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Posts posted by v3tro

  1. On 8/30/2023 at 6:39 AM, Laz Man said:

    Recent post on the 7D2D facebook page:


    "Undead variants coming to Alpha 22 and Consoles. Stay Tuned!"




    Are these custom made models/variants like 2-3 for each zombie or randomized colored clothing pieces so we can have 30 of them and each have different colors? 

  2. On 6/13/2023 at 9:47 AM, OgreSlayeR said:

    I mean that's not a big of difference, have you found a Crack-A-Book store and hit every mail box etc? That is what really seemed to get me a ton of mags fast and also taking the mag reward from the trader which gives a lot.


    But that`s a one time thing, no? You looted all the mail boxes and crack-a-book and now your fast progression comes to halt when you cant find more magazines. 

  3. Those gold lootbacks were added as a "placeholder", same as quest exclamation marks.. but seems like they are staying as a final thing.

    I hope that they can visually change to something more realistic but at this point I`m already used to it.. just feels weird. 

  4. Love the water change, food/water is finally part of the game.

     What`s the reason to complain? What changed so much that people can`t adapt and need to make a fuss about it?

    Before you could make unlimited amount of jars in forge and fill them up instantly.. boiling time was like 10s. You are set for next 100hour game in less than 10min, it was broken. Now food/water is relevant. Great change. 

    Same as magazines.. best change ever, beats learn by doing and that terrible perk to unlock recipes by miles. 


  5. Reading few negative comments from others made me want to say that I absolutely love all the changes from A-Z! Great work TFP!

    TL:DR - everything is fine, can`t complain. 


    -New magazines/crafting system is amazing, beats LBD and perking into skills by miles. Only negative could be that T1 Q5 is better than T2 Q1-2.. if it`s locked behind progression then I expect my newly unlocked and crafted weapon to be better than last one.

    I like how you slowly progress in armor, seeds, tools, food, electricity, workbenches.. everything. Makes you appreciate the little things that you never crafted before because you could skip it in no time. 

    Was pleasantly surprised and I like that the books are everywhere, when I perk into skill I can barely notice that I am collecting magazines that I need, but when you actually go and check, then you can notice that magazines in which you spent skill points are a bit more than others. ( especially for weapons, where I have 20-30magazines for spears/rifle while around 5-15 for other weapons) Currently on server day 21(40min) and I am not even half way there.


    -Trader rebalance - love it. Always wanted for them to be specialized and for me this is working great. No more 1 trader to rule them all.

    I like that the prices have changed and gone up for food/water and especially candy (A20 I bought every single canned food and candy from all vending machines I could find every day without a though, now I don`t have $ and need to think if I really need that candy right now) the 300$ per book is also nice, when before I could do few quests and swim in stacks of 20,000$ now I am constantly running out of money. I do a quest (avg. 3 per day(40min))  and constantly spend the money for something I need be it books, water or simple materials I can get for cheap. Price rebalance is working great, can`t say traders OP because I don`t have $ to buy from them. (must point out that I`m not perked into daring adventure, maybe that changes things) 

    As rewards/items in traders - I saw some weapons/tools that were 1 tier up, so if I could make a stone shovel 2-4, I could have bought iron shovel q3.. but it was expensive and was it really worth it? Seems reasonable if someone wants to do 3-5quests just to buy that 1 shovel, he can bypass the progression at the cost of other things he will be missing out. 

    I got a nailgun as a reward after T3 quest.. or it was T2-T3 completion. That was a no-brainer considering I needed around 50more magazines to unlock it myself. 


    My 1st trader happened to be rekt, so I am in luck with food, but everything else is lacking and I like that I need to go out and loot specific POI or drive to another trader to get what I need (had to drive to Bob to buy mechanical parts for my wrench so I can get mechanical parts lol). Distances from trader to trader are around 1.5km( seems reasonable). I also like that traders spawn randomly not on the edge of city.


    -water/food - so far seems great. Never ever have I "struggled" so much for food/drink. I am a veteran player so I am not dying of it but it`s noticeably harder.. I have around 150meat in storage, but what good is it if I cant make it properly and the time it takes to cook makes it more difficult to just spamcraft food and forget about it. The long cooking time is probably one of the main reasons why this works so great.

    I made 2 dew collectors but water still is relevant issue. I am not dying of it, but from time to time you notice that you are running out and you need to refill up. Also I was forced to buy food/water from traders which is nice.

