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Posts posted by cheebsco

  1. 6 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    You don't need the background, you just need the ability to sit back and ask, what's the point here?


    If you don't have the background, then ignorance isn't an excuse for knee jerking. Wait till someone else who does comes along and is able to engage.


    One of my favourite quotes is from an American author, Harlan Ellison who says:


    'You aren't entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.'


    Look at the people downvoting my comment - no discourse, no questions, even though me and you are having a perfectly reasonable and civil discussion.


    The fact some people are raging, and others are perhaps a little dramatic in regards to the way the game moves shows, at least, that they care about 7 Days enough to engage with it.


    Not everyome is articulate, and it's elitist and condescending to dismiss or dislike someones opinion just because we; as I said, cannot or will not make an attempt to understand them.


    I find it funny that there has been no open discussion from the developers on this though, which is sad. Unless it happened while I was sleeping, since I just woke up.


    Perhaps you could address my latter point regarding file location shifts, was this actually a matter of performance enhancement?

    I addressed this earlier, but I can go into more details as it may have been overlooked or not understood.  You may or may not have noticed that this patch has opened up different platforms that 7 Days To Die is available on.  Because these different platforms have different rules, or different ways of communicating, The Fun Pimps had to accommodate this progress by changing things.  Before Steam, 7 Days To Die only had to communicate with the master server.  During Alpha 5, a lot of networking changes had to accommodate Steam as a platform, and opened up Steam Integration, achievements as well.  More Recently, in Alpha 19 & Alpha 20, Twitch support has been added, EOS networking, and EOS-EAC support has been added as well.  This has opened up the Microsoft Store & XBL Gamepass.  As far as other future platform support, the recent twitter posts allude to more work happening in the future that will also require changes through progress in development.  What does this mean? This means that we can't browse all the 7 days to die servers at once.  We have to put them into categories.  This also means that some file folders are not allowed to have custom content.  This means the the voice chat system no longer works in proximity, it has to work with your party members. 


    When I read about how "TFP is against mods because they moved the folder" I can't believe how far from the truth it is.  When I see TFP moved the mod folder, I know they weren't allowed to have mods somewhere... so they found a place they were allowed and made it work.  All of these concerns are worth discussing, and communicating.  There are alot of opinions that are expressed not based on anything but assumptions, and in those cases I can't say anything other than that.  


    In regards to communication, it's subjective whether you are aware of the context or not.  However, when communicating with others to gain or convey information, it's ultimately your choice on how any of that information is presented or conveyed.  I don't see any elitist or condescending attitudes when people address toxic behaviors.  There simply isn't an excuse for toxic behaviors for any reason.  While you can defend an over dramatic comment making mountains out of molehills, there is a gaslighting comment added with questions of intelligence with the people that call this out. I don't think anyone of any intelligence level should be talked to rudely.  Gaslighting isn't excusable anywhere.  I have also been observing people responding in an attempt to deescalate the frustration that can often accompany change.  I see many different people trying different approaches based on how they learned to de-escalate these situations.  I don't expect anyone here to be a negotiations expert, but I have appreciated when I have found myself heated from frustration... for someone to make light of it sometimes.  


    I think its safe to say that we are all part of the same community that enjoys the work of both The Fun Pimps, and appreciates the labours of love the modding community puts in as well.  For those that have been around to experience the growth of this community, the developers do go through these forums.  They interact and listen to the feedback.  They address issues as they come up, as long as everyone can play on the same team, and have been responsible for 1000's of hours of entertainment for many of us.

  2. 17 hours ago, LjProdigy18 said:

    Our server since 20.4 (Not have this problem with 20.3)


    We played 2 days in game, and a horde night. After horde night we had this error occur. We stopped/started the server. All progress got reset to prior horde night as far as player experience, levels, inventory, equipped gear. World day, in game storages/items/vehicles all saved state. All player data appears not to be saving properly.


    We reinstalled the server again, clean install with 20.4. Game appears to work normally so far for some players. For others this error still pops up and will cause players not to be able to interact with things, and cause zombies to not see/sense you anymore. Relogging causes you to revent back in time a few minutes and lose progress again. 1 player, gets this error on login screen and cannot even get into the game. They get stuck on creating player. Other players see them logged in, location, etc...But cannot see them. Attempting to revert back to 20.3 has fixed things for all but the 1 player who still cannot log into the world. They can log in with a new profile, but their original profile is a no go. Can't keep having to restart the server and player data on stable versions like this....


