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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. On 9/9/2023 at 3:13 AM, bob the big blob of goo said:

    I have found that if I add the module entries manually to the serveradmin.xml file in A21.2b14 that I have to restart the server for some of the values to take affect.

    Would still be interested in knowing what exactly you changed and didn't seem to apply. Permissions are definitely reloaded live (you'll see that in the log output when it happens), so I assume it must be something very specific I missed.


    On 9/9/2023 at 3:13 AM, bob the big blob of goo said:

    I'm using CPM so I had to add the "webapi.viewallclaims" module entry which is an extension when using Prisma's custom map.js file with the CPM mod.

    Actually that's vanilla. It just defines what permission level is required so that a user can view landclaims of all players, not just his own.


    On 9/9/2023 at 3:13 AM, bob the big blob of goo said:

    I set webapi.map to mods and above so that our players would have to use the legacy map so we can render the extra map information from CPM.

    Note that this API only provides info about the Map to the frontend, it doesn't actually control whether the map images can be accessed. For the vanilla web dashboard that indeed means it would not show the "Map" menu entry as it requires access to this API to know details on what to show, so for *most* practical reasons that is doing what you want. But it might not meet other people's use cases so wanted to make this one clear :)

  2. > 1. What is "Login"? dont work at all for me
    It allows you to log in to the page. The login popup tells you what to do to create a user.


    2. why i cand "scroll" on the "mods" entry?

    Bug in the first release, it's already fixed and the fixed version will be included in 21.2


    > 3. What are "markers? Only some bvlue "?" bulbs...

    It's just an example mod to show how mods can interact with this new system to add their own stuff. If you don't want it to show up you can disable it by removing permissions (i.e. permissions to e.g. -1), or you can delete the whole mod from the mods folder. 

  3. Thanks for reporting the input box bug, might also affect other things so good to know.

    Tried reproducing it being in the wrong spot but for me it works fine, placing the marker correctly. When you say it creates it in the wrong spot, did it show correctly in the table or was that showing the wrong spot too?

  4. 17 hours ago, B14d3r11 said:

    I am actually having similar issues with setting up the web part of the server. I followed what you said so far and just for some reason can't connect to it. I have the settings setup to how I had it similarly before A21 (of course updated but similar information setup) and its just not working 😕

    It may be something to deal with the WebDashboardUrl, I have been trying varying thing i use a no-ip address and honestly just don't know what to put as I followed the notated reference and nothing as well

    Well, "it's not working" is not going to get you help. We need more details, i.e. *what* is not working, logs?


    14 hours ago, GuberX said:

    my server seems to be giving a warning on the permissions file... shows



    would this be a issue getting web dashboard to work?

    That would happen if your server does not have the TFP mods available.

  5. On 6/30/2023 at 1:59 AM, fallonjeff said:

    I can't get a webmap to show how I used to with your server mod. I just want a webmap to show publicly for anyone to see without any logon. Can an example permission file be given to do this please?

    Set the permission for web.map to 2000 ("webpermission add web.map global 2000").



    On 6/30/2023 at 5:08 PM, ZakRhyno said:

    Same here I got the stuff working and I can login, just can't see any map loading, I do see myself on the map as an icon but no map loading at all.

    See above and don't forget enabling the maprendering in the serverconfig.



    On 7/1/2023 at 8:58 PM, bobross said:

    The output of `webpermission list` on Server 1 shows the altered web.map and webapi.Command settings, but shows nothing changed on Server 2. As a matter of curiosity, I restarted both servers and it DID pick up the updated config information on both servers from the serveradmin.xml file on restart.

    So you are saying you tried editing the file while the second server was *running* and it did not pick up until restarting it?



    On 7/1/2023 at 10:14 PM, JaJe said:


    Can we have HTTPS webui so I can open the port outside my network and be secured? 

    No, webserver already is quite heavy on the .NET runtime, SSL/TLS would drastically increase this again. You are advised to run this behind a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache.

