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Posts posted by AlienZ

  1. Sure, AlienZ. ComSenMod is basically my way of sharing all the things I think are good ideas for everyone, or at least the subset of that which I've figured out how to change. So using it as the foundation or a component of your mod is like choosing my brand of ice cream for your sundae, and that makes me happy. :)



    Good way of putting it!


    I'd just ask to be credited if you share a derivative mod with others, so people know where those original ideas & leg work came from.


    Most definitely!


    I must be okay with these changes being assimilated elsewhere, since the second best outcome for ComSenMod would be for Gazz to look at it, say to himself "...that makes sense," and incorporate all the changes (that don't conflict with new stuff) into Alpha 16. :D


    Good luck with that!

  2. Hey Crater Creator,


    I am working on a combo pack using War of the Walkers as the base mod.

    Is it okay if I use some of the ideas from your mod?

    I am adding things like your loot balancing and some recipe ideas.

    This is for personal use and maybe sharing with my friends, but I might release it for public use if it works well for us.

    Just wanted to know how "comfortable" you are with sharing your brain child. :)

  3. Hey Dwallorde,


    As you already know, I am working on a combo pack using War of the Walkers as the base mod.

    Is it okay if I use your mod as the base?

    This is for personal use and maybe sharing with my friends, but I might release it for public use if it works well for us.

    Just wanted to know how "comfortable" you are with sharing your brain child. :)

  4. Hey Spider,


    I am working on a combo pack using War of the Walkers as the base mod.

    Is it okay if I use some of the ideas from your mod?

    I am adding things like sticks and fiber rope, etc from your mod and might even use your icons if I cannot manage decent icons of my own.

    This is for personal use and maybe sharing with my friends, but I might release it for public use if it works well for us.

    Just wanted to know how "comfortable" you are with sharing your brain child. :)

  5. What features do you like from other mods? I'm curious.


    I used the random generation code from GNAMOD as a base and then played around with some of my own settings as well. It mainly affects the terrain and biome generation, in the sense of how even or uneven the terrain is. Mostly it generates less water and extreme mountains.

    I also surrounded the center city with a forest biome, because I like to build just outside the center city, but then I surrounded the forest circle with burnt forest and wasteland rings to make it a challenge to get to the center city.


    From the True Survival mod, I added fiber rope, purification tablets and sticks. The rope and sticks I use in various recipes like the bow and arrows, stone pickaxe, etc.


    I changed locked doors to not be destroyed when damaged, but rather downgrade to an unlocked door. Sort of like breaking the lock instead of breaking down the door. It can then be upgraded with a doorknob if you wanted to. I still want to merge in lockpicks as well, so that you can either damage locked blocks, or lockpick them.


    From the ComSenMod I used a few loot balancing ideas like having certain loot only showing up where you would normally expect to find it. Like never finding guns or ammo in trash, but rather in shotgun messiah crates, gun safes, etc. I also merged in some of the recipe ideas like using cloth and cotton for the sleeping bag and using the sticks from true survival with plant fibre, stones and a torch to craft a campfire. It also changes the biome generation by decreasing birds nests and the big rocks that gives stone, iron and nitrate powder.


    I also made the wasteland and burnt forest biomes spawn more loot and surface resources than the other biomes. It gives me a reason to go there :)


    Then I still want to merge in the skinning knife and butchers knife from valmod. I think the lockpicks are from Project Z, and I think from the same mod there are sewing needles, which together with thread can be used to sew up deep wounds that doesn't heal with band aids or med kits.


    That would about cover everything I can remember from other mods so far.

    I might remember some other stuff later and implement those as well.

    For now these will be the added features I will play with and then start tweaking the balancing of harvested resources and loot until I find a balance that I like.


    I can share the Xml files with you to check out later down the line when I feel "happy" with the changes if you want.

    I just copy the stuff the authors of those mods did, so I cannot claim it as my own, except for the small little changes I make.


    Sorry for the long reply.

    I hope you didn't fall asleep reading that! :p

  6. we can probably do that later then, i forget where we got the one we have now, it added many many prefabs. It probably has close to 300 something in this folder i have for screenshots. (which has 715 total, some with duplicates because they are large, other has only one.)


    Editing aside, we shall play his mod as is. vanilla 7d2d lacks flavor, and this mod looks great. Time to dine in.