    2022-04-27T20:20:45 210.176 INF Created player with id=171
    2022-04-27T20:20:50 215.335 ERR NCSimple_Serializer (cl=EOS_0002328efcce4f44aefee9c26b75410d, ch=0):
    2022-04-27T20:20:50 215.349 EXC Memory stream is not expandable.
      at System.IO.MemoryStream.set_Capacity (System.Int32 value) [0x0003d] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
      at System.IO.MemoryStream.EnsureCapacity (System.Int32 value) [0x00061] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
      at System.IO.MemoryStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x000b3] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
      at StreamUtils.StreamCopy (System.IO.Stream _source, System.IO.Stream _destination, System.Byte[] _tempBuf, System.Boolean _bFlush) [0x00029] in :0 
      at PlayerDataFile.Write (PooledBinaryWriter _bw) [0x003b3] in :0 
      at NetPackagePlayerId.write (PooledBinaryWriter _writer) [0x00020] in :0 
      at NetConnectionSimple.taskSerialize (ThreadManager+ThreadInfo _threadInfo) [0x004f3] in :0 
    System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
    System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
    System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)
    2022-04-27T20:20:50 215.352 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_0
    2022-04-27T20:20:50 215.352 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_0

    Please report this in the bug forum.


  3. @pApA^LeGBa
    You may or may not be aware, but this update expanded platform availabilities.  With that being recognized, in order for these other platforms to communicate some things had to change.  Something I would recommend to help identify your previous servers that you used to play on, there are a few methods to find their IP's. 

    One, is to load your previous Alpha (A20 for example) through selecting the "beta's" tab in steam game properties and navigating through the IP's on your favourites list that way.

    Two, is through going through your previous output logs and searching previous connections to servers that you joined. 

    Three, is opening the 7 days to die launcher, selecting the "Tools" tab, then "Open savegame folder".  From the folder that opens up, select "SavesLocal" and then go through the folders to view the "hosts.txt" file contained within. This will list ips and ports for previously played servers.

    Hopefully that helps :)



  4. 36 minutes ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    I don't know what kind of person dislikes this comment.


    It is salient, and perfectly legitimate 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Well, considering that it still works in the old place... and know it opens up more support on other platforms... I can see why people may be thinking that it's a bit over dramatic.

  5. 50 minutes ago, kdthehun said:


    Wonder how you would feel like when there is something that you love gets turned into a piece of crap. Something that you have purchased multiple copies of because you wanted to support the makers of, even though you can't really afford it, sped over 5500 hours on it, spend over 2000 hours creating MODS for it, suddenly getting a change that totally undermines everything you did and loved about it. I bet you would just take it lying down, and say 'Harder daddy'. 


    I have promoted this game for years. I myself own 6 copies because I wanted to support the Fun Pimps. I have recommended to more then a dozen of my friends this game and they ALL bought a copy. We all love(d) it because of the great modding ability this game offer(ed). Now, they are trying to destroy the modding community. Just put yourself in the shoes of a mod maker before you make dumb comments and try to look smug and 'superior'.


    Edit: I have been a member here since 2015 I have seen this game do @%$# changes one after another. This game used to be one of the best survival horde games out there. I have seen how the Survival aspect of the game is getting dumbed down with each update to satisfy snowflakes like yourself. By the time this game comes out of Alpha it will have nothing to do with survival anymore at this rate. It's like buying a car that you pay for full price up front they ship you a car, but they insist that you take it in for servicing regularly where they keep removing parts of it till all you got is a skidmark. So please you who joined only yesterday, don't try to tell us what's what.


    (Edited by Moderator: Personal attacks will not be tolerated)

    The Fun Pimps have previous versions of 7 Days To Die available on steam through selecting "betas" tab.  Any previous version that has the content you purchased is still available to play exactly the way you wanted to.  As the progress of the game continues to expand in development for expanding across more platforms, some things have to change to make it work.  Your feedback is always appreciated, however The Fun Pimps have been generating updates regularly based on many people's initial investments.  I've played since A1.1a, and am thankful that they decided to support the modding community and even went so far as to unobfuscate their code, which really opened up potential for community as a whole.  It's just my perspective, I would rather have new content for free, than purchase each new patch as DLC.  Any bugs that you find are also welcome to be reported on the forums, as they seem to continue to fix them with each update.

