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Posts posted by fragtzack

  1. After playing a21 hundred + hours , time to hang up zombie slaying hat until a22.


    Want to give a shout out to the RWG team for the work on a21. While there is a lot good work done on a21, the RWG comparisons to previous alphas is most impressive to me.


    The best part of the RWG is not the generation performance  and generations options added, but how smooth the roads are. How the cities are tied together. Street signs, ditches, overpasses, underpasses in a procedurally generated world is impressive coding. How giant mountains looks much better than previous alphas. 





  2. 5 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    I guess I'll be the one to point out, they forgot to increase the stack size to either 1000 or 1200. Leaving the stack size at 250 is the equivalent to it stacking to either 50 or 25 before the change.
    Something's cost 5x as before and others are 10x

    They also forgot to change the material value for bandages to 10 (it's still 1 (4 bandages scrap to 3 cloth), although I'd prefer 0 anyway, so there's no accidently scrapping FA bandages/kits)

    I'm not complaining, just pointing out my observations

    Agree, good point! Increase the stack size to 1K please !

  3. 9 hours ago, Roland said:

    Enjoy this time of discovery because you’ll yearn for it later. 


    Totally agree with WonderRoos.


     Recommend DO NOT watch any content creator videos or tip videos or newbie videos until you have played 40ish hours.


    The joy of self discovery is so much more rewarding.

  4. With items, you can take attributes such as STR/INT to 11. 11 is past any mentions of benefits in the perk up screens.


     Benefits are hard capped at attribute level 10?


    If no benefits at level 11, any other reasons  for taking an  attribute level 11?



  5. What I do to keep going:


     Play progression mode. Progression mode = after every horde night, you need to increase the difficulty of at least 1 aspect:


    1. Move you main base to a harder biome

       a. Do horde nights in a hard biome

    2. Drop the loot settings by 25%

    3. Raise the difficulty level

    4. Reduce the number of real minutes in a game day

    5. Reduce the day light hours

    6. Feral Sense

    7. Zombie run speeds


    As you increase in power, make the game harder. The vanilla games stage increases are not enough to account for the mass gear and loot you have.


     What really kills me about the OP and so many of these complaints is people playing  at 100% loot then have the nerve to complain about blasting through content. You want a real survival challenge with sadism tendency,  play 25% loot. 



  6. On 7/4/2023 at 1:53 AM, Gazz said:


    It's rather the magnum/vulture that have no real niche in the game and were added purely for coolness, bloating the attribute even more. =P

     My first a21 play through was full agi build. I did find the magnum/vulture quite useful. However the 9mm pistol was used more often tthan he magnum/vulture  because the  9mm has so many special perks plus high rate of fire. In addition 9mm ammo drops very frequently.   I would end up only using the magnum/vulture  for really nasty greens where  high damage per shot is most important. Other use cases for Magnum/Vulture over 9mm is longer range shots.

  7. On 7/6/2023 at 10:20 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:



    Even the stun baton isn´t useless anymore. I just started trying it and so far i am not dissapointed.

     Totally agree. Currently level 5 baton skill + level 5 physician skill(which has baton perks). Seems OP to me. A sledge turret for backup, omg so easy with heavy armor.

  8. Hands down best rewards for risk/time in all POI's I been through so far. Done about 5-6 different Wright Residence now, mass books/magazines and loot room at end. 

    Crack a book tower? Pff, Wright Residence is way better.


    If you get a Wright Residence quest or come across one, run don't walk to start clearing that poi. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Will there be a focus on food next alpha? Along with a possible nerf to the amount of ammo in those infestation quests? 


    This whole alpha seems to have made crafting rather pointless aside from the occasional mod or making some crafting stations. Armor is almost always gotten through loot or purchased at a trader, same for tools and weapons, the trap bundles have made it pointless to craft the turrets. Same can also be said for the food bundles, the vending machines having so much food,drink and buff items that it's made crafting them pointless. 


    Infestations loot crates and loot in general have made ammo crafting almost nonexistent.  


    Mind you this is all SP world problems that I feel will just keep making SP a looter shooter and making crafting and survival a thing of the past.  Balancing both SP and MP isn't working out


    And because some folks have the silly notion of oh don't use traders or just mod it as the end all solution that that isn't a viable solution that's literally doing a challenge mode or changing up vanilla into something different. If not using traders was an actual option we should be able to disable them like we do with air drops and blood moons.


    Try 50% or less loot in settings. 

  10. Regarding the biome/POI threat  meter on GUI:


     This is a good tool tip, but be nice to turn this off as an advanced setting option. 


     In addition, seems that this biome/POI danger tool tip is not needed to be constantly displayed. Rather once moved  into  a new biome/poi the biome meter should appear for about 60 seconds than disappear. 

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