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Posts posted by jdifran

  1. I'm playing on a multiplayer server with chunk reset set to 200 days (8.33 actual days).  I'm building a massive base that is too big to protect from chunk resets using a bedroll and land claim blocks.  If I just run a lap around the perimeter of my base every few days, will that ensure that the areas outside my LCBs won't go poof?

  2. The location of the light source in the RWG previewer creates an optical illusion where mountains appear as sinkholes in the map viewer.


    To see what I'm talking about, take a screenshot of the map preview, open it in an image editor, and rotate it 180 degrees.


    An explanation of the phenomenon along with a very clear example can be found here: https://researchmatters.psu.edu/2016/06/16/optical-illusions-and-the-view-from-space/

  3. I have been getting a really annoying issue where my character animations (attack, reload, movement, etc.) as well as the zombie animations start playing at 1/2 or sometimes 1/4 speed.  This includes using the bicycle and minibike, which move at a fraction of their normal speed and suddenly lurch forward as though they're trying to keep up.  I am fairly certain that it is somehow triggered by opening containers, as it often happens in my base and when looting POIs.  The only fix has been to log out and back in, and I've had to abandon quests because obviously you can't fight the loot room swarm when everything is running at 1/4 speed.  This happens several times an hour.


    This issue happens on a multiplayer server, but only one other player has ever experienced it, and apparently only one time.  I have uninstalled and done a clean install, which has not fixed the issue. Note that this is not a framerate issue as I'm consistently getting 30-60 fps, nor is it a latency issue as I'm on fiber and have pings under 20.


    Has anyone seen anything like this?

  4. https://pastebin.com/Z3uBsTu4


    Summary: (A short description of the bug)


    While playing on a multiplayer server, after a random amount of time player and zombie animations seem like they are running at half or quarter speed.  It seems as if this happens after I've been in and out of containers (like when putting away loot at our shared base).  Running, attacks, reloading, even falling all happen at a fraction of the regular animation speed.


    Hitting F8 shows that framerate is 30-60 fps, hitting i shows that my ping is very low (I'm on fiber).  Task Manager doesn't show memory or CPU close to 100%.


    Game Version: (A21 b317)

    OS/Version: Windows 11

    CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500H CPU @ 2.50GHz   2.50 GHz

    System Memory: 16GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU

    Screen Resolution: Fullscreen 1920x1090

    Video Settings: High

    Game mode: MP client


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes


    Did you start a new game? n/a


    Did you validate your files? Yes


    Are you using any mods? No client-side mods.  A couple server-side mods.  None of the other 2+ players on the server have experienced this issue.


    EAC on or off? On


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:  See Summary


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Play the game for a while

    2) Interact with storage containers

    3) Player and zombie animations suddenly seem to be running at half speed.  On a couple occasions, when I tried to keep playing, it eventually seemed to drop to 1/4 speed.


    Actual result: See above


    Expected result: Player and zombie animations run at normal speed.


  5. 16 minutes ago, Roland said:

    If you stay in the forest biome and don’t take trader and quest related perks and don’t spam quests you should be able to craft much of your gear. You’ll still get lucky finds that exceed what you can craft but it’s a much better balance compared to A20. 

    If you perk up in trader and quest skills and go to tougher biomes and rush to tier 4+ quests then the rewards you get and loot you find may often exceed what you can craft. 


    On both Wayward Eko's and Guns, Nerds, and Steel's multiplayer streams, they were getting quality 3 and 4 end-game loot (comp xbows, steel clubs, etc.) as quest rewards before day 7.  Granted, they were playing efficiently, but that needs serious balancing.

  6. 34 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    No, the important use case is to show the blocks you can shoot through, water is just icing on the cake.


    Or am I confusing it with the selecting-through-a-block issue? Arrow slits for example should still be shoot-through, but you can not access a dart thrower behind it.



    How about filter checkboxes at the top of the shapes menu for "shoot through" and "reach through"?  Check either of the boxes and it only shows you shapes with those qualities.

  7. 1 hour ago, Meow Chow said:

    Yeap its my first playthrough with UL and im going to finish it before updating, assuming the update comes out soon.  Happy to wait.  I did have an issue with trader Rekt falling through the floor in one of the traders, i tried to fix it but seems hes stuck, luckily i can still just about talk to him, and he still has a foul mouth :)

    I had that issue with Trader Joel and his sidekick falling through the floor and landing on the ground under the base.  They were visible, so it wasn't really an issue.

    6 hours ago, MassiveGiraffe said:


    The wait is killing us lol.

    Will our 20.5 maps be compatible with UL 2.6?

    I speak mostly for myself here, I don't really care about my old map and I'm excited to start anew, but I'm afraid not everyone will share the same opinion.

