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Posts posted by Exxodous

  1. 1 hour ago, stallionsden said:

    could you upload your logs by chance and screenshots to of the poi.


    I had to delete a bunch from paste bin, it was too large, but it was more of the same null references.


    I've also already rebuilt the POI but from where the gun is pointed all the way west and to the right was just gone.  The solar panels were about the last thing before stuff started missing, but as I said there were 4 other solar panels, two in the middle and two in the front of the POI.




  2. 3 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    Should always load poi in a real  game .


    When you say half poi missing did you update imposter and the mesh stopped generating.


    @zztong is correct any player ade block whether blade traps, turrets, relay switches,  anything you hook up in a real game to electricity shouldn't be used in a poi . 

    Thanks to both of you.  I was just trying to build a castle that I would import into the game when I was finished and wasn't aware you weren't supposed to use player made blocks in the editor.


    Like I said I've been slowly building daily for weeks.  I'd just build, save and exit.  repeat the next day.  A few days ago the back section of my POI was just missing, ground gone, buildings cut in half with console errors going crazy.  I slowly and I mean slowly because of console errors filled in all missing sections with terrain blocks and errors stopped.  Took me 3 days or so to rebuild and bam it was gone again on day four, same location.


    Last night when it happened again I couldn't get it to stop the same way until I destroyed two solar panels.  Oddly enough there are 4 others on the POI....Shrugs.   No errors tonight and I'll delete any other player made electronics I put in the POI and hope that solves it long term.


    Thanks again.

  3. I've been building in the prefab editor for several weeks and a couple days ago I got constant null reference errors and the last 3 or 4 rows of my land/building were gone.  I managed to get rid of the errors by filling in the missing landmass with terrain tiles and things went well for a day to two.  It came back today and I can't seem to get rid of it.  I checked the game log and below is repeating constantly.  Any suggestions as to what is causing this error?  It looks like TileEntityPowerSource?  no clue what that is.  I've worked extremely hard on this project and hate to loose it all.  Playtest works with no errors but the editor is jacked at the moment.



    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at TileEntityPowerSource.get_IsOn () [0x0000c] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at TileEntityPowerSource.UpdateTick (World world) [0x00013] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at Chunk.UpdateTick (World _world, System.Boolean _bSpawnEnemies) [0x00015] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at World.OnUpdateTick (System.Single _partialTicks, System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks) [0x0011b] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00073] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00331] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
      at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 

  4. Good grief, start a new thread already in general discussions or DM each other.  I came here to read any new news on A21 and instead scrolled through 3 pages of Matt and Megonoth arguing about the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


    See...reading the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over is tiresome.


    Let it go Elsa!   :) 

  5. On 7/22/2023 at 10:54 AM, Kalex said:

    I didn't see it in the patch notes, but I could have overlooked it, did the bug in the stun repulsor mod that made it affect your allies/teammates when hitting a zombie get fixed?

    I didn't see it in the patch notes but it must have made it in as I'm not sending the wife flying any more.  She's happy but I kind of miss it lol

  6. 1 hour ago, unholyjoe said:

    already reported and fixed in a22.


    i actually liked it that way... tired of telling team mates to get out of my way. :) ooops


    The fix wont come until A22?? kinda figured we would see an A21.1 or something. The wife is going to be @%$#ed if I keep throwing her around the room for another year and a half lol.

  7. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended but when my repulser mod "fires" in the stun baton it sends not only the Z's flying but also my teammates? It's actually quite funny and they even seem to do a little breakdance but it is starting to irritate my wife lol. Can anyone confirm if this is the intended consequence to using this mod?

  8. 1 hour ago, Coalthrush said:

    I throw away thousands of feathers, is that a valid reason to get rid of feathers?

    The problem isn't the jars (even though I liked them) it's the fact that you can't collect water from logical sources such as a lake. That makes no sense. It's just there to punish the player. 

    You can't even collect rain in the newly added "wonderful" and unnecessarily expensive water collector. You know, for collecting water.


    I am all for making a survival games a challenge, but it has to make sense.

    I have to chuckle a little.  It neither makes sense nor is it logical that there are zombies in the first place, it doesn't make sense that I can carry 500 chunks of concrete in my back pack either.  I guess realism in a zombie game can be suspended in a lot of ways in my opinion.  I guess I like the change because in previous alphas water (bottled or not) might as well not existed because it was so easily obtained and plentiful. It was really a useless mechanic.  In reality when society falls clean drinking water will be constantly on your mind and a life or death problem you deal will all the time.

  9. 2 hours ago, Riamus said:

    There is a difference between doing something unrealistic that adds to the game play value.  This doesn't.  This doesn't add "fun" in any way I could think of that someone would actually believe. 

    I don't really feel it's unrealistic.  I think if I were in a real zombie apocalypses keeping a low profile would be of great importance.  Building a huge water collection system, farm, or massive complex would draw attention of not only to the Z's but raiders (bandits) just from the activity, noise, and movements of maintaining/collecting the area.  I look at it like this, if you have a couple dew collectors getting the water out of it is quick and I'm back inside.  Getting the water out of 20 dew collectors increases the time and effort thus I'm more likely to draw the attention of zombies....just my thoughts.   


    It can also be fun if you like farming screamers which a lot of folks do with forges already.  I enjoy having to defend my homestead randomly from both random hoards (wish they were larger) and screamer hordes because they are slightly harder.  It adds interest to you daily activities.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    So dew collectors generate activity heat now. Why? You guys wanted us to have tons of them - the only purpose I can think of behind this change is that you've added it for the sole purpose of being a-holes.