    Had to cancel, ahem, run for my dear life to base to get some water when I was flashing red at 0 while digging up the damn T2 digging quest and I was down to like last 3 possible blocks that treasure could be in (hella unlucky to not find it sooner, spent whole day digging it (around 30min)) what a disaster that was, but the excitement.. love this alpha. 

    Not missing empty cans/jars for a single second, glad that they are gone. 


    Loot containers - I like this change a lot. All the trash and birds nests destroying themselves - just beautiful. At first I thought that I would not like this change because I used to destroy them myself for additional resources but now playing couple hours with it.. what a QoL gem. 

    The containers that change to "empty" are also nice, had to get used to not being able to use them as storage but quickly adapted. Just make storage chest and done, don`t understand people who complain about this issue. Cupboards need to change to empty as well, I think they are bugged or just not implemented in yet.. hopefully soon.


    Performance - Can`t really remember what I was getting in A20, but this seems better. I have ryzen 9 3900x, 2070super, 32gb ddr4 and I am playing on custom ultra/high settings 1440p - getting 60-100fps, usually 80. can`t complain, especially in horde nights when I used to drop down to like 5 or 15, even if it was for split second, it was terrible.. Now horde nights goes smoothly, fps hasn't dropped below 50 once.


    Art is just getting better and better with each alpha, nothing much to say, love all the new decors, cars, poi. Amazing work guys!


    All in all I know that TFP doesn`t knee jerk, but reading few negative feedbacks I wanted to write my own positive so not everyone is unhappy as people tend to be vocal only about things they dislike, lol. Thanks for the amazing update!

  6. 8 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    The overlap is definitely still there. The example I saw was a Q5 Wood Club was better than a Q1 Bat, by like 4 damage points or so


    Saw Q5 Stone Sledge vs Q1 Iron Sledge too, Stone was slightly better again but it was much closer than club/bat


    Was both of them unmoded?

    I would prefer if without the mods T2 Q1 would be better than T1 Q6, but if you add 2+ mods to T1 Q4-6 then that weapon would be slightly better with added damage/bonuses from mods compared to T2 Q1/2 without any mods attached. 

  7. 1 hour ago, WaywardEko said:

    I'm running 4k.  I learned the hard way that the 3000 series cards are optimized for that and actually give worse performance if you drop it.  

    I will say that I'm not alone on this challenge and that these numbers are not uncommon.  I did a performance video on 7DTD w/ over 400+ comments and the variability of FPS is all over the map.  I've seen folks w/ 3090s also have issues.  Bottom line is with that level of hardware, I shouldn't even have to worry about tweaking settings to squeeze out FPS.  I'm not trying to run on ultra settings.  I'm taking a modest approach.



    I have 3900x, 2070super and 32DDR4. Everything is on ultra+ (except shadows,motion blurr off) and I`m playing on 1440p. Frames are above 60 majority of time, drops low at intense horde nights but I`m running 64zombies per player.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Phil said:

    1. Airdrops in stupid areas, on top of of large buildings, on top telegraph poles, in the water.


    I prefer Airdrops to be completely random. If it lands in water or tall buildings - so be it, part of the fun challenge getting them. 


    Everything else about water - hopefully fixed in A21.

  9. With new Learn By Looting System and skills no longer unlocking recipes do skills "Archery" and "Javelin Master" has gotten an upgrade? 


    Right now these 2 weapon governing skills are the only ones that do not provide anything interesting as bonus when you invest to unlock level 3+. They only do "% more dmg, %faster reload/throw", while all other do the same +gives you interesting bonuses like stamina per hit, bleeding, gunpowder crafting, anti-infection, each successful hit does more dmg etc. 


    @Roland  can you give any info about this?

  10. 22 minutes ago, maxousara said:

    This error Will never be correct because the actual version is abandonned. BUT a new console version is in preparation (same version of pc) just wait and ignore this md5 problem until New version is out like me.


    Yeah yeah i'm a console players i see critic coming because pc players hate us we are baby cry because we reclam an update but they cry when they passed 3 months without update. Who is the worst if we check the reality. Not console community. Not necessary respond me i never read answers except if its developper themself.


    PC players do not hate console players. What we "hate" are people who can`t read or comprehend basic information always asking the same question even if it has been answered multiple times.

  11. 8 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Picture frames are a waste of memory/asset space, IMO, if done that way.

    They should do like DF where you can put a picture URL in a frame, and it'll display the picture from the internet.