    Subquake is putting the finishing touches on that sweet racetrack wilderness POI, so if you play a 20.5/2.5 map with 20.6/2.6 you will miss out on it.  And probably other new or updated POIs and stuff.  Personally, I'm really looking forward to using the new 20.6 random world gen settings, so I will definitely be starting fresh.

  8. I think it would be interesting if it were possible to reduce the research data requirement of learning crafting recipes if you have one to sacrifice (by reverse-engineering it).  Similar to the food recipes, but for other things as well.  I guess it would mean there would be two different research recipes for each schematic, but it would add an interesting (and somewhat realistic) twist on researching them.  Just an idea.

  9. I can't log in to check right now, so  just wanted to confirm that in single-player games, a land-claim block is still required to be able to pick up placed items other than the UL workstations.  Last night I had placed some auto turrets and a generator bank and wasn't able to pick them back up using the radial menu.

  10. After several thousand hours of vanilla, I just started playing UL and I absolutely love it.  Such a gorgeous UI.  I love the mix of perks and LBD.  The variety of upgradeable workstations, vehicles, and items is fantastic.  My only minor peeve is that I wish there was an option to tweak how much data you get when scrapping schematics, because the data grind is just a wee bit too grindy for my tastes (but that's not a deal-breaker).


    I'm on day 33 of my playthrough and realized that I've kind of outgrown (i.e., cleaned out) my starter town.  I would like to move my base to a larger city nearby that has a downtown area.  Given the weight of the workstations, I'm wondering what the best solution is.  Multiple trips on my wee bicycle seems painful.  I'm wondering if I should grind to get a vehicle repair kit and repair one of the cargo vans or SUVs around town.   Would that (and steroids) give me enough capacity to move several workstations at once?


    Speaking of workstations, I wonder if it would be possible to add an option for some kind of particle effect when a workstation has something in its output.  I can't tell you how many times I've repaired my wrench only to leave it sitting in the maintenance station and don't realize it until I'm in the middle of a quest.  Or left a bunch of food in the campfire.


    Thanks for a great mod, Subquake.  I think I'm down for another couple thousand hours with UL.

  11. 5 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    I mean this with no disrespect... how much MP have you played?

    Because on running servers, cities near spawn are often picked clean like a plaque of locusts has been through, which will severely impact the players ability to get books, regardless of perks.

    That's the problem I'm refering to. :)


    Sorry, Khaine, that's my bad.  I was jumping in and didn't realize you were talking specifically about MP.  

  12. 13 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Honestly, it's more that I can see people getting frustrated if they can't find the books, especially on MP.

    I see it a lot with DF. Even then, players can be very resistant to spending points. ;) I just think it's a good OPTION to have.


    If they get the weighted looting odds right and folks reliably get enough of the books for the trees they've perked into, that should go a long way.  They could even add a slider in settings to increase or decrease the weight.  Ensuring that the traders always have a good supply of books would also help avoid frustration when you're screwed by the RNG.

  13. I agree that the pipe machine gun is way OP compared to the other pipe weapons, which have small magazines and take FOREVER to reload.  It needs to be nerfed or at least made much more rare in the loot tables so we aren't finding them in the first week.

  14. Changing the properties of the paint stripe blocks is a simple xml change (and one I'll probably do myself at some point if TFP doesn't do it), whereas converting the striping to decals would probably be a major programming effort.

  15. I think it's really clever that the striping on roads is an actual block layer.


    However, that means you can't place blocks flush on the road without destroying the striping.


    Worse, the striping has like 150 hp and produces stone when harvested, which is a pain in the ass and also unrealistic.


    Suggestion:  Road striping should have only a few hit points so you can one-shot it, and it should not produce any harvest materials.  

  16. Is there a FAQ on panning and zooming the RWG preview map?


    I know that WASD can be used to pan east/west and zoom in/out (painfully slowly), but I can't for the life of me figure out how to pan north/south.  I feel like I've tried every conceivable combination of keys.  Dragging with the left mouse button does nothing, and dragging with the right mouse button does a crazy 3D rotation that's so sensitive it is impossible to use.


    Are there other shortcuts or mouse functions that I'm missing?

  17. 14 hours ago, LilMissNorti said:




    Radiators, candlesticks, doorknobs and taps when fed into a forge directly give MORE brass than their scrapped equivalent. Whilst I am one for optimising my inventory and bag space when playing brass is such a important resource to NOT remove these items from the game or reduce them all to 'scrap'.


    My suggestion is that "brass junk" covers all those miscellaneous items and could be smelted directly like they can, or scrapped at a loss to "raw" brass.  If a radiator is worth 100 brass, then scrapping a car or AC would give you 100 "brass junk".  If its stack size is set smaller than for raw brass, we still have the inventory management issue, but it's probably not as much of a nuisance because we won't need separate slots for radiators, doorknobs, candlesticks, etc. 

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