser, the Scope and something more. The Infobox tells me to press the <Insert> Button to modify my Weapon, but i cant do this. I tried all i culd imagine. Inside the Weapons-Workbench and outside. Klicking first the Weapon or first the Scope. Im not able to modify my Weapon. I try to use the <Insert> Button that is on my Keyboard and is named Insert.


    What did i wrong, or how should it work?


    Yes, you hold the weapon in your hand and then you press the button named insert. There are some possible problems I can think of:


    - You assigned insert as a different hotkey either in the game or in a progam that catches your hotkey strokes while playing, like ts with overwolf

    - You activated capslock (happens easily in 7dtd) and now you're not actually pressing insert but instead shift-insert

    - You use a different keyboard layout than printed on, this can happen if you have a quick switch between english (US) and native or even use a "slightly" different layout to begin with, that only changes a few keys, among them insert

    - Pay good attention to how the word insert is printed on your keyboard. Sometimes (notebook for example) you have to use an alterator key (shift, alt, fn, ctrl, whatever) to get this result out of the button

  11. But there are other things that you normally wouldn't think would spoil like sugared dough, cornmeal, raw sugar, etc.


    Raw Sugar spoils? Gee I didn't know that, thanks for the heads up. You know what else spoils? Cans of energy drink. They turn into spoiled drinks instead though.


    The taming situation is wonky and inconsistent with the way the game handles a full inventory in other situations. Let's compare it to what happens if you wrench a car and an unexpected engine drops:


    First the game tries to place it in your inventory, if there is a free slot available.

    Then, if inventory is full, it tries to place it in your toolbar.

    If the toolbar is full too, the engine drops to the ground and can be picked up still, if you free some space.


    The animals not so much. The game will try to place them into your inventory, but if there is no free slot, the animal is lost, even if it shows an icon of picking it up in the bottom right hand corner.


    Of course I always have free inventory slots available.

    Yeah, not happening in my world. But now that I learned it the hard way, I try to free some slots, more than one, because with the animal hitboxes, it's easy to whack some shrubbery and fill up that one precious slot with plant fibers first.


    Not sure the amount of work required to fix this though, since picking up engines is part of the vanilla game. Even though I think picking up animals should check at least for hotkey slots, I'd say the priority for this is low, because you can avoid this by preparing. You have to know about it though, so I suggest adding a warning to either the whip or to the quest text of Husbandry Basics 1/4.

  12. Win 10 has been out for some time now and have been found solid platform for gaming. I would never suggest Win 7 for newly built rig.


    That's a matter of personal choice, there are still new boxes available with 7 and you can purchase to install it yourself. Some people don't like the change, some people need software for their jobs and are told to use it with 7, stuff like that.

  13. I sometimes find animals i just tamed turning into Spoiled food instantly in my inventory. Seems to happen when i have Meat on me that is about to spoil


    What most likely really happened: the meat spoiled and filled the last slot in your inventory. Tamed animals are lost if you have no free inventory space, it doesn't matter if you have free slots in your hotkey bar. They don't spoil though.

  14. There are more gems other then those... Very rare in loot, more common using the miner. They can be used on multiple items, with multiple effects...


    Oh! I wasn't even aware they existed, lol. Yeah I'm at day 20 currently, but I'll definitely see if I can dig out any around real life summer heh.


    "new" computer with windows 7? wouldn't "new" be windows 10? maybe if you updare it might fix?


    XP and Vista (or as my customers like to call it Windows Fiesta) are almost entirely phased out now, but 7 is still supported as a "current" OS almost everywhere. Many people delay switching to a new Windows version until they know what they'll get and if you look at 8 (beautiful OS, yet a bit too avantgarde or something for the mainstream) there's a good reason for that.

  15. I harvested 100+walbreakers and no glands. I think we will increase the drop rate next patch.

    Similar sample size if not more since A16 launch here and same result. Would welcome an increase.


    Gems? Is that the silver/diamond/gold nuggets? Found plenty of these, more from looting cowboys than from digging though. I think that's vanilla content, isn't it?


    Something else that eludes me is the tin soldier for orphan quest. Maybe I haven't searched the right special poi yet?

  16. I haven't yet harvested a single gland either and I'm having wallcrushers on horde night and clean up the corpses. Maybe they can only be harvested while the boss is still in his shape and not turned into rotten mush?


    @sycotic: Great avatar choice! Now I see the point in these bottles of hairspray from medicine cabinets!

  17. Too bad you can't 'use/play' with toys to increase your sanity.

    Every time I'm cheerfully whacking away at the zombie remains I think "this should totally increase my sanity". Carrying toys sounds like a good idea, paying with blocked inventory slots. In excess awful though: I remember what the LoD expansion did to my Diablo II inventory with these charms...


    Should I get MINER69ER level-5?

    In the past, I've seen a heavy discussion that level-5 is useless in vanilla due to high block damage vs. lesser overall yield.

    Is it the same in Starvation?

    Higher block damage often results in less resources per block, more resources per time though.


    @Katlima Yeah, i´m Asrac Carsa in Youtube whit a let´s play whit Valcry together on this lovable Mod from 7D2D.
    Sweet! Rock on you guys. I'll watch some more tonight.
  18. Yeah I already established a recovery outpost on my second run but I think that extra point in zen master is the major factor. You slowly lose sanity and with that skill sanity only drops to certain level it seems. Carrying sanity management items is new to me. What items can you keep in your inventory that brings your sanity level up? I also killed the wasteland boss recently and he dropped 4 out of 5 exoparts.


