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Posts posted by Grue

  1. Those should work with no problem. F1 for the console and type in "exportcurrentconfigs" without the quotes the check and see just what its loading or not loading.


    assuming a default install here is the path the exported configs will be.


    your map name\your world gen name

    C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Hezubu Mountains\PerfectWorld\Configs


    The recipes were unchanged in the exported configs.


    Edit: Found the problem-- I left the "s" off the end of recipes in the mod xml

  2. A17.2 Vanilla gas is 600 not 1000 so depending on which version and what changes have been made one of these should work.


    Yes thank you, but accidentally typed in the wrong amount.


    Am I correct that this pair or recipes would do and undo correctly?


    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='ammoGasCan'][@count='600']/@count">1200</set>

    <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='oilBarrel']/ingredient[@name='ammoGasCan']/@count">1200</set>


    I might have done something wrong, It still seems to be using 600 units of gas both ways in the recipe.

  3. Question, there are two recipes for gas but I only want to change one of them, so that the oilBarrel recipe makes 1200 gas instead of 600. How do I target the correct one to make my alterations?


    Vanilla code:

    <recipe name="ammoGasCan" count="100" craft_area="chemistryStation" tags="learnable">
    <ingredient name="resourceOilShale" count="12"/>
    <recipe name="ammoGasCan" count="600" craft_exp_gain="0" craft_time="5" always_unlocked="true">
    <ingredient name="oilBarrel" count="1"/>

  4. I am trying to add a large denomination casino token to store large piles of tokens.

    It adds the new token and associated recipes to stack and unstack your tokens.


    I can get the new item to add correctly to items.xml, but I cannot figure out how to make it add a name and description in the Localization.txt.

    (edit: I know can do it manually, but I am trying to get it all self contained.)


    Is that even possible with an xpath modlet?

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