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Posts posted by new7daylive

  1. Ive been at this gaming thing since Ultima 3 on my Commodore 64.  Our little group has folks ranging from 40 thru to almost 70.  And everyone likes something different.  Makes the dedicate server a little tricky sometimes.  We also keep our toolbelts on death.  :)




    For your server config you will have already edited serverconfig.xml right with server name, password etc?  You just pop those extra lines into there, its explained on @Subquake's server config page: https://ul.subquake.com/dedicated-servers (click on "A20 Server Configuration").

    <property name="RecipeFilter" value="0"/>
    <property name="StarterQuestEnabled" value="true"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeFrequency" value="4"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeRange" value="8"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyCount" value="10"/>
    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyRange" value="10"/>


    Thanks MikeyUK for pointing this out.  I will get it set up.



    holy jeezus lol. a HORDE of demolishers? yea i certainly wouldn't want to play on a map where a team of them could spawn haha. my UL patch essentially strips out the UL wandering horde configuration for the enZombie wandering horde setup.... in which all harde groups have max 10 zombies spawn... and for demolitions only 1 is allowed to spawn. i wonder if subquake did some other coding magic that still influences wandering horde spawn numbers and essentially resulted in multiplying the enzombie hordes by a certain factor.

    Yes....  i am expecting to get an earful from one of the guys when he gets on in a couple hours.  10 giants, then 15 demolishers (i killed these away from base), another mob of demolishers (the ones that hit the base), then 30 dogs and then 30 or more cops.... i gave up at that point... lol.  Good fun all round.

  2. hahaha....  they just like to grumble.


    i used the patch.  I just couldnt figure out how to control the numbers.


    I was lauging when i heard from one of the guys....  2 people were in the base at night crafting, housekeeping, etc.  then a horde of demolitioners hit the base.... one guy managed to lead them all away... all but one.  it blew itself up in the doorway and took our low level crafting box with it.... branches, planks, rope, sap, hinges... everything needed to plug a hole in the wall.


    I already fixed it all back up.  They really dont want challenging circumstance, but are willing to accept within reason.  So, we'll just wait until control panel is available.  they are happy and I'll play more path of exile in the mean time...  :D


    Also, I dont have horde settings in my server config file.  How does one get those options?

  3. Well due to massive hordes of killer zeds, I had to remove the mod or lose my playing buddies.  I was able to reduce frequency of giants, demolishers and cops, but just cant figure out how to reduce horde numbers.  Thought i had it sorted then encountered a horde of 30 or so policemen... i was the only person on!  Only mods we have are UL and enZombie.


    I know you are working on next update which should include a settings module.  Will wait until that is available before giving it another go.  I love undead legacy, but I just dont like not having the zed variety.  In the meantime, we will have fun with what we have.  My poor xml understanding is really getting on my buddies' nerves   :D


  4. Quote

    at some point once i'm satisfied with my enZombie population, i'd like to create an addon that molds the gameplay more to my liking.. which is toward more realism and challenging gameplay. on top of things like, player wipe on death, reduced firearms and ammo on loot, smaller hotbar and inventory, inventory weight mechanic, sleeping mechanics, and unlocking recipes only via books (not skill points), etc... reducing the zombie's ability to break blocks would be one of them.

    Since A18, our server has incorporated, larger numbers of zombies (corresponding xp reduction per zombie), significant headshot bonuses (seems like this should be efficient way to kill a zed), and very low block damage.  General thinking is that the game needs to be fun - hitting a zed on the head 10 times with a club is not fun, having zeds chew through base wall everytime they attack is not fun. At least its not fun for us.


    I am not programming literate - i struggle with xml stuff but manage to adjust some stuff.  My only comment about what you are saying above would be:  Personally, I am all for more depth and content.  The challenge is keeping it fun and not making it an extreme struggle.  We found getting started with Undead Legacy very challenging until we adjusted headshot damage.  Still a struggle with zeds, just not extreme.  Food is the big struggle now.  Not sure if i like it or if its too much.  Still trying to get my head around it.  Getting use to hearing my stomach growl  :)


    Really like what you have done with this mod.  Looking forward to seeing how it and other projects of yours develop.

  5. thanks for the assistance in tuning the block damage down.  We play with block damage significantly reduced across the board.  For us, we dont buy into the idea that these fleshy creatures can punch through metal, wood or concrete.  However, if you have enough of them - there can be a break through.


    thanks again for the info

  6. Just loaded up enZombies and immediately received a shock to the system.  We have block damage cranked way down.  Literally the first new zed to appear was a forest giant that just crash right through our door.  Do these zeds abide by main server config file settings?  If not, how can i 'tune' these zeds to be closer to other zombies when it comes to block damage?



  7. On 11/6/2020 at 9:37 AM, trionicb said:

    Also, I'm using the creature pack and so far I have not run into any load problems. I'm getting a lot of soldiers and ferals in some of the POIs on day one. I don't know if that is some between the mods talking to each other for the custom POIs from the COMPO PACK.





    My server isnt happy when i try to load creaturepacks for zeds and humans.  When in game we get hit with a red wall of exceptions.


    Did you make any changes to get these 2 mods to work together for you?


  8. I am also having an issue with images for the weapons and ammo in this mod not displaying.  We just get an item that we identify by mousing over it.  If its ammo, there is just a number of ammo.  Is there a fix for getting the icons/images for the ammo and guns to display?

  9. After the fun pimps intro, im getting a black screen. EAC is off. My game files (steam) are on G drive and I have installed Ravenhearst on H drive. Any ideas what might be causing this? I really need my Ravenhearst fix!

  10. Another Ravenhearst question. We have been using Ping Perfect for a while now to host 7 days to die.


    Recently, we have experienced some crashes after loading the ravenhearst mod. We have never had an issue with our server. Ping Perfect is pointing at the mod. Any body have any experience with this?


    The message we get from Ping Perfect is : An issue or resource overusage has been detected on server 107...

  11. Want to say first off that Ravenhearst is just what the Dr ordered. Our playthrough is taking longer and we are having more fun. Thanks for making the effort to enhance the already great 7 Days experience.


    I having trouble with the shotgun class. Im at the stage where i need to Assemble Boomstick. I dont have a recipe by this name and can find nothing in the forums or internet about it. Is this referring to assembling a double barreled shotgun? I havent found all the parts and Im not to point where i can make them, so I assume there is something else im missing.


    Appreciate any assistance someone can offer. Thanks

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