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Posts posted by Katlima

  1. I think I somehow broke my forge??




    I have been melting down gold pocket watches, as well as other gold stuff like the raw nugets and medals and stuff. Was able to make gold ingots in the past with no problem. But now for no reason im uncapable of making gold ingots in that forge for some reason. Its my rare metal forge, and i havent tried making gold ingots on any other forge.


    Titanium and silver still work on it. Just notice how on the forge bank it says it has 29 gold units, but on the ingot recipe it says I have 0 out of the 10 required to make it. :(


    Still loving the mod though. Keep up the good work.


    I've seen similar before, not sure if it was gold or silver though. Here's how it happened: filled a material type in forge by smelting a certain item. Forge somehow wouldn't recognize the material. Continued to add one piece of that material via smelting a nugget of the same type. Forge now correctly uses all of the available material.

  2. There has not been any code changes for over a month. Woodenbow has used all 3 ammo types for some time now.


    I started a new save, that explains why I have a wooden bow in hand after months. The ammo selection definitely changed. First it was like vanilla, then only stone arrows, then stone arrows and unload mod, now all arrows and unload mod. I'm actually not concerned with the ammo selection of that thing, but I've been trying out quite a few mods recently and I was worried my installation is corrupted or something.


    Sounds like everything is working as intended then. Alright, thank you for your quick reply!

  3. Could someone please explain the seasons in more detail - I already tried searching the thread.


    Try pages 113+ in this thread. Noone will be able to tell if and how the seasons have been modified on your server, only the server admin, so you better ask, if and how they adjusted the seasons.


    You always want to carry at least some clothing for temperature spikes like for example tank top and hoodie and even better poncho and puffer coat. The weather is challenging and it's meant to be that way. You can adjust it or, if you play on a server, pick one with less extreme seasons, if you don't enjoy it.

  4. You should get yourself a queen and start beekeeping!


    I do have queen bees. The bees are not the issue. I can't find the shirt! lol


    As for Project Zomboid if you like making meals/drinks in games, Project Zomboid with the Hydrocraft mod is your thing!


    It might actually be! Definitely worth checking out those videos at least, I guess. Even though I'm pretty happy with 7dtd right now. I've also been playing minecraft with modpacks, though compared to 7dtd, they often include a selection of very similar mods and that means, if I get bored of 7dtd at one point, I'll probably chose something non zombie sandbox survival to focus on next. I've also been playing, and having a lot of fun, with games like path of exile and pubg, even world of warcraft and arcade style browser games.


    apple pies
    Apple pies are fantastic! In real life too, I mean. One of my favorites. You're definitely master of the kitchen. I've recently cut down on food production to have more time to experiment and explore. I need tons of corn bread for my survivors and tons of wheat for my chickens, so I might just eat bread myself, mostly. I'm also producing the starvation food cans and store them away, if I have meat lying around. I like them, but I rarely make more than a dozen or so at a time, because I hate watching the canned food machine work.
  5. Advanced welder has a greater chance to be found from construction zombies, construction sites and areas, gas stations, garages etc :)


    Ah look, that explains it, I found the crack-a-book and higashi multi-storey buildings to be good locations for construction site boxes and zombies.

  6. Thank you very VERY much guy !!

    Very fast answer.

    Have a good day !


    You too! Have a good day and have fun with your survivors! :)


    I usually alternate between 7D2D, Project Zomboid and Rimworld. I'm playing modded PZ atm. Actually 7D2D's Ravenhearst mod v3.0 just came out a few days ago. I'm curious about it so I lurk around their forums/discord occasionally. Although I'll probably just watch let's plays instead of playing it. I hear it's kinda grindy or at least you need to do a lot of things to progress. I'm already content with Starvation.


    Haven't tried Ravenhearst yet. The grindiness is what turned war of the walkers frustrating pretty quickly. Not saying it's a bad thing, it's just not what I enjoy. It's a popular mod. Haven't looked into Project Zomboid at all, not even watched gameplays.


