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The Hated Crew

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About The Hated Crew

  • Birthday 02/08/1975

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I run The Hated Crew 7DTD Server...visit us at www.thehatedcrew.com.
  • Location
    Oklahoma, USA

The Hated Crew's Achievements


Scavenger (2/15)



  1. I'm not sure I follow what you are saying there.
  2. Would you consider updating the scripts to allow different instances to use different engine code? I ask because I run modded servers, and if I want to run two servers running two different mods I don't see a way to do that with the scripts currently as all instances use the same files from the engine directory. Thanks.
  3. When will Ravenhearst 3.0 be done?
  4. Also this just came out... All updates seem to be happening over in this thread now: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?77267-Servertools-updated-to-5-5/ Since Obsessive Compulsive took over.
  5. I have no idea, as I haven't used this feature of Server Tools...but, quality is misspelled on the items "antibiotics" and "miningHelmet". Might have something to with it, just a guess.
  6. Alloc, if I want to "nice" the server so it runs at higher priority, what would be the best way to do that using your scripts? UPDATE: I ended up slapping this together and having cron run it every 15 minutes...seems to work, but my bash scripting is pretty bad. #!/bin/bash ############################################################################ # 7DTD Renice Script by The Hated Crew # # Call with cron on an interval you choose. # # Script must be run as root user. # ############################################################################ SDTDPIDFILE=/opt/sdtd/instances/THC/7dtd.pid SDTDNICEVALUE=-15 #Check to see if the PID file exists, if so, read PID into $sdtdpid variable. if [ -f $SDTDPIDFILE ]; then sdtdpid=$(cat $SDTDPIDFILE) #Check to make sure the PID is actually running, if so, capture nice value of PID. if [ -e /proc/$sdtdpid ]; then sdtdniceval=$(ps --no-heading -p $sdtdpid -o "ni") #If nice value isn't set then run the renice command. if [ $sdtdniceval -ne $SDTDNICEVALUE ]; then renice -n $SDTDNICEVALUE -p $sdtdpid fi else echo "7DTD server PID file exists but server isn't running." fi else echo "7DTD PID file doesn't exist, so server is probably not running." fi
  7. My suggestion is to get GitHub Desktop and mirror Jax's repo on your local PC. It will only update what he's updated, and has logs that show what was updated between versions. Makes it easy to know what files have been changed and which have not. You can easily then just copy the changed files or folders to your server. I also zip small patches for the players on my server so they can update. Right now I have a zip that will update 2.11 or newer to 2.11.05. Since 2.11's initial release, I think the changes are all in: /Data/Config/ /Mods/Ravenhearst/ FullPatchNotes.txt So if you update those folders/files you should be up to date. --Hated (http://www.thehatedcrew.com)
  8. The Walrus was Paul. And BTW, /Mods/Ravenhearst/ModInfo.xml in the 21 Day Version still shows 2.0.13 and not 2.0.15. Not that it matters. --Hated
  9. Yeah, I love the mod, I like that it's more difficult, but this is kind of ridiculous. What's anyone going to do with a knife like that?
  10. Jax, are all the GitHub repos fully up to date now for 2.11.02? I noticed the patch notes didn't seem to be updated in the 21DayVersion repo. I want to refresh my local copy of 21DayVersion and make a patch for my server and players. Thanks.
  11. This might be a stupid question, but which version of the mod do I need to download from the first post to install on my local copy of the game if I want to connect to a server running the mod?
  12. Thanks for the info and your hard work on this, appreciated.
  13. Yes, that's my username on the server.
  14. Anyone else having issues with MOTD inserting the player username in the MOTD message even though the code for username has been removed? Or am I doing something wrong? It's changing "The Hated Crew" to the person's name when it sends it to them. Thanks.
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