    TV Sets, picture frames and flower pots increase your sanity gain when close to them. Of these, the potted plants are craftable on the go. Resting in beds and bedrolls will help, but placing resets your spawn location. So it's more like bring some clay and place flowerpots anywhere.


    edit: Hang on, I think I discovered an oversight here. Potted plant description says you need a workbench to craft them, but they actually craft in your inventory. Well, if they change it, they are at least still cheap to make.

  19. https://i.imgur.com/uSt1yje.jpg Anyone able to help? :( Can't even get to the game menu


    Sadly, I'm not an expert on this, but I noticed your screenshots mention trouble locating some data. I had an issue with missing files in my first installation attempt and that was fixed by running everything as admin. After that, and successful initial gamestart, it would still work if run as a normal user.


    That was my first time entering the radiation zone in Starvation A16 so I don't have any exo-parts at all. Will try out different strategies.
    With luck and patience you can get exo parts outside the radiation zone: plasma boss can spawn in the wasteland. Easiest way to deal with him is snipe at night with nightsight, but beware of landmines then.
  20. I don't agree about autoupgrade the box, same the generators, you must go to refuel it. Maybe just increase "melt" time. This mod is Starvation, just the name of it say it all.


    By adding more micromanagement and treadmill activities, you increase the effort necessary, but do you also increase the challenge? Tying the player to the base to return more frequently reduces their radius of exploration. It is commonly designed in a way, that for the late-game you find solutions that grant you more freedom of movement - at a cost!


    Let me explain my point in an example you mentioned yourself: generators. You can build the rather cheap generator bank from the start. You get a better generator with more fuel capacity and that can be wrenched and reused already, if you invest a rare resource, a gauge. If you go through the hassle of setting up survivors, train them up and invest a LOT of time (pay for samples, get plastics, electronic components, wait for the quality to get better) you can have solar banks. If you invest time, resources, fight harder mobs and go through the hassle of moving your base, you can find and use a nuclear power plant. You don't have to refuel your generator now. You invested work and earned it.


    Looking at the farmgirl, you need to look at the alternatives as well: Self-farming requires a lot less micromanagement right now, also less fuel and is still more predictable and therefore gives you a better freedom than the farmgirl right now. You will need rodent and fly repellers, but using a dedicated generator will power them for a long time, predictable. There are resources to increase food, hydration, wellness that give you nearly unlimited circle of movement, preserved food like canned food and beef jerky. Water doesn't spoil (makes sense), but also goldenrod and chrysanthemum don't spoil, just brew the tea on demand. Wheat, sunflower seeds, they don't spoil. Sugarcane doesn't. Fruits don't spoil if left on the trees. Animals don't spoil and you can stuff a ton of water buckets and food into their troughs. Animal fat doesn't spoil. So in sum you get all the ingredients for cakes (one of the best foods in game) without spoilage, except for eggs, but if you leave chicken coops with a lot of water and chicken feed, you will reliably be able to harvest some fresh eggs whenever you arrive.


    On top of it all there are still spoilage free containers in game, but I won't go into details here, because I have the feeling it's unwanted to use this method.


    Plus, the main reason, as I understood it, was to prevent the player from using farm storages as the staple cheap food storage for themselves in their base and their looting outposts. Making the melt time more predictable would also make them useable as this again.

  21. Xyth proposed a interesting compromise. Let the farmer autoupgrade the box as long as there are snow balls available?


    Yes! That would solve the farmer issue, while still making sure the player built a fridge to keep the farmer alive.


    Yes, he is.:smile-new:

    Oh, awesome, he's amazing. Very fun to watch - and some useful stuff to learn along the way.

  22. Please repair the Farmer Bug.


    Sie dont work, when the Box is not Update to Ice Box.


    And the Ice box down in view minutes to normal box.


    So the farmer stop working again.


    We talked about this issue before and Mortelentus replied, suggesting he'd add the fridge to the containers she can use to work with. I am not sure if the fix is already implemented, because I had to start over due to a corrupted savegame very recently and haven't yet summoned survivors.


    edit: You are not by any chance the guy Valcry is doing this youtube let's play series with?

  23. The hatch is indeed on the bottom layer of a block and opens upwards with default rotation. This has an advantage: it doesn't occupy the block directly below it and you can place a ladder there. Flipped down hatches don't work well if you want to use it at the top end of a ladder, but can be used in other ways, like for example an opening to throw a molotov through occasionally. If you place the hatch next to a wall, the wall will hold the hatch, no problem. If you want to have a flat surface with a hatch in it and a ladder going down through that hatch, best would be to place a flat block next to the hatch like for example a concrete plate or iron bar lying on the ground or something like a pole rotated to attach to the joint side (looks pretty good, like a part of the hatch). Careful with placing hatches next to walls and then upgrading: the steel version has a giant wheel preventing complete opening and making it difficult to move through the hatch, if you don't rotate it sideways.

  24. PPanda0421, this is starting to look to me like you're trying for dear life to be as offended as possible by somone's opinion. I know best what I mean to say, thank you very much. Noticing you got my first post wrong, I was giving more details. Realizing how, what ever nice person you might be, we have some really incompatible ways of communication, I rather have you not play advocate to the people I accused personally by calling out their names and kindly ask them to come forward themselves instead. I'd prefer not to derail this forum thread anymore and if need be, would prefer you write a personal message.

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