    I'm more concerned about food spoilage other than anything else. My base has 4 fridges attached to the solar/battery setup so I don't want to lose any food. Elsewhere I already have a generator attached to a insect/rodent devices on my main farm which is on a lake. I just plant things, turn on the generator and come back to a mature farm (no missing plants) even after a few days.


    In the beginning, when I started starvation, I've been obsessing over food. With the mod title and the food spoiling, it looks like the main focus. But that definitely shifted for me. Compared to other mods and even vanilla, I feel not-starving is particularly easy in starvation. But starvation is challenging, in a good way and for a much longer time than other mods. Setting up farms and survivors, the illnesses and sanity and the added wildlife and the bandits and boss zombies. At the point in game where you feel pretty much done elsewhere, in starvation the fun begins. Because then you go and take over a nuclear power plant or get your exo suit, roam the nuclear zones, take out difficult poi for loot and finally maybe even ... get into beekeeping, haha. And all that without gating stuff you really need to progress to the point of inaccessibility.

  7. Hi all. This is a great mod! I agree with some others that it's the best so far. Everything works flawlessly.


    Can anyone comment or hint about the Advanced Arc Welder tool? I cannot seem to find one after the 25th day in game. Thanks in advance.


    I think I found mine in one of the non-bookstore boxes in the tall bookstore building. I went in there for a recipe haul and thought while I'm at it, might as well loot all of the other crates as well. Not sure which box type it was, though.

  8. Hi I've burned out on 7D2D and am playing another game atm. I have not done any of the tests I suggested since I just thought of them while I was out of town.


    I'm currently trying out some different 7dtd mods and also playing a different game, the long dark. It's fun to see something else now and then, but I must say 7dtd especially in combination with the starvation mod is my favorite right now. I recently started an undead legacy save and the first impression is good, so far. Tried war of the walkers, didn't like it.


    3. No I have never seen infestation appear after with fully functional insect lights (using generator bank). Isn't that the point of insect lights? Seems like a bug to me if insects are appearing when crops are mature and insect lights are running.

    It does happen, though.


    My original setup used a generator with 6 engines. Why should I need to revert back to that when I have solar banks? My mechanic make level 600 solar cells. I have plenty of them (30+) lying around, might as well use them.


    The generator, if it only powers the insect light and rodent repeller, will run for days (one grey engine should do the trick, more or better engines only increase max power output). If you add a battery bank with some good batteries, that will increase the duration you can stay away from home even more. That's what I'd do. Of course playing something else entirely is a good solution as well :).

  9. Hello and already a big thank you for this wonderful MOD.

    But here I am blocked on the manufacture of weapons parts.

    I have recipe (for a long shotgun barrel I need 5 forged steel). I have them, I have the skill "weapon blacksmith" at MAX level, I have the weapon station but I don't have the "make" button that appears.


    Thank you very very very much for your answer :)


    The "station" meant here is the blacksmith survivor NPC. Only the NPC can craft gun parts and most of the parts only after you "teach them" by sacrificing one or more instances of that item. Usually blacksmith crafts barrel and stock, the mechanic crafts parts and receivers. Not all guns can be built this way.


    The gunsmithing skill is important nevertheless. You need it for some craftable weapons (blunderbuss) and it's required for unlocking a high maximum durability to which parts can be combined to.

  10. I'm pretty sure I've seen instances where the light turning off is not just a graphical glitch. Try the following test. Attach the solar panel to the battery bank. Attach the insect/rodent light to the battery bank. Attach a fridge to the battery bank. Stay at the setup in the morning and watch the insect/rodent lights flip off. Now, drag the cursor (with the power tool) in hand and see if there's power to the fridge. Then try one of these two things. Leave the area for a long time, say 3 days to a week and come back and see if there is rotten food in the fridge (make sure the fridge has room beforehand obviously). Try putting something that spoils fast in the fridge. You can also just stay there and wait for 3-7 days and see what happens to the farm/fridge.


    I've seen instance(s) where I had the above setup, left the area for 3-4 days and came back to see the rodent lights off, empty farm and rotten food in my fridge.