  6. To clarify a few things:

    - You do not *need* the WebDashboardUrl - as per comment in the config it's only if the webserver is not available through its public IP (e.g. because you have it firewalled and behind a reverse proxy, which is actually recommended)

    - For the map to work at all it needs to be enabled in the serverconfig

    - No need to restart the server for permission changes to apply (no matter if done manually in the file or through console commands)

    - The default permissions allow users with permission level 0 full access to everything, other users (no matter if logged in or not) will not be able to do anything

    - You should not touch the "webapi.map" permission. This is about the *API* providing the frontend information about the map setup, it's not the map

    - If you want users with permission level > 0 see the map you need to change the permission level of the module "web.map". Either 2000 so it becomes visible even to users not logged in to the dashboard at all, 1000 so it becomes visible to those logged in only or any other value so it's only visible to those with that permission level (and above).

    - The console API does not have to be protected any further, the actual console commands define who can access what

    - If you do not *want* the console to show at all though you can set "webapi.command" method GET to level 0 (or 1000 if you want it to be available to all logged in users only). Currently this permission also controls the visibility of the settings page.

    - "Mods" menu entry is controlled by "webapi.mods" method GET.

  7. You should not read too much into that mod. It's purely meant as an example on how to add something new to the dashboard (still need to make the source publicly available).

    Other than that you basically found out everything about it:

    - It creates five random markers at load time

    - You can add new ones with the boxes above the list

    - You can edit existing ones by double clicking the coordinate cells

    - You can delete existing ones by selecting a row and pressing the delete key

  8. 8 hours ago, Deadsimon said:

    (we know mumble is almost here ...)

    Oh, was that announced already? But you can actually use it now already if you want, it's available as a mod for A20 ;)



    Alloc is there  anyway you could share the source code for the command function mod and command ext? 

    Not sure what exactly you mean. All of the mod's source is available through the as linked from the doc page: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Server fixes

    If you meant something else please let me know :)

  9. 23 minutes ago, Deadsimon said:

    is there any documentation on this webapi, as i cant seem to find much about it that isnt CSM or catalyst.

    No, the only official "documentation" is the backend and frontend code of the mod.


    Also note that with A21 that version of the mod will be deprecated (i.e. only supported in it's current state for A21, probably with A22 at latest will no longer work) as A21 will get a vanilla implementation. The first versions won't have the full featureset of my mod (anything requiring the persistency file is not yet supported) so that's why some people might want to keep running the old mod in parallel for the time being.

  10. Hm, first time I've read such a complaint (other than some issues with the IDs being a bit of a nuiance). Not saying this could not be the case but I don't see how it would happen without at least an appropriate error/exception being logged at that point.


    I am aware though that the current system for storing that data really sucks but I can promise it's definitely going to be different soon(TM) ;)

  11. There are major changes planned but not even remotely close to a point to announce a release timeline.


    The current version should work just fine for the time being, at least not seen any reports of issues with 20.5 (other than possibly having to delete the data file when migrating from < 20.4).

  12. As you noticed I haven't really looked into that, but I don't see why adding such a layer would be an issue. Just needs some code to pull that data and provide it to the web frontend. Though most likely it would only work in areas around online players as I think the data is stored with the chunks. Meaning the data is only available when those chunks are loaded which in turn is only around players. Will definitely keep an eye on that one, might get done in one of the next updates maybe :)

  13. Sorry for the delayed response.

    Basicalyl there's nothing special about restoring: Copy the folder of the save from the backup to the original location. Either overwriting files or even better delete the active version first to make sure all files will be in a consistent state of the backup. Afterwards only fix up ownership (default: "chown -R sdtd.sdtd <savefolder>").

  14. I suppose you mean for non-admin users (i.e. including those not logged in to the page) it does not show anyone?

    The getplayerslocation and getlandclaims APIs are a bit special as by default they only show the own position / claims (thus nothing for non logged in users as they obviously don't have a position/claim). To view all the webapi.viewallplayers / viewallclaims have to be set for the user. In case you want *everyone* to see *ever* position (claim) you need to set those to 2000.

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