    It might be the Magoli pack you are talking about. I'm not 100% sure how many of the prefabs Dwallorde has included in the rwgmixer file, but there are 908 in the prefab folder (1816 in total).

    The mod is really great. I've been using it as the base, but then extending it with some of the ideas from other mods that I enjoyed.

    Have fun!

  7. Hey, just wanted to ask a question if you had any prefab houses included into the files or was it all the vanilla ones. If they are all the vanilla prefabs, my friends and i can just keep using the prefabs we have on top of this mod. We have tried a great many mods for 7d2d but none have really stuck.


    No, this is using the prefab pack by Magoli.

    You can add the prefabs that you would like to keep if it is not part of the pack, you will just need to include it in the rwgmixer.xml.

  8. That's so good to hear, AlienZ! Let me know how it plays out!


    Will do!

    I am done merging in your changes that I wanted.

    It turns out that some of the changes I wanted to add, Dwallorde has already catered for in War of the Walkers (mostly looting) :)

    But, there was plenty of stuff that I could still add. My favorite is the bedroll recipe. I already had mine changed to require cloth, I don't know why I didn't think of requiring cotton for the stuffing!

    In addition, I lowered the chance of the surface ores in the "easy" biomes and increased the chance of it in the "harder" biomes. Like wasteland will now spawn more surface ores and the forests will spawn less. I changed the campfire recipe to also require plant fiber and sticks. I added sticks from the true survival mod. I like the torch as source of fire. It will make the campfire less of a "I'll just craft a campfire and throw it down here" spam object.

    I can't wait to start a new game, but I have some more merging to do.

  9. I was reading through your change list and thought that I can implement some of your ideas into my game, so I started highlighting the ideas I like. I ended up highlighting almost all of the document!

    I am going to merge those ideas into the War of the Walkers mod that I am playing.

    I already merged some ideas from other mods as well and I'm really starting to enjoy the end result. I think after I'm done adding your ideas it will bring some much needed balancing to my mod bundle.

    Thanks for your hard work and creativity!

  10. - Does this modify the terrain too, or is that part of the rwgmixer vanilla? (If so, I'd try and copy/paste Tin's terrain changes in there, I'm super tired of constantly having to climb steep hills and mountains).


    I'm pretty sure it wil work as long as you only copy and paste the following sections:

    terrain generators

    biome generators

    biome spawn rules


    I have used the GNAMOD for my random gen (with some of my own tweaks) and have not had any issues so far.

  11. ya show me your code that you used so I can reference it


    I'm merely a tweaker and not a modder by any means, so I'm sure you can refine this to be more elegant :)

    Here you go:


    <buff id="GainRest" buffif="CTRbed greater 0;CTRbedroll greater 0;CTRbigbed greater 0" debuffif="CTRbed less 1;CTRbedroll less 1;CTRbigbed less 1" duration="0" actions="increment(rest, 2, 1t, 0, 0);max(rest, 100)" type="speedmodifier"/>
    <buff id="RestSet" duration="1" actions="setvar(rest, 100)" type="speedmodifier"/>
    <buff id="RestReset" duration="1" actions="setvar(rest, 1)" type="speedmodifier"/>
    <buff id="Rested" mutex="WellRested" buffif="rest greater 50" debuffif="rest less 51;rest greater 75" actions="increment(@wellness, 0.5, 100t, 0, 1)"
    icon="RestedIcon" type="speedmodifier" name_key="Rested" description_key="You are Rested" tooltip_key="You are Rested">
    <modify id="0" stat="stamina" amount="1" rate="1"/>
    <modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" setValue="1.1"/>
    <buff id="WellRested" buffif="rest greater 75" debuffif="rest less 76" actions="increment(@wellness, 1, 100t, 0 , 2)"
    icon="WellRestedIcon" type="speedmodifier" name_key="WellRested" description_key="You are Well Rested and Ready to Roll" tooltip_key="You are Well Rested">
    <modify id="0" stat="stamina" amount="1" rate="1"/>
    <modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" setValue="1.2"/>
    <buff id="Tired" buffif="rest less 20" debuffif="rest lequal 11;rest greater 25" actions="increment(@wellness, -0.5, 200t, 0, 1)"
    icon="TiredIcon" type="speedmodifier" name_key="Tired" description_key="You are getting tired, Get some rest" tooltip_key="You are getting Tired">
    <modify id="0" stat="stamina" amount="-1" rate="2"/>
    <modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" setValue="0.95"/>
    <buff id="Exhausted" buffif="rest less 10" debuffif="rest greater 10" actions="increment(@wellness, -1, 100t, 0, 1)"
    icon="ExhaustedIcon" type="speedmodifier" name_key="Exhausted" description_key="You are Exhausted, Get some rest!" tooltip_key="You are Exhausted">
    <modify id="0" stat="stamina" amount="-1" rate="1"/>
    <modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" setValue="0.85"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel1" buffif="rest gequal 1" name_key="Rest Level 0" icon="zzzRestIconL0" description_key="Your Rest Level is 0" duration="100t" tooltip_key="Rest Level 0 Reached" type="speedmodifier" actions="setvar(rest, 1)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel2" buffif="rest gequal 5" debuffif="rest lequal 4" name_key="Rest Level 1" icon="zzzRestIconL1" description_key="Your Rest Level is 1" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel1" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel1" actions="setvar(rest, 5)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel3" buffif="rest gequal 10" debuffif="rest lequal 9" name_key="Rest Level 2" icon="zzzRestIconL2" description_key="Your Rest Level is 2" duration="100t" tooltip_key="Rest Level 2 Reached" overrides="showrestlevel2" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel2" actions="setvar(rest, 10)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel4" buffif="rest gequal 15" debuffif="rest lequal 14" name_key="Rest Level 3" icon="zzzRestIconL3" description_key="Your Rest Level is 3" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel3" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel3" actions="setvar(rest, 15)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel5" buffif="rest gequal 20" debuffif="rest lequal 19" name_key="Rest Level 4" icon="zzzRestIconL4" description_key="Your Rest Level is 4" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel4" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel4" actions="setvar(rest, 20)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel6" buffif="rest gequal 25" debuffif="rest lequal 24" name_key="Rest Level 5" icon="zzzRestIconL5" description_key="Your Rest Level is 5" duration="100t" tooltip_key="Rest Level 5 Reached" overrides="showrestlevel5" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel5" actions="setvar(rest, 25)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel7" buffif="rest gequal 30" debuffif="rest lequal 29" name_key="Rest Level 6" icon="zzzRestIconL6" description_key="Your Rest Level is 6" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel6" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel6" actions="setvar(rest, 30)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel8" buffif="rest gequal 35" debuffif="rest lequal 34" name_key="Rest Level 7" icon="zzzRestIconL7" description_key="Your Rest Level is 7" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel7" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel7" actions="setvar(rest, 35)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel9" buffif="rest gequal 40" debuffif="rest lequal 39" name_key="Rest Level 8" icon="zzzRestIconL8" description_key="Your Rest Level is 8" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel8" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel8" actions="setvar(rest, 40)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel10" buffif="rest gequal 45" debuffif="rest lequal 44" name_key="Rest Level 9" icon="zzzRestIconL9" description_key="Your Rest Level is 9" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel9" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel9" actions="setvar(rest, 45);debuff(Rested)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel11" buffif="rest gequal 50" debuffif="rest lequal 49" name_key="Rest Level 10" icon="zzzRestIconL10" description_key="Your Rest Level is 10" duration="100t" tooltip_key="Rest Level 10 Reached" overrides="showrestlevel10" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel10" actions="setvar(rest, 50)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel12" buffif="rest gequal 55" debuffif="rest lequal 54" name_key="Rest Level 11" icon="zzzRestIconL11" description_key="Your Rest Level is 11" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel11" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel11" actions="setvar(rest, 55)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel13" buffif="rest gequal 60" debuffif="rest lequal 59" name_key="Rest Level 12" icon="zzzRestIconL12" description_key="Your Rest Level is 12" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel12" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel12" actions="setvar(rest, 60)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel14" buffif="rest gequal 65" debuffif="rest lequal 64" name_key="Rest Level 13" icon="zzzRestIconL13" description_key="Your Rest Level is 13" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel13" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel13" actions="setvar(rest, 65)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel15" buffif="rest gequal 70" debuffif="rest lequal 69" name_key="Rest Level 14" icon="zzzRestIconL14" description_key="Your Rest Level is 14" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel14" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel14" actions="setvar(rest, 70)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel16" buffif="rest gequal 75" debuffif="rest lequal 74" name_key="Rest Level 15" icon="zzzRestIconL15" description_key="Your Rest Level is 15" duration="100t" tooltip_key="Rest Level 15 Reached" overrides="showrestlevel15" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel15" actions="setvar(rest, 75)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel17" buffif="rest gequal 80" debuffif="rest lequal 79" name_key="Rest Level 16" icon="zzzRestIconL16" description_key="Your Rest Level is 16" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel16" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel16" actions="setvar(rest, 80)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel18" buffif="rest gequal 85" debuffif="rest lequal 84" name_key="Rest Level 17" icon="zzzRestIconL17" description_key="Your Rest Level is 17" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel17" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel17" actions="setvar(rest, 85)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel19" buffif="rest gequal 90" debuffif="rest lequal 89" name_key="Rest Level 18" icon="zzzRestIconL18" description_key="Your Rest Level is 18" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel18" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel18" actions="setvar(rest, 90)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel20" buffif="rest gequal 95" debuffif="rest lequal 94" name_key="Rest Level 19" icon="zzzRestIconL19" description_key="Your Rest Level is 19" duration="100t" overrides="showrestlevel19" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel19" actions="setvar(rest, 95)"/>
    <buff id="showrestlevel21" buffif="rest gequal 100" debuffif="rest lequal 99" name_key="Rest Level 20" icon="zzzRestIconL20" description_key="Your Rest Level is 20" duration="100t" tooltip_key="Rest Level 20 Reached" overrides="showrestlevel20" type="speedmodifier" onexpired="showrestlevel20" actions="setvar(rest, 100)"/>

