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Posts posted by RipClaw

  1. 1 hour ago, RLBiscuit said:

    To perhaps clarify a previous comment I made, I think the heat map thing should be a defined on all 3 axes, so that if I am deep enough, screamers shouldn't show up, for instance.

    Screamer won't show up when you are on the bedrock. They can't be spawned. I tested it in A20 with a bunch of campfires. All I get in the console is "AIDirector: Scout spawning failed".

  2. 20 minutes ago, Survior said:

    What a LOT of you are saying is that WEAPONS_SKILLS_N_STATs  is the only way to play now, and that sounds super lame.

    It's not the only way, but it's the one that I've found works best for single player, and I don't see how it's any different from A19.


    As far as character development goes, it's an RPG. You start weak and get stronger through skills and better gear.

    Before A17 we had learning be doing. The more you used something the better you got at it. But that has been replaced by the current skill tree.


    The two key things that I think have changed in terms of progress compared to A19 is that you can't find working workstations anymore and that the lootstage is separated from the gamestage.


    How did you play in A19?


  3. 1 minute ago, ImATurtleMaate said:

    I think mine glitched, I'm on level 2 quests but never got the bike offered, my friend is on level 2 and got hers

    Seems to happen that you don't get a reward for completing the level 1 quests. The only thing you can do is find another trader and do the level 1 quests there.

  4. 1 hour ago, Fox said:

    So this game is essentially linear in progression? You have to do specific things in order to progress... lovely.

    Not necessarily, but in A20 it makes things easier. You can also get lucky and find a beaker, but you are not guaranteed to find a beaker at all. That is the problem with RNG. It depends on luck and not how much effort you put into something.


    Not getting a beaker is an old problem, as it was already very rare even in the earlier Alphas. What slows most people down in A20 is the acid. To build a chemistry station, you need not only a beaker, but also 5 acids.

  5. 5 hours ago, ImATurtleMaate said:

    Pc, 2 player vanilla

    Day 16. We have 1 bicycle and that's it

    Doing quests is the way to more mobility and a chemistry station. With the completion of the level 1 quest series you get a bike as a guaranteed reward. I bought the chemistry station from the trader but I have also seen it as a reward for completing the level 3 quests.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Survior said:

    This was my 3rd start in alpha20, each with similar results. It's just f-ing brutal and I can't do @%$# because of the skill requirements.

    Since I don't know your play style, it's hard to give advice here. What I have learned for myself is to use the skill points at the beginning only for skills that help you in combat.


    Maybe these two videos will help you a bit.



  7. 47 minutes ago, Survior said:

    During alpha 19 my longest play though was like 150 days and had 7-ish deaths. Now in alpha 20 I've died 7 times in 5 days, I don't even get 7 days to die.

    It happens from time to time. You get off to a bad start. I have over 4000 hours of gameplay and yet I was unlucky and died in the first week due to a dog horde that unfortunately showed up at the worst possible time.


    I've been playing the game since alpha 15 and every alpha I die a few times until I get used to the new balance and mechanics. In Alpha 17 I died a lot, but I also learned a lot about how to best fight the zombies and what skills are helpful.


  8. The difficulty no longer has any influence on the gamestage. To quickly rise the gamestage you would have to change the XP multiplier in the settings.


    The rest would have to be done with modlets that increase the damage from zombies without reducing the damage from the player.


  9. 10 hours ago, Roland said:

    You don’t expect a zombie you encounter in a house to go into area destruction mode when you’re standing 4 meters away but you do want hordes of zombies to randomly destroy the area. 

    Actually, I expect zombies in a horde to come after me and not run away to beat up a tree. 


    Zombies randomly attacking blocks works well for players standing on a roof or tower shooting down at the zombies.

    It does not work if you use electric traps or have a melee base. You have to rely on the zombies behaving in a somewhat predictable way.

  10. 57 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    which might be intentional to make people decide between the easy roads and the bumpy shortcuts. There were also plans to make vehicles break down faster when they travel off-road.


    But the easy roads are sometimes not an option because they end somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Then you have to drive cross-country, whether you want to or not. I hope that the road network outside the cities has also been improved in random gen in A20.