  6. 23 hours ago, vasti said:

    You wiped my server config file back to defaults.  I've lost everything.

    If you didn't backup your serverconfig.xml before updating, you can get your server settings from the last output log it generated.

  7. I use both linux (Ubuntu 18.04) & windows 10.  I am not a streamer, but I did a lot of testing with twitch integration.  You don't need to stream, but if you are logged into twitch before hand, it will help speed up the process.  I have never been live personally, other than as an extra on stream, or in discord.  


    I did most of my twitch integration offline.  There's two main conflicts I can see happening, one is something that can be easily addressed, the latter not so much.  If you login to twitch before your session, the authentication should just be a button click, without needing to login.  There is a timeout on the login.  If you take too long to login, it will fail.


    There's something else that we noticed.  Sometimes twitch can get finicky.  You could login one day with no fails at all, and then the next day have to re attempt 3 or 4 times.  

    There might be something else happening with your network.  

  8. That's perfect! We fixed the one that you are referring to :D We got that in experimental, and I was the viewer that found it :D We found that when a person was in a party, and their party member was invalid (in a cooldown state) the actions could be executed during cooldown and subtract from the player total :D 


    I'm glad to here you are enjoying it, and if you need any help modifying the xml's let me know.



  9. 8 hours ago, hotpoon said:

    I understand this was a side project from Lathan/Fubar Prime, so firstly just want to thank him for making such a cool system. It works beautifully, and my husband's community is thoroughly enjoying trying to murder him. :)


    Just some feedback:

    • In my opinion #spoil (spoils all the food in the inventory of the streamer and party) should be the most expensive command. Food is already a big grind in the game, so this command is by far the meanest.
    • It seems if a viewer uses a command that is still under cooldown, their points are still subtracted. It would be nice if their points were only subtracted if the command was successful.
    • Is there a possibility of the system remembering what commands the streamer turned off in the previous session?  At present if the streamer logs out for a coffee break and then logs back in, he has to remember to switch off the commands he doesn't want again.
    • Would be awesome if the streamer could decide how many points each command is worth.


    Thanks again.

    Hi Hotpoon, thanks for the feedback! 


    I would like to add to Unholyjoe's comment


    1. We found the first spoil is always the worst...  You are able to modify the cost in the "twitch.xml" to change the price to you liking thought, and can even use the "special only" option to use only special points.

    2.  I think what you are describing is a bug, and I would like more information to reproduce.  Just to clarify what unholyjoe was referring to, There are cases when the commands execute and cancel other commands, which do subtract points. 

    *Example; "viewer cheebsco: #no_melee" "viewer cheebotsco: #boost_melee".  This is an example of a good command being canceled by a bad command.  Both commands will cost points and is intended.   

    *Sometimes a spawn appears as the player is running away and doesn't notice, and continues running.  While there is a slight refund, this is also supposed to cost the viewer. 

    *If the player is killed, any spawns targeting the player will also despawn, and no refunds will be issued. This is intended as well.


    However, I think you are talking about someone spawning a crate, and another right after, paying for two crates, and only one crate spawns, because of an action cooldown.  This IS a bug, and points are not supposed to be consumed if a command is already on cooldown.  

    I need more information to reproduce the point consumption while on action cooldown.  I couldn't reproduce locally, so if you noticed a specific command or circumstance that caused it, I would gladly look into it to get a fix out as soon as possible.  If you have a link to a VOD, outputlog from the game, or any additional information it is appreciated. 

    3. If you are only taking a break mid stream, there is a "Pause" button on the Twitch Status Display that Pauses all incoming integration commands and cooldown timers.  The Gear Cog disable feature is an, "On-The-Fly" solution to temporarily disable the command mid stream.  A more permanent solution is to open "twitch.xml" and comment out the command.  

    4. Unholyjoe is absolutely correct, "twitch.xml" & "gameevents.xml" are new xml files that are fully modifiable and have been commented in for ease of use for Twitch Integration.  You are able to change costs, cooldowns, and even add custom commands if you are savvy for the task. 



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