  12. is this ui still possible? Will it work if i just dropped it in my walkers folder? Or have you made significant changes to the ui since he made that.




    In his Zompact ui Dust2Death stated that his other 2 ui's are compatible, so I guess it should be if this is one of the other two :p





  13. Twine and Tungsten - Are there any planned fixes for these two items?



    We can't get Tungsten to go into the forge, which has been posted about already. In addition, the drop rate for twine is insanely low - a group of 4 of us play on a server, and in a week of scavenging we've only found 3 twine. Any plan to change this?




    I don't know if this is server specific, because I play SP, but tungsten works fine:




    See my previous post for a twine recipe.

    • Twine should be craftable
    • (This may have been fixed in the newest update) Rest level 20 and well rested never go away no matter how long you are away from your bed (ie - I mined for 5 days and nights and was still at 20 Rest level and well rested)


    I thought the same, which is why I added a recipe for it.

    You can add this:


    <recipe name="Twine" count="1" craft_area="TailorsWorkStation">
    <ingredient name="cottonPlant" count="2"/>


    to the end of your recipes.xml, right before the:




    It may need to be a bit more expensive. I have not really played around with it. Just increase the 2 cotton required if you think it's too cheap.


    I also made changes to the rest system to be time dependent.

    Basically, once you are on Level 20, it will slowly go down over a period of 20 in game hours to level 1.

    Let me know if you would like the changes to the rest system and I will post that as well.

  14. Hey dwallorde,


    I'm having a blast with the mod!

    I finally remembered to let you know which mission it is that's causing the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

    It's the "Tungsten Club Master" mission.




    It seems the problem with that quest is a little "effen up" if you'll excuse my play on words XD


    In quests.xml, line 1420:


    <objective type="FetchKeep" id="forgedTungsten" value="25" />


    You've got "forgedTungsten" with a lower case f, instead of upper case F.


    I've tried the other missions in creative mode and they seem to work fine.

  15. Yeah, I also noticed I keep the well rested buff.

    Also, I tried to activate one of the quests and I got an "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" error in the console and no mission in the mission list. I still have one copy left, I'll check which mission it is and let you know.

  16. *Fixed Missing Prefabs in Folder (Don't know how those ones didn't copy over...



    Thank you :)


    Get the paypal button or something brother! Your deserve some love!




    I haven't seen any bandits... did I miss an update or something?


    I can confirm they are spawning in 4.3.

    Making my way to the centre city, I ran into two survivors who seemed to want nothing to do with me, because they ran away. XD

    Also, making it to the centre city, I was fighting off two dogs when a bandit came running towards me, screaming something about "motherf*cker". I guess he was upset about the way I was "patting" his pets on the head with my club.

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