  11. On 8/28/2021 at 2:39 AM, AtomicUs5000 said:

    I can't think of any other survival games at the moment where you can simply just carry a vehicle and pull it out when you want besides No Man's Sky, but there's a lot of sci-fi involved to easily excuse it.

    Recently, a truck was added to the game "The Infected." You can flip it when it lands on the roof and if it gets lost or is stuck you can teleport it back to the garage.

  12. 1 hour ago, ShellHead said:

    Is this actually useful?

    It can be useful if you use it properly. I know a Twitch streamer who usually plays on Insane difficulty with nightmare speed and permadeath. His favourite tactic in the early game is to run towards a zombie, stab him 2-3 times with the bone knife or hunting knife and then run away. The inflicted wounds stack up and the zombie bleeds out.

  13. 4 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    Just an observation: it seems like players don’t like demolishes because their gamestyle is “build a base”  Like, an impenetrable fortress or just a well designed killing base. And those who don’t mind demolishes are more of “run around and shoot and take refuge when you need to”.  I’m betting part of the frustration when you grind a lot to get materials to make a great base, it’s annoying to have to keep grinding just to rebuild.

    It is certainly not nice to see something you have just built destroyed. The grinding itself is not the frustrating part. I used to listen to podcasts or music while mining. I spent days in the mine and even created whole tunnel systems under the map. Now that's no longer possible because of the digging zombies and the screamers that spawn every 2-3 minutes. I then have to interrupt and fight the screamer horde, and that's the really frustrating part. 
    It's getting harder and harder to maintain a semi-peaceful play style. Everything is now about killing zombies.

    4 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    I feel that TFP either made demolishes specifically to make you not be able to easily build inpenatrible  bases, or to lengthen the end game because you could never truly be “safe” until you mastered how to build out all the traps, etc. and had enough power to easily grind to get more materials to rebuild. Basically: demolishes are to punish you for not having super well done defenses, and enough of them to hold off demolishers.

    Even with all the traps, you are not completely safe. One explosion and all the traps in one area are destroyed. Then there are the radioactive cops who can destroy the blade traps very easily with their spit. The only traps that remain are the dart traps and they consume huge amounts of iron.


    The frustrating thing is that you don't need a base. I have also run around on the street and fought the zombies on foot. It was easier than building a base and that's the frustrating thing. A base should give you an advantage.

    4 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    another theory could be they are just testing them out in their current form.

    Since the demolishers have been in the game unchanged for a while, I doubt that any changes will be made.

    4 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    I play a lot of single player, and I have to use multiple POIs as bases so the demolishers are fun (for me) because whatever they blow up is just more danger, and I never rebuild whatever they blew up. I don’t have to grind to replace material. But If I get one at my “base I keep my stuff at” and I lose a lot

    of stuff due to a demolisher, then I simply rage quit ;)  but it was probably time to quit that run through anyway as I was having it too easy, being able to build up all that stuff.

    This is certainly a convenient way to play but it is also the least creative way. You're basically playing the game like a loot shooter and throwing the part of the game I love out the window.

    4 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    ao yeah, I can see why they are not for everyone, but for some of us who like going from “0 to random hell raining from the sky” it’s a ...... blast :)

    Good for you but not for people like me.

  14. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Wonder which one makes for a more interesting defense play.......

    For me the most interesting gameplay would be to build a fully automatic zombie killing base and then on horde night I sit in front of the monitor armed with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show.

  15. 27 minutes ago, Spiked_Coffee said:

    One thing I've been known to do,  usually at a factory, is to run around with no silencer firing off my AK or other loud weapon, trying to wake up the sleepers.

    This doesn't always work. You can not wake up anything that is not yet spawned. For example, the zombies in the trap room in the apartment building only spawn when the player is very close.

  16. 1 hour ago, errornull said:

    after i customize the xml for wandering horde spawning, what's the easiest way to test it in game?


    is there a console command avail to spawn a wandering horde? or does everyone just jump into the map and run in circles until a wandering horde shows up? 

    I did not test it in A19 but the command was spawnwanderinghorde in previous version.

  17. 54 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Could someone post how many iron is needed for a steel bar? And how many steel bars for a steel block?

