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Posts posted by Ripflex

  1. I remember back in the day of Alpha 5, there was Blood moon horde night every 7 days and Horde Mode every night.  Got me thinking, when I play solo I prefer to remove horde nights but like everything else.... but something that Alpha 5 had that today's build doesn't very often; and that is wandering herds of Zombies.  It kinda exists, but it's very seldom.  If a server doesn't want 7 day hordes that happen to everyone on the server, how about migrating Hordes of whatever happen periodically to others at random times where people on the server could communicate a town been infested and needs clearing or a wandering horde walking up a main road towards a player base... these would be dynamic and can be intense ?  Basically the walking dead style herds that can are unexpected and can happen at any time ?


    This obviously be a setting of 7 days hordes or None or Wandering Horde modes ?

  2. On 2/24/2024 at 9:12 PM, Riamus said:

    Not sure about Reflex, but faatal stated in November that there are issues with motion blur with FSR that require making changes to rendering and shadows that they haven't tried yet as they are working on other issues right now.


    Who de fack like motion blur, just remove that option ingame and add fsr with frame generation.


    pffft motion blur


  3. 56 minutes ago, FramFramson said:

    Also they literally said they're adding significant ambient occlusion, which is pretty important.


    I really hope so,  I usually stop playing around tier 5 quests, the frame rate makes my eyes bleed or I just stay away from cities a roll with tier 4s.


    *fingers crossed*

  4. In Alpha 22 are we stuck getting 35 fps on a rtx 4090 doing a city highrise quests because DEVs will not touch any optimisation away from CPU to GPU and it's GPU features because "It's alpha !" ?





  5. 4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    That's usually caused by having part of your base within the boundaries of a POI.  When the POI resets, it will clear anything you have built within its boundaries.


     I was about to say that.  Especially if you pick a POI as a base, the neighboring POIs you or others quest at may clear any built structures like traps or walls that may be too close to them.

  6. HumanitZ or Project Zomboid, they are top down not 1st person... maybe give those a try.  As updates takes months here, I don't blame people trying other things for a bit - it only takes my friend and me 2 weeks on a hard server before we are bored, and play something else until a new 7dtd build or the server resets.



  7. I want the infection to be worse a fast, and you die to rise up as a zombie with your loot. :)


    Anyone that dies to infection, starvation and thirst needs to play something else; honestly these "survival" elements are really tame now unlike the single digit alphas ...


  8. Considering AMD's FSR 3 works on 5700 XT / RTX 20000 series GPU cards and up and it's not an exclusive feature like DLSS;  would the DEVs writing the engine code to this game consider implementing it in the near future ?  Not expecting all the GPU bells and whistles but FSR 3 a nice pass for an image/performance boost.



  9. Still a few ways to get water, even if you don't use Traders.  Later on you can get lucky and get a water filter for head gear and just use "E" to drink water form a pond or lake - with your bare hands, just have to have a blank slot and not holding anything.


    As for dew collectors, I only used 1



  10. That's good to hear.  Since FSR 2.0 is well established and it's upscaling with sharpness, it would be a great addition to 7 days to die.  And this is compatible with nvidia and AMD cards.  As for up coming FSR 3, it would be quick and easy to update and get some frame generations.  Exclusive DLSS is a bit to work with and excludes AMD cards.


  11. You can do it in Nvidia's Control Panel just add a Program profile for 7 days to die and set the Image Scaling.  Disadvantage it's not deep learning just a simple upscaling.


    If TFP added to the game as true DLSS 2.0 or the new 3.5 and maybe FSR2 or the new FSR 3.  That would be a huge FPS increase.


  12. TFPs can we get another pass on character creation, I mean many of the zombies appearances are looking better than our characters at this moment ?  A bit more detail, less stiffness and a redo on hair and face types etc ?  Don't be like ARK developers where they add a map and more tech and leave the character creation since version 1.0 ....


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