    Maybe the sound of the constant dripping of those water farms are attracting them.  How irritating is a dripping faucet?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Explain how a dew collector would generate heat. An item with no electrical parts, no moving parts, no source of fuel to burn or anything of the sorts.


    A furnace makes sense, a campfire makes sense, hell a torch makes sense. This is the equivalent of saying water will generate heat. That puddle next to your base? Heat block. This update is peak nonsense from the pimps. 

    Well, the heat map really has nothing to do with "heat" or temperature.  Noise also increases the "heat map" like chopping a tree down or mining.  Is it inconceivable to to imagine that that constant drip drip drip drip drip drip (like a faucet) might not cause zombies to want to investigate the noise?  They already seem to have super human hearing when I'm sneaking in a POI.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    The fact you are even comparing a dew collector to a furnace shows the ignorance in your comment.


    This is literally water. We aren't boiling it, it's not in a camp fire, it's not a torch, it's not a furnace that melts metals into ingots. It's literally dew dripping to make water. 


    The idea of making this generate hate is almost as ridiculous as your reply.

    While I appreciate the implication that I'm ignorant and ridiculous....I like the change.  You still didn't answer why it was a problem?  Is it that it's not realistic? 

  13. 36 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    So the dew Collector can now call in screamers? So you people caused a problem with the jars and the solution was oh put up dew collectors, you saw people use it by making a bunch So you increased the price for the filter and now you do a massive nerf to make them generate hate somehow and make them call in screamers? 


    What the actual hell is the logic behind nonsense like that? Like I hope I'm reading that update wrong but if the dew collector does produce heat and calls in screamers then that's a massive nerf to a problem you all created in the first place.

    Why is this a problem?  So the occasional screamer shows up, big whoop...they are just free XP and you don't even have to leave the house.  Same thing happens with forges and nobody is crying about that.  What some call a "jar problem" is awesome in my opinion as I threw away hundreds of jars previously and I'm glad they are gone.  Sure, glue is a bottleneck but it is a survival game after all.

  14. 30 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

    please set the last rank of any skill magazine back to default instead of 0 for those in mp games can share them.

    I don't think it's zero as I'm still finding them after completing a series


  15. 6 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Yeah, it's a known bug.  Umm... how many times did you do this to your wife?  Once is because you didn't know.  Twice might be an accident.  More starts to become purposeful.  Lol!  ;)


    Well...the fact that is pretty funny might have played a factor in how many times it "accidently" happened.....

  16. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended but when my repulser mod "fires" in the stun baton it sends not only the Z's flying but also my teammates?  It's actually quite funny and they even seem to do a little breakdance but it is starting to irritate my wife lol.

  17. So, I got infected right before dark on day one, headed out of town looking for honey in stumps, bad rng and was on day 3 around 10 pm, 15% infection, 3 honey later (5 total to keep it at 15).  BUT I had 350 feather and 36 eggs from wandering around looting nests!! 


    Not only was I trying to find honey, but had no coins to buy water so I had to keep stopping at houses in the wilderness to loot some cabinets and toilets for murky water and and some food.  I even got to 10% water, had to make goldenrod tea, drink from water in the bathhouse in the old west town (curing dysentery with aforementioned tea).  I had to wonder around at night looking for the honey of course encountering running Z's.  (on the bright side I found out I could sneak up on a rabbit in the dark to kill it)


    Anyway I survived it but it's almost hoard night and I'm behind schedule obviously.  This could end badly lol.


    Thanks for the great start TFP!  It has been a blast.

  18. 1 hour ago, spacepiggio said:

    So far I like it, no more freakiin jars, cans & bird nests exploding but we should get more feathers because we can't destroy it for more now.

    Early game before you loot the nest you can chop at it with a stone axe to gather extra feathers. Two or three hits with a level one I think before it explodes.


  19. 1 hour ago, Mister Forgash said:

    You just don't get it, Roland. It shouldn't be on the modders to tailor the game to individual play styles, The Devs should be making the game I want. What I want.

    Fixed it for you, because I'm enjoying A21 just fine.

  20. 1 hour ago, Archer said:

    Right now the forge ahead magazine is by far the rarest, we've found a total of 17 of those, but the medical magazines I think we've recovered like 60-70 of them. 
    The 'old school' books and mags that were already in the game seem to spawn at a normal/similar rate as before. 
    Lots of 'Tech Junky' magazines are popping up, too, seems to be a disproportionately high amount, I'm at like, level 37 in those? 
    Tool mags are spawning in 2nd to 3rd lowest rate which is preventing us from being able to build certain things. 
    Over the course of the past three days we've had anywhere between 6 and 22 players on the server at one time, last night was probably our largest crowd (we can't add more than 8 people to a party so we just end up making extras but would really like it if the devs allowed us to make parties larger than just 8 ) 
    Bar Brawler, Batter Up, and The Fireman's Almanac seem to be everywhere as well, they're so abundant we also have stacks of them sitting unused. 
    The Great Heist, Hunter's Journal, Lucky Looter seem more or less normal rates I guess. 


    That's interesting.  My wife and I play coop and we're on day 7.  I think she already has 15 forge ahead books and probably 20 tool mags.   I'm not even perked into them and I probably gave her 8 forge ahead books.  Are you guys only looting food trucks lol (joking)

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