    I am out of town right now so I can't do this test though I have experienced it in my world a long time ago. That is why I always come back at night time ensure none of my food spoils in the morning. I have too much (good) food to lose lol. Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of apple pies and similar amounts of that sphagetti with the sauce.


    Edit: Try it on single player since servers might behave differently.


    I'm currently using this setup:


    Solar bank with 3x600 panel on the surface, switch chimney connecting down vertically in the same chunk, everything else on bedrock level. Battery bank has a random collection of 4 green to purple batteries.

    Connections are this:


    solar bank -> switch (x6) -> battery bank

    battery bank -> switch -> fridge

    battery bank -> switch -> insect light -> rodent repeller


    Everything turned on.


    When the early morning arrives (3:59 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.) we can observe the visual effect on both the insect light and rodent repeller change so they look turned off. Without intervention and having a wire tool in hand, all of the appliances show powered when hovered over. On restarting the game, the insect light and rodent repeller show the correct visual effects again.

    For this quick test, I can provide some screenshots.


    I have pretty much the same setup running this way for several ingame months, not once, but four times. Twice on my laptop, twice on my home pc. For the kitchen and for the survivor village. The screenshots are from my laptop as well, which explains the graphics quality, please excuse.


    I've experienced the visual glitch, which it for me luckily seems to be, reproducably every morning for months ingame and most of the time it has been ignored without intervention, seeing the lights turn on again not only after re-entering the game, but also after re-entering the base after looting or horde night adventures.


    However, at the end of last year, I was playing a different save on a harddrive that has since perished and I DID experience crop spoiling there, though the setup was pretty much identical.


    I've been playing singleplayer exclusively all the time.


    On the last image of my screenshots you see a generator bank near the insect lights. That one hasn't been connected since I got my hands on good solar panels.


    edit: In your situation, I'd recommend the following:


    1. Put the best 6 batteries you can find in your battery bank and have it powered by a generator with a good fuel tank (small generator gives 1500 instead of 1000 on the generator bank, no idea about the diesel generator, haven't built one in a while). Powering only the insect lights and rodent repeller.


    2. Produce only small amounts of food and then store them where it doesn't spoil. I know it's considered cheating and we don't talk about details here, but I'm sure you know what I mean. In your case, you're experiencing a bug AND you already built anything needed that should guarantee you unspoiled food AND you're in singleplayer. So in my personal opinion I can see nothing wrong with doing that. Alternatively, turn off food spoiling the moment you acquire solar panels. If you know how that's done.


    edit 2: I got three questions now, PPanda0421:


    1. If you did the same test (wait for the insect lights to visually turn off in the morning), will hovering over it with a wire tool show it powered or not?


    2. Since this turned from a real bug (in December) to a visual glitch (right now) for me, is it possible that it also changed for you and you're over careful now, because you experienced spoiled crops and food in the past?


    3. Are you aware that insect infestation will appear on your crops with fully functional insect lights, if you leave mature plants unharvested for too long?

  11. This was just a graphic glitch, like they were on, but you just couldnt tell. some times walking out of the chunk and back in would turn them back on, sort of like how spotlights behave...


    This is, what I've been experiencing with them. No infested plants, lights turning on without intervention after leaving the region and returning or after relogging.


    Now, it's perfectly possible, that two similar glitches exist and also there's a small chance, that I've just been incredibly lucky and although I had the lights turned off on 120 plants repeatedly, none of them got randomly infested.


    Whatever the case, I believe it's worth a closer examination and hope a solution can be achieved easily.


    In the last few days, I tried to trigger this on my fields again, but as always, if you're waiting for a bug to appear, you're probably going to wait a long time, lol.


    So, what I'm wondering is two things:


    Do people that experience crop infestation also find their lights turn on without actively restarting the lights via switch?

    And also: Why doesn't this happen on my field anymore?

  12. Im trying to craft Brass Hinges and the menu UI is empty, there is no option to craft them in the workbench, I have a smithing hammer and have fulfilled the pre-requisite. Is this a glitch


    No, it's the wrong tool station. Try smithing table with smithing hammer in tool slot. Though you could also just wrench some wooden doors in your neighbourhood :).