    A steel bar cost 20 iron and 10 clay. Upgrading a concrete block to steel costs 10 steel.

    With 60k iron you can upgrade 300 blocks.


    What you have to keep in mind when producing steel is that it is a slow process. Therefore it is preferable to spread the load over several forges.
    I usually reserve 3 forges for steel production when I build a base.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Teacyn said:

    Turning to cheese bases, meat grinders, and kill corridors are basically your only option outside of just reinforcing throwaway POIs and waiting the night out.

    There is another option. Build a 5x5 or better 7x7 tower completely out of steel. This should also withstand demolishers until the morning. But you need to have a decent steel production to build and maintain something like this.

  19. 11 hours ago, Tohskrad said:

    Thanks for all your help and advice!  It looks like most of the options are fairly technologically advanced and I'm not sure that we have all the schematics learned, but hopefully these will maintain base longevity instead of a complete rebuild every bloodmoon.

    Do none of you have points in Advanced Engineering ? All schematics needed for base building can be found under this one skill.

    12 hours ago, Tohskrad said:

    If all else fails, it seems that the horde disappears once everyone dies during a bloodmoon, regardless of time... so that may be a less desirable option if these don't work out.

    If you don't like the bloodmoon horde, you can deactivate it or you can take over a big stable POI and destroy all paths that could lead to you. Then it does not matter if the zombies destroy the building or not, since you can simply find a new POI or reset it during a quest.

    12 hours ago, Tohskrad said:

    I'll give these all a try and hopefully some work.  Will be odd having an almost entirely open, attack heavy base as opposed to a more natural (for me) defense heavy base.

    You could reduce the block damage of the zombies. Then a old fashioned bunker is also possible.

    With the default block damage the zombies break through a thick wall much too fast.


    But you can also make the bunker to be the last retreat and build a more open base with choke points around the bunker.

    A design element of old castles is that weak points are intentionally built at strategic points. This way you get the enemy to go where you can fight him effectively.

  20. 58 minutes ago, katarynna said:

    You can look up Grand Spartan's youtube video of his a19 base (I think it was called the blender base) that utilized darts and blades extremely successfully against demos. Or vedui probably has bases that work with a19. Jawoodle also.

    I currently use the design of Grand Spartan, which he calls the processor, with a few small adjustments that make it easier for me to repair the blade traps.

    Works fine but when a demolisher explodes all the blade traps are gone. That's why there are still dart traps and I can still use the firearms.


    If you don't want to use cheese tactics then you have to invest a lot of resources. That means there has to be at least one miner in the group.

    If you prefer guns you should not try to block the zombies but use choke points. Then you can focus your fire on this one point. A nice detail I saw the other day is a catwalk made of quarter blocks over a pit. Along the walls of the pit are electric fences in case the zombies go into destruction mode when they fall down. And since no two zombies fit next to each other on the catwalk you have all zombies in a row.


  21. 51 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    How is the wall invulnerable? You can't build in the trader protected area. You can build just next to the protected area, but these blocks are not invulnerable anymore. But Zs can walk into the protected area and start smashing your wall. I don't see how this should gona work?

    And why are you waiting for someone else doing it and don't try it yourself?

    The invulnerability is in a certain radius around the trader. In some cases, this then also affects the walls of nearby buildings.

    For example, I have a trader next to whom there is a small scrap yard. The fence surrounding the scrap yard is made of wood and therefore very weak. If I would replace the unprotected walls with concrete then the zombies would try to break through the wooden fence but it is protected by the trader.

    But I would have to turn off the sound if I wanted to fight the horde there because the sound of protected blocks would really annoy me.

  22. 10 hours ago, enragedcamel said:

    I like the slower progression early game, but I think exceptions to it need to be made -- if I take a huge risk and take two days to clear out a large, high level POI early on, then spend another half day smashing the chest open with my stone axe, the loot shouldn't be a level two blunderbuss.

    I agree. It should be at least a level two blunderbuss and a sharp rock. 😉


    I have read that the developers are working on assigning a gamestage to certain POIs. So you get better loot from this POIs.
    But this also means that you can't go to a factory on day 1 and only see slow zombies. Instead, you will at least see feral zombies.

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