    That would be amazing if you could make an empty picture frame and add your own picture.. from the i-net or just a screenshot/picture taken in 7dtd game itself.  

    Like an interactable picture frame. press E, choose different picture to portray from your steam 7d library or something.

  12. 15 hours ago, Oliwhere said:


    So if they wanted me to be able to craft my Q1-Q5 wooden bow myself I would have to have 25 jars of water to spare to make the glue and duct tape in that recipe.

    So either water surival will not be such a big issue (since you have water to spare for crafting) or crafting will have to take a backseat again, since the immediate surival needs are the more pressing matter.


    So increased drop rates for glue and duct tape or lowered amounts of these items in the crafting recipes could still be needed to make the magazine/crafting and water change work out.


    If I remember correctly, glue crafting recipe will be the same but instead of murky water you will need to use boiled water or just "water" as it is.

    Crafting glue is not the only way to get it, you can loot it or buy from traders. 


    13 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    About this number - i give example how this words can be true and in this same change nothing.

    I think they will do something like time just because = let say you could find 2 parts per 2 hours in A20 so i don't think they will do something to reduce time to 2 parts per 1 hour. Well they added steel tools parts just to increase time neccesary to make this tools. So i don't believe that now they want reduce time neccesary to find stuff because they could just removed steel tool parts. 


    I am not understanding why you are making your decision assuming TFP do not know what they are doing... or do you want it to be "bad" ? Not sure, can`t seem to grasp your point of view.

    All your given numbers seem artificially made so you can show your point of view and in your given situations - yes, you are correct. But the problem is that you have no idea if your numbers are even remotely precise. That increased number could be 5% per perk instead of your 0.1%.. 


    Not sure how you got 2 parts per hour. Sometimes I can get 15parts in 1hour while other times cant get 1 part in 10hours. RNG luck based, and if you go and loot specific gun containers you increase your chances of finding gun parts etc. 

    5 minutes ago, Ray Garraty said:

    For the past 5 years we haven't seen any new wired electric traps from TFP at all, which is absolutely unacceptable in terms of  the Tower Defence genre game.

    I agree we don't need medieval trebuchets and ballistae, but automatic grenade turrets or flamethrowers would be nice


    Would LOVE to have more electricity stuff, logic gates etc. Just some basics like when minecraft introduced redstone. Nothing crazy, but devs have stated multiple times that it is not their goal and will not happen. From electricity I can see some new lights and hopefully flamethrower if it comes to that. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Good to know but on other hand - we don't know how many parts will need for crafing + this don't mean crafitng will be buffed why? 

    For example :

    A20 - 0,5 % for steel parts chance

    A21 - 0,125% on T1 , 0,2 on T2 etc so- this will be "true" but this make crafting useless


    But this is a balance issue, % and numbers can be tweaked easily. 

  14. 10 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

    Your truth. Honestly, it really doesn't matter what anyone says out here it'll be met with the same defensive responses all TFP reps give. X person is wrong and we are right. TFP are always right. We never falter or make mistakes. TFP are perfect. We have nothing to learn because we know it all. Our truth is above the highest enlightenment.

    Reach Gaming's points are right and the patterns are real. You don't want to see the validity in his views and want or expect all us out here to believe a context and narrative you want people to believe. Of course Schwanz9000 replied to Reach Gaming. Can't have that kind of negative truth without some sort of defence. I also see people asked questions and were ignored. Is this strange this happens? No. It's a pattern.


    This right here just shows how blindly you are following it without giving any real evidence. You worship Reach Gaming`s views and everyone else is wrong..

    You are doing and acting the exact same way you talk about TFP or anyone else defending them. You have the absolute same mindset only without any factual proof or logic behind it, just emotionally distressed feelings. It`s quite sad actually. Everyone is wrong and you are the only righteous one, +10 more fellas who share the same mindset out of 100,000 people.


    There is HUGE difference between being blunt and straightforward to being rude, insulting and mocking everything. You are like a real life Karen who is not happy about anything, have 0 factual knowledge and is unwilling to listen or learn anything because that would mean you were wrong in the first place.


    In your long post there was also a pattern and it was simple. - You are delusional.


    No one, not even TFP themselves have said that they are perfect and everything is amazing.

    Everyone, mods and TFP staff included, have had something they are not happy about the game or would change/mod themselves, but they voice their opinion in a civilized manner. What you are doing is straight out trolling and letting your frustration out on others.