  13. .. but the vanilla loot lists are very horrible in my opinion and it seemed that they were made in a rush.

    Some item rarities really seem off, considered how easily or difficult they are acquired from harvesting or trading, sometimes. Also: the prices! Just look at the wet concrete stuff.


    I'm not really that much used to the vanilla loot lists anymore, because I'm mostly playing a different mod atm: starvation. I've been looking for a second mod to be able to play on my laptop, because honestly it's pretty pointless to play starvation on it. So far, I'm enjoying undead legacy quite a bit, so I guess that'll be the one right now.


    Also, even a trash bag can potentially spawn a rocket launcher if you are very lucky in RNG ;)


    Treasures in the trash, so you don't really need to scavenge everything, because of the rare chance. But if you do, you get rewarded now and then. I wish this was a feature in vanilla (and thus, all the other mods).


    Obviously you can also find an engine in a purse, which is funny and reminded me of something from diablo 2. I don't know if you ever played it. There was a type of enemy, a mosquito swarm. You could shoot it with an arrow (yeah...) and then *clonk* have it drop a giant axe. Rotfl.


    Another thing, which made me even think of diablo 2 initially was the type of rusty guns you described. It sounds a bit like a new take on ethereal weapons which couldn't be repaired. If the rusty guns are worth less, that will help a lot with the token bonanza going on right now. I'm also not missing the gun parts in the slightest. You can still have a valuable part inside a completed weapon and usually I'm just collecting the weapon types I prefer and then, once gun smithing is high enough, combine them all anyway.

  14. ... though there is always a very small chance, that it can spawn in any kind of loot either from a zombie or containers.


    Is that a feature of this mod or part of the base game? I heard this claim made in other places, but so far this mod is the first version of 7dtd I'm playing where I actually got those outliers. I like this a lot, it adds more excitement to the looting.


    I started a new save in a different seed, because I was so unhappy with the terrain generated in my first try (only steep cliffs and lakes). I'm on day 11 now and I'm getting accustomed to the amount of loot. I learned there are things I can leave behind or scrap, even though they might be components for recipes.


    Balancing wise, I notice an abundance of guns in the loot. While they might all be very low in quality, they fetch a good price at the traders. That's the issue I'm seeing with this situation. With all the different weapon and ammo types, having them drop frequently in lower quality is a good thing, but then the sell values should be adjusted to maybe 1/4.


    The same (though to a lesser extent) is true for all that hazmat gear that everyone is carrying. It seems to be the latest fashion.

  15. Hey Karthinian, on my laptop, I ran into a similar issue (my screen is not ulta wide, so the workstations and recipe list got cut off left and right). When I changed the screen resolution in the video settings, it worked for me. Try an aspect ratio matching your display, even if the resolution might be smaller. If that doesn't work, maybe play windowed in a window size fitting entirely on your screen.

  16. Hey, I'm giving this mod a try right now. First impression: overwhelming lootplosion. Some people handle that with standard backpack size? Astonishing! Very good job at the custom graphics and also, for the most part, of labelling items with the workstation they're crafted at. I like the overall grungy and gimey look it gives to some vanilla loot items. The custom UI is sensational - I'm afraid that's the part which is giving me the most trouble at the moment though: if I queue a lot of fast-crafting items in several machines (nails, arrowheads, crushed sand in concrete mixer, stuff like that) and also do some inventory crafting at the same time, my inventory becomes very laggy. Is there possibly an easy solution or a useable workaround? Outsourcing inventory crafting to a workbench seems to be diabled.

  17. Yup you can place down the zombie head and when you get near it, it yells "They're coming for you!" and your status becomes hunted.

    Awesome. I need to give it a closer examination.


    So, you seem to have placed only a modest amount of workbenches and stuff. Maybe it's best to just move to a new location and just leave the NPC at the nuclear power plant. At the beginning I had a very lag producing base because I stacked everything inside a few chunks (I believe that's the reason) in an abandoned building inside a town (probably a second reason). Then when I had to restart, I dug out underground rooms 1 above bedrock in a mostly empty place close to a trader. I placed the rooms' centers at the intersection of four chunks and had some blocks between the rooms, so I ended up mostly with 5 square rooms and a square plaza (to turn around minibike) all spread over 24 chunks. You can "see" chunk borders underground if you set the texture size and quality to low, because then you can easily see the seam where you dig into the wall separating two chunks. What can I say, I never had a base with this much stuff and this low lag before, so I guess I'm in team mountain dwarf now.


