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    Alberta, Canada
  • Interests
    Zombies, Gaming

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Zombie Hunter

Zombie Hunter (8/15)



  1. I would kinda like to see one where you are stuck on a space station and the station continues to replicate rooms, zombies everywhere, your "claim" is a room you fix the circuit breaker on so it does not get destroyed and redistributed, could happen every midnight, you go through salvaging different tek to fortify your part of the station while also having to deal with oxygen and meteor storms, cosmic storms and maybe alien raids where the zombies attack them as well, and if you repair the airlock the alien ship is yours to strip apart for rare materials and alien gadgets
  2. I was re reading them and i felt dumb, the above has what is needed, the bottom just explains what you can get them from, not everything counts so miscommunication to be sure
  3. I cannot wait for weather, I almost wanna ask for a weather setting so we can toggle what kinds of weather happens, a map in a perpetual thunderstorm would be heaven for me, thunder sounds make me sleepy lol
  4. Oh i agree, i just feel it needs a tweak here and there haha, but i gotta go be a dwarf now
  5. I kinda wish on vanilla settings for loot that books did not show up as often, sometimes i feel they propel us forward a little to fast, day 3 and i can craft iron tools now, i know the book system goes for how we perk into stuff, but i do feel it a bit to fast to find them, i almost wish they were not in some loot tables like cars and stuff, i find too many too fast sometime lol
  6. polymer is those blue barrels, need a stone ax the leather is from diner booth seats, also stone ax rotton flesh i havent checked if i did yet or not lol
  7. I wouldnt mind seeing the odd zombie missing a limb, like a nurse lost a leg, or they are walking with an arm missing, stuff like that would be a cool randomizer
  8. I was able to get some and it counted, i did notice though all the challenges for the most part are with the stone ax
  9. yeah, they could even have them at like 3.99cnd, the amount of players it would be a nice boost
  10. They have outdone themselves with this release from what i can tell so far, I cannot wait for what the future has in store, i know its not everyones thing, but id totally buy armor packs and stuff to add to the game just to help fund their future endevours
  11. I only just noticed that Rekts pin or chewing tobacco he has, its called climax haha, that guy is a mood
  12. i just checked after harvesting one, can confirm its the blue water barrels that gives it, not scraps, havent found window blinds yet
  13. So i go and set up shop in a tiny poi, nothing fancy right but then i look in one bathroom and a wall did not load in, a weird way to begin the game hahaha
  14. I think im wearing out my f5 key haha, i wanna do the mining
  15. haha, and with ps remote play at least you can play it away from home too, im so glad controllers are bluetooth
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