    Also, can you name some of the "playstyles removed" by TFP? What did they remove and didn`t let you play? Could one of those things be "digging zombies" ? Just in case, this stupid ass argument was one of them - zombies always dug, then they stopped for few alphas and now they dig again. So no playstyle was removed here. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    If you still see diminishing returns, please explain.  


    From Quantums provided table you get a diminishing returns without spending a perk point.


    But at that point one could wonder if you even should be able to farm safely without investing into farming.

    As I see it you find seeds by looting -> plant them and be happy that you got some food out of those seeds without perks instead of wanting unlimited food supply from them.

  16. 3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I removed all trader rewards (except for the tier rewards) and found it refreshing.  You still want to do trader missions to get coin, but since you don't get rewards now for completion, it motivates you to loot non-mission POIs to find gear and items.


    This sounds interesting, will give it a try! Thanks.

    5 hours ago, Orclover said:

    If you don't like the idea of unlimited quest, then you might hate the idea of not having anything to do but wait for horde night.


    There is plenty to do in this game, problem is that I subconsciously want to do only quests at daytime because it just feels good to do something you are 'supposed to" and get rewarded for it. 

  17. Hello,

    Some people, myself included, feel like traders and quests are a bit OP and it just draws you into this unlimited cycle of questing all the time, because that`s just so brokenly rewarding and it results in unintentional burn-out and boredom after few hours/days/weeks.


    So I thought about a solution that could be just as easy as limiting amount of quests per day!? 

    Currently we have 5 (I think) quests per day we can choose from and they reset each day, but we can do all of them if we choose to. So my idea was that you could only choose 1 of these 5 quests to do per trader and that`s it for a day. Next day you would get new different 5 quests and you could choose only 1. Or maybe it depends on quest tiers, so T5 quests could be done once every 3 days or something.


    This would also make more meaningful choice in choosing your quest type instead of selecting the closest ones and just run them all ASAP  and on top of that it would give you free time exploring the map and engaging in games other aspects such as building, mining or even exploring different POI that you are skipping over because you are rushing to do a quest. 


     I know this is not games fault or problem, you can just ignore traders/questing and limit yourself, but... weak mind😀


    Thought this was a nice, easy solution and wanted to hear fellow players thoughts on it. Could it be easily modable?

  18. 5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works. Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.


    Why are you focusing ONLY on the quality of tool? That`s your mistake and where you are wrong. A person with the most investment towards specific thing does have a better version of that specific thing. If you are perked into mining then you get better bonuses when you mine, period. What does it matter if the guy with 0 perks in mining have better tool if you are still better at mining with your worse tool? Eventually you will get the same tool and you will be best miner in server. I can`t see any punishment.


    5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    If you are in a group / online server in general, every single second you spend in your base *not* looting is another second you are behind the people who are, which is pretty weird design for a game with as many non-looting related systems as 7 Days have. Spent a day mining for iron and coal or a day building onto your house? Welp you are now 2+  t4 quests behind your friend who lives in a 5x4 wooden shed, and he found better stuff that furthers the gap and makes it ever harder to catch up


    This "problem" exists only if you min-max or play PVP which, I think, is not the main focus of this game. PVE and enjoying game with your friends is, so in this case - why does it matter what others do and how they choose to progress? You want to stay at home building pretty base or mine, then you can do and the friends that want to loot can do that. 


    They are different things and you have pros and cons for both of them. If you stay home making better base then you are left with better, prettier base. You choose to spend day mining for nitrate and coal? - Now you are miles ahead of a looting player when it comes to bullets. Player who choose to loot can get better tools/weapons, but they are behind on resources you got mining so now they are behind you... 


    I spend lots of days building and improving electricity in my base and don`t think that I`m behind someone who is looting. In fact I see it as opposite, I don`t need to loot as much if I secure my base well enough.


    5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    It's a pretty feels bad man moment when games do that, and it happens a LOT if you play with friends in loot driven games like Diablo  / Path of Exile / Borderlands / Monster Hunter etc. Where you are like "GUYS PLEASE go eat lunch or something so I can actually enjoy the game and do the RP crap without getting left behind". It starts to feel like a chore trying to keep up, which is precisely why I'm against all the "Looting is the only thing that matters and only way to progress" changes


    Not sure you can compare these games, they are totally different.


    For me looting, building and mining goes hand in hand to one another, you still need to do all of them. 