    My base wasn't laggy until my partner placed a bunch of spikes around the top. Now it lags like a mofo, especially when horde night rolls in.

    A "bunch" more like in 50-100 or a carpet of spikes as far as the render distance can see? ^^ Maybe if you established a separate horde night defense structure, you could get rid of most spikes again.

  18. Any news about the patch? Some of us are waiting very hard, cause a farmer that needs your interaction each 3h ingame, is useless.


    Look at that, one by one they come being annoyed by the farm storage. When I complained right after the patch rolled out and Mortelentus called the farmer an unpopular feature you made me look like I was the only one bothered by it ^^.



    2nd Question: The Farmer seems to have another heavy bug...


    I don't think that's a bug at all, it's the way that mechanic works. Well, if you suggest harvesting all of the plants in range as a quality of life feature, I'm all for it, as long as it doesn't cost tons of more resources. As in: doesn't cause more lag because the farmgirl now looking for 20 mature plant types instead of 6. In that case I rather manually punch out the seeds. Not that bad of an inconvenience anyway.

  19. Also a quick question about the severed zombie head... is it purely a decoration item? Seems that's about all it is, though it gives me the Hunted status when I go near it. Does it summon anything or trigger some sort of event?


    I never had.. wait... you can PLACE it? Oh my!


    The nuclear power plant is one of the poi that is surprisingly LOW on lag for me despite its size. For me things like the middle levels of the skyscrapers are bad for example. Your lag might or might not be caused by the poi itself and instead by something self-placed or surrounding it, in which case you could modify to help with it. Did you put a layer of your own blocks on all the floor and roof blocks? Plant tons of fruit trees, big farm plots, many forges and candles? If that's the case, that might cause lag too. If not, it's possible there's a lot going on in the surrounding area. If you find another power plant, you could check if it's the same there.


    I recently started playing a completely different 7dtd mod and though the amount of lag is overall lower (I'm pretty much at the start too, so that's when I get a lot less lag in starvation as well) I have the same kind of micro-freezes A16 starvation is giving me. Is it possibly something A16 Vanilla related?

  20. I have the same question. Nobody did this quest?


    No, I never finished this quest. I only ever gotten it once. I can not tell you, which doc is meant (though I'd vote for the blue one as well), but I can tell you that I had kills not count for some quests and figured it might be tied to my weapon choice, because switching to some vanilla gun solved it for me.

  21. How do you craft the small deposit if it requires a npc?

    Been to every machine but won’t let me craft. What am I missing


    There are two recipes for the small deposit. One has a small hammer icon. Pick the one without hammer icon and you will be able to craft the small deposit in your inventory.

  22. You dont need an npc to make the small generator. I build one without it. it just takes more work is all. :)


    It's actually better to build the first generator without npc, because building a beacon comes next after building a generator in the quest chain and this way you don't have to build a second one just for the quest.


    Why ? :upset:


    I really like previous update. I don't like all this weather cases in this game also season weather.


    Another question If I will use command weathersurvival off it will disable season weather also?


    There is a file you can edit to adjust the weather to your needs. Since this is pretty complex and I asked a friend for help, I can only tell you how to turn off seasons.


    1. Search your harddrive for a file named starvationweather and make sure you pick the result of the real file, not a link

    2. put a copy of that file in the same folder, in case something goes wrong

    3. right click and edit the file starvationweather, you will find a lot of details and stuff,

    4. scroll down til you find this part <Seasons> <Season> and change it to <Seasons> <!-- <Season>

    5. scroll down til you find this part </Season> </Seasons> and change it to </Season> --> </Seasons>

    6. Save and close file


    Seasons should now be disabled. Make sure you do BOTH changes or it will cause mayhem. Good luck!

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