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Record Comments posted by FranticDan

  1. There is also another issue with the bow, sometimes when pressing the primary action button, the arrow doesn't get drawn and have to release and repress button

  2. 14 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Thank you for reporting. I may have found a somewhat sporadic repro for this and have written a ticket for it. Let us know if you happen to come across any additional details that could help us narrow down the issue.

    The only thing I can think of that could be causing this, is the game might think the character is going up a block and so the jump stops going higher.

    Example: If you max out parkour, you can jump 3 metres high, however, if you try to jump over a 1 metre block while moving forward while touching the block, you'll jump exactly 1 metre to reach the top of the block and then run over the top of the block without ever jumping higher than the 1 metre.

  3. Update:

    A21.2 b30 has completely broken the trigger system


    Example above:
    So, the idea is, the door shouldn't open until ALL switches are pressed. This worked before b30 update.
    But now, pressing ANY switch will open and close the door

    Why was this change made?
    It has completely destroyed by puzzles in my mod

  4. I've played around a bit with the A21.2 update. It appears that some fixes have occurred, still not working 100% though.

    I reworked this puzzle slightly in A21.2. The goal is to turn OFF all of the lights, to open the door (24,25,26,27,28). However, the door opens when the green light is on (the rest are off)

  5. 6 hours ago, Diaboliko said:

    This was definitely reported in A20. I absolutely hate the fact that valid bugs such as this one go into under review category and get stuck there, without info being put into known bug list.


    There is one person who had plenty of valid bug reports on his review in under review category forever stuck, even though it took minutes to reproduce.

    It would be nice to have list of known bugs be merged with forum index for pending requests at least.

    Honestly, at this point, I'm convinced it is purely intentional to not communicate with the player when their character is suffering a debuff.

    Imagine bleeding out, and the game never lets you know until half way through the bleeding out timer? That's exactly what this is!

    I've heard a LOT of people complaining "stamina sucks in the game" and it is this bug at fault, people are running around below 75 hydration with heavy armour, and complain they have no stamina.

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