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Everything posted by ElCabong

  1. Snakes are too easy. Once you know where to aim they are at worst an annoyance. I'm glad to run into one starting out because they're practically an effortless source of food. I would give them the same number of hit points as the zombie wearing the hoodie. You would have to work to kill them. Add a chance of infecting you with a new disease, irritable bowel syndrome. It would erode your armor rating over time and require an antibiotic to fix. They would rival buzzards as the most hated critter after dogs.
  2. I'm not 100% sure this is a bug anymore. I was like you for the longest time but then when I equipped the arrow guide mod to my bow, I started hitting a lot more often. Now this business of missing them when they're at point black range still happened usually when I was aiming at the head. This entirely goes away when I'm using a crossbow with a scope. I'm not sure what's going on here
  3. For me it's the armor plate mod. If I get it inside a mission I will complete the mission and then make the armor. If I get it for a mission reward or buy it, I will make as many as I need before I do anything else.
  4. This go around I tried not building one just to see how well it went and I was doing okay until I built my workbench and had quite a few items that needed four or five duct tape. I had the bones, but only one stack of drinking water. Plenty for what I needed to survive, not enough to fabricate much. The dew collector would be adding to the drinking water numbers day in day out. With buying drink and water from the trader and vending machines, by the time I had my workbench, I would have had more than enough to make what I needed. This is not that big a deal. I put most of what I wanted on the back burner and built the one thing I wanted the most. If you like playing close to the edge, then don't make one, you’ll get by.
  5. Everything darkens, I shoot my gun but it goes thunk, thunk, not boom, boom. I try to move but I can't seem to do anything. Everything turns red and I wake up on my bedroll vowing to quit drinking rum and coke while playing 7 Days to Die
  6. Not that there's anything wrong with triple tapping other than I'm wasting ammo.
  7. Not a complaint. I won the fight. Eventually. Musing on the nature of Z's, life, death, and the universe run by little multidimensional white mice.
  8. Are they at least planned for? Just found Cathedral of the Fallen. That must be Curly
  9. You can turn hord night off completely. I got tired of it so I quit doing it.
  10. WTF Hit it in the head again with my baseball bat Awwwww Hit it in the head with my baseball bat Awwwww At least it hurts. Hit it in the head yet again with my baseball bat Awwwww. Starts running. Out of stamina What the hell are these things made out of?
  11. No, they will make it take 20 cooking pots to make a mine
  12. I'll check the batter up books I've read. I have read quite a few of this go around. No zombie mods.
  13. When you have a forge cooking pots are easy
  14. Game difficulty is default. Latest experimental build. I use the wooden club made at the beginning of the game. This is at level 3. I put one skill point in clubs inside the strength tree. I am content to just knock them down but if I can pitch them back 10 ft that's cool and I'm always surprised when I do it. Anything I can do to make that happen more often?
  15. I hope this game never goes good because as soon as it does I'm going to play through it and get tired of it. As it stands now, every year it changes and I never get tired of it
  16. This is a random gen and for some reason I'm just out in the boonies. All my missions are half a click or over a click away. It'll be okay when I get my bicycle
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