    Before magazines you still couldn't just mine, stay at base and get everything you need, you needed to go out and get resources for your better tools. How is this different to this new magazine(learn be looting(?)) system? You are still going out searching for resources only now you are searching for magazines also.. + if you perk into your skill then you should get more of those books, so should be fine.


    This new system seems amazing because now you are not "forced" to perk anywhere just to unlock some basic recipes. No more spending 1 point for forge, 1 point for bicycle, 1 point for cooking, 1 point for first aid bandages etc.. 


    I am not a die-hard fan and there have been things I miss from old alphas, but if testers and developers are saying this works great then I trust them until I can test it myself and only then I would give constructive criticism instead of speculating. 

  19. On 8/22/2022 at 5:29 PM, Matt115 said:

    So yeah this is natural way - what are you doing in for example minecraft to get better tools? mining. Terraria? mining. Medieval dynasty? mining. Mining mining mining -  this is just standard : harvesting +looting ---> mining --> a little bit looting ----> mining 


    This sounds like an absolute flawed logic.


    In minecraft you need to mine because that`s the only way you can get better tools and progress, so you go mining for iron,diamonds etc., in 7dtd you do not need to mine. You mine to get some basic resources, that`s it. I don't understand how someone wants to only gather resources, get 9999 EXP and be done with game without playing it.


    Current amount of EXP gained from mining and upgrading blocks is broken as hell, gives way too much for such trivial things. 


    Haven`t played your other games so can`t talk about them.

  20. 5 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Chickens and rabbits from the forest are fair game, as they can be a bit tough to find and capture, but what about the HUGE amount of food in the snow biome? Predators (cougars/bears) are big targets, easy to exploit (they go straight towards you when called, killable at day 1 with  around 50-100 stone arrows and a 3x6x3 wooden tower,  fact that gets almost instantaneous with firearms) and give tons of meat. The snow biome feels like a butcher's shop. A white rabbit could do for most of the territory, honestly lol. I do hate those agile rabbits, but they are rewarding to kill.


    Doesn`t seem like a problem to me. If you are investing 50-100 arrows to kill 1 animal, that in itself is huge investment and you should be rewarded. Time is also valuable factor, you need to build your tower, gather resources to make those arrows and you  can`t really shoot them all in 10s time period either. 
    How do you overcome zombies that are tougher in snow biome + weather, you get cold pretty quick.. for experienced players - yes, could be easily doable cheese strategy and get your meat ASAP on day 1. Other players would die from cold alone.

  21. I am looking forward to this new water change. Sounds interesting and gives us "experienced" players more challenges which is nice. 


    Seems like some of you are blowing this thing out of proportion just like it was with farm plots, candy ,LBD etc.. water was never an issue before and they are removing easy access to water to make it more challenging/interesting. Some of the proposed ideas are good, but do not fit into vanilla game, would be too much or too clunky for such a trivial thing as water. No need to overcomplicate. 


    When you guys think that making <name anything> is easy.. just think about 100,000+ people who do not know how to boil an egg without looking it up on i-net. Not everyone is intellectually smart. 

  22. Ryzen 3900, RTX 2070 super, 32gb ram. Playing 1440p, everything maxed out on ultra+ (motion blurr off) and I get 80-120 fps. 

    Went into midle of a huge city, spawned in with " 25 per click/spawn"  option vultures and 3 different kind of zombies, not sure how many zeds I had on screen 100, or 64.

    FPS Tanked to 20-30, but it has never been this good in any previous alphas. 

  23. You are delusional and in denial so much that you can`t comprehend simple information.. why don`t you educate yourself on this topic before you go around insulting people and calling names? Also as @%$#ty as it is, I`m pretty sure that console sold 7days to die as complete version, not an alpha, so you got what you paid for. As for "time for answers", they have answered all your questions multiple times already.


    Your arguments about consoles current build still applies to pc version... at certain point in game you get bored. 


    Not gonna bother checking that link, but if 11,000 people signed it, it is just a sad, sad sign. Can`t buy common sense.  Not to mention bad rep that it gives to console players who are actually understanding and waiting patiently 

  24. Always saving Dog Food for Learning Elixirs from Day 1, most important canned food for our group and no one ever eats it.. better eat rotting flesh than this gem.

    Everything else gives food, so doesn`t matter that much, but usually we don`t eat stuff that can be used more wisely later on. 

    As in "gross" factor or correlation to real life doesn`t influence me at all, game is game and if it gives